Hip Replacement/tying shoes

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I had hip replacement 6 1/2 weeks ago.  I have been unable to easily tie my shoe for years.  I was under the impression after surgery, I would be able to do this.  I am able to get about as close to my shoe as before surgery.  I have been doing PT and exercises at home.  Trying to walk without cane.  I get very sore after this.  I am getting so frustrated.  Will I ever get to the point where I am pain free and feel this was worth it?  I am really unsure at this point.  

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85 Replies

  • Posted

    You will feel much better and will eventually tie your shoes.

    This all take some time to heal. Depending the approach of the surgery.

    You should be able to be pain free, purpose of the surgery.

    I am 14 weeks post op Posterior approach. I am walking without a cane, started driving after 5 weeks post op. Pain free.

    I go to physical therapy, soreness will occur is like you never used your muscle.

    I do ice therapy to reduce the inflamation. It's like starting over again.

    Do ice therapy for every hour for 10 minutes place ice pads to area of surgery. No longer than 10 minutes. Do this after physical therapy as well.

    Make sure the therapist stretches you as well this will advance your healing and follow their instructions to the letter. 

    Don't rush into recovery, this takes time, think positive is part of your healing and recovery process. We all must gain strength and balance.

    I am currently being treated by a physical therapist, he puts me on weight machines, lunges, and stretches my hip area and i feel great. I know it is hard to get the right therapist.

    • Posted

      Hi: am 13 weeks post opp. Emergency due to fall and fracture so not elected. Had THR from left side of hip not anteria. Told by my surgeon and GP.

      I will never be able to tie my shoe laces ( was do disappointed). Because if bend more than 90 degrees will risk hip dislocation. I do believe if operated from back of buttock Anteria. Then no problem tying shoe laces. So I find some of comments above give me some hope that I will one day be able to tie those laces. Has any one else been told they won't be able to tie their laces in case of dislocation.


    • Posted

      My replacement was from the side also.

      Depending on your own healing and elasticity in your tendons you'll feel what you can and can't do.

      I think that's a precaution but I'm sure your surgeon has his reasons and experiences he's pulling from.

      At 3 months I was able to tie my shoes finally.

      You'll have to stretch to get there, if not slip on for you wink

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. Prior to my opp. I was a regular at my local gym. Doing lots of classes.  The first time I had a follow up to my surgery was on the 11 thweek. So I suppose I was being cautious and doing only the basics that was told on leaving hospital. Because I had no other follow up.I am now going to physio and hydrotherapy once  a week. So will now take a leaf out of your book. And hopefully grow with confidence and get those laces tied. Thanks


    • Posted

      Buttock is posterior. The posterior lateral is your side. Anterior approach is front of hip where incision to muscle and tissue is not required and recover is 6 to 8 weeksI had the posterior approach and 14 weeks post op. Where did the fracture occur?

      You have a set back will take longer to heal but follow yout doctor,and physical therapist orders and you will be fine.

    • Posted

      Thanks. Often wondered what and how the different approaches were. So your reply was very useful. Thank you. I was told My fracture occurred top of hip bone We're blood vessels are. It was a fall so rushed into hospital, wasn't sure what to expect really nothing explained regarding recovery until The opp was over. But I know I improve Day by day and must keep up the excercises. My goal it to be able to tie shoe laces..


    • Posted

      thats a good goal.

      that is also my goal i try everyday but i don't force it you will feel the pressure of you hip thats when i stop.

      I changed my therapist and the therapist i currently visit he knows his stuff. He has me doing a lot of balance exercises, the ball to the wall i squat 90 degrees and lift 10 dumbell as i squat. Not full bucket but half bucket that's the 90 degree. 

      The terminology it can be confusing but we now have it down packed., smile

    • Posted

      Also weight machines, the adduction, abduction leg extension, leg press, that will get your hip and muscle strong and back to regular activities in no time.

      Oh, doctor never lifted my precaution but i can swim and workout in the gym. Next month i will going back to work. I am a carpenter by trade and it will be challanging for me. I need to remember no more than 90 degrees. I'm gonna look like a ballerina when i bend lol.

    • Posted


      Be so careful of abducting please. I had a THR {2nd one} Jan of this year.

      Iwas sent home with a booklet of exercises to do. I was doing one of them

      Standing, hands of a table, and abducting my operated leg to one side to strengthen the muscle......sounds the same??? only done manually.

      There was a crack, my leg gave way and I ended up in hospital. They said I had fractured my greater trochanter boneeek and there was nothing they could do about it.  It would heal itself, well now it is 9 months on and I'm still on crutchessad I asked  my own consultant would it ever heal.......NO......so be careful......this was an NHS exercise!!!!!! and look what happened.

      Love Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that Eileen.

      How many weeks post-op were you when you started the abduction?

      Hope you feel better.

      That will heal, but you need to be still and stop doing chores that will inhibit your recovery.

    • Posted

      Hi Eileen, the exercises im doing is under supervision of my physical therapist. I will only do what i can do and will not force it. I only use 10 lbs and if i can do more than i increase weights by 10 lbs nothing more.

      I still observe my precaution. Next month i return to work. There i need to be extreme careful.

    • Posted


      I was four weeks post op. I have been told by 2 consultants that it will not heal.

      I've been shown a couple of X Rays and a piece of bone has broken off and is nowhere near where the rest is......as you know 2 bits of bone have to be close together or touching for a fracture to knit.

      Its been 9 months now!!!!!


      Eileen UK

    • Posted

      Hi Again

      I take it you are from USA? A lot of us put our contries beside our signature or I've also got mine in my log in name. Maybe you aren't LOL

      This is my 2nd hip replacement and its one of the NHS exercises you are given to do.  I did it regularly during the first 6 weeks {1st THR} and this was four weeks into the 2nd THR! So dont think it was my fault for doing too much or not enough......do you?

      Eileen UK


    • Posted

      Here lies a couple of questions.

      I go online to research Metal on Metal hip replacements. There are multiple recalls on several different manufacturers. When I call the Ambulance chaser/attorney that wants so much to handle your case. I'm told that the implants in question were done exactly one year before mine. Every time I call a different attorney. But I get the same bullsh*t answer. Why do you suppose this is?

      If there is such a huge percentage of mal-functioning parts and pieces. Why or how does the FDA continue to approve these procedures? Just how many innocent people have to have their lives altered. The USA proclaims to have the most advanced technology and skilled surgeons. Why does it seem like there are so many guinea pigs?

      And yet the answer still revolves around the money! If we screw up on our daily regimented, 40 hour a week job. We are immediately reprimanded, if not terminated from that position! Is there no one checking their checks and balances?

      Come on people! What the Sam hell is wrong with this picture!?


    • Posted

      You clarifled with a broken bone that's a different situation.

      it may not heal or it may depends on your bone density but again it will not be the same. I am truly sorry to hear that.

      Yes I am from USA. I know your system is more different than ours. But we all have this in common.

      I really hope you heal.

      Is there any hope in fixing the broken bone?

    • Posted

      Morning.......7.30am UK time wink

      The thing is it wasnt broken / fractured.....when I went for the 2nd THR it was four weeks later it happened and doing one of the N.H.S. exercises....thats the bit that makes me madmad  OK they discovered afterwards I had osteoporosis but they knew my DEXA scan had shown up with osteopinia 2 years previous. I think there should be a warning on some of these exercises.

      Dont know about USA but we get some medicines with silly warnings on them......Childrens medicine......Do not drive when taking this medicine and do not operate heavy machinery cheesygrin  things like that so I think there should be some sort of warning on some of these exercises {its a booklet they give us} to be careful with certain ones.

      After it had been fractured and was taken into hospital for X Ray and diagnosis they THEN told me no more abductioneekbit late for that.

      When I went home I had to lift both legs up together when getting into bed....not the usual one at a time......that was hard......four weeks post opfrown

      What we all have in common is pain!! yes?wink

      Sorry I'm ranting but when I get up in the morning I'm very sore until some painkillers kick in a bit.

      Apparently no hope of fixing the bone. Part of it has speerated from the main bit and is so far away there is no chance of it coming back and them knitting together. So crutches for the rest of my life and the best we can do is try to ease the pain.

      Just had a cortisone injection about 10 days ago


      Eileen UK

    • Posted

      I was thinking About your fracture. I'm wondering if you're bone where fracture occurred fractured off your bone will produce more bone to cover the place where the fracture separated.

      In other words new bone growth Over the place left with out bone.?

    • Posted

      Hi i read that as well prior to making my decision.

      I spoke to the orthropeadic and they told me there was a revision on the prothesis. I got from one of the manufacturers sued and they revised their design which is what i currently have. I believe they discontinued the old metal on metal now is polyetheline, titanium and stainless steel, the cup had holes where the bone grows into which mine did. If anyone needing a revision should go for it. If a surgeon makes a mistake they should be liable. The State will want to protect surgeon's but not in this instance.

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear that Eileen, you should get a lawyer and sue the doctor.

      I was operated and hospitalized for two days at NYU. Pre-surgery i was examined from head to toe, bloodworks, xrays etc. Especially for females they should had done the Dexa exam and having osteoporosis maybe the approach for your hip would have been different and better.

      Yes is common with all of us on this forum. I am careful with abduction. My therapist tells me that my abduction is strectching great. When using the machines i use 10 lbs and 10 lbs increment for 3 sets 10 reps per set. I used NHS exercises at home when i was at my 8 week but was p*ssed with my therapist about it didn't allow me to do it. I got myself another therapist he is way out into the Island but worth the ride

      the team are great.

    • Posted


      I've been trying to get onto the site for the past 2 days and this is the first I have managed iteek  7pm Thursday!!!

      Ginger....your guess is as good as mine  LOL  I wish !!

      Beachbum  I had a pre op....height weight bloods etc but no dexa but then the fact that I had had one 2 years previously and it showed osteopinia should have been enough for them...shouldnt it?

      I dont think it was the actual THR it was the abducting and the osteoporosis together that did it. Oh well....no going back now


      Eileen UK

    • Posted

      I am sorry but it's the doctors responsibility to ensue a bone density test to determine osteoporosis, not after surgery. Reason for the pre-surgery. I would consult with an attorney.

      My Best, God Bless 


      NYC USA

    • Posted


      A Dexa isnt part of the normal pre op assessment in  the UK.

      You get a DEXA if you have had a few breakages/fractures or if you have osteopinia {precursor to it}. I think the fact that I had osteopinia and it must have been on my notes should have warned the physiotherapist not the doctor to advise caution when doing that particular exercise

      Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      Eileen beachbum and sundry contributors,  my question is how much does the THR have a bearing on future complications like osteoporosis and bone necrosis etc. It just doesn't feel right that a steel shaft fills the cavity in the femur and our natural tissue has been replaced with ceramic metal and plastic. What are the long term prognoses. Do our bodies eventually reject these materials and how does the tissue adapt.  

      I feel connected to the national grid with buzzing down my leg especially at night and funny though it is I wonder about all the electric magnetic field etc. .. a very unnatural foreign object where our bonemarrow would normally be productive.  It's never felt right.  My other hip is in bad shape OA butcould not face that again.  It is just too traumatic an undertaking with horrific recovery. ...

    • Posted

      I guess in UK is done differently.

      Here in US doctor will give patient a script for the physical therapist.

      That script will state Precaution THA. the the physical therapist will ensure an exercise plan for that specific precaution.

      But then your physiotherapist should of read more on your notes to determine you exercise plan. He should of never placed you on abduction or any other machines for strength. He should of used a different approach. 

      I hate it when this happens. I get to hear a lot of stories in the US.


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      I dont honestly know but dont think it has anything to do with osteoporosis.

      If you are going to get that you will get it one way or the other.

      My first hip replacement was fine.....apart from the odd aches and pains in the first 3 or four months. I think I worried {like a lot do with their first one} that it was something serious or something had gone wrong.

      I dont even think about the first one.....it feels perfectly normal.

      Why would you not have a 2nd one if it needs doing?




    • Posted

      It will be different for everyone. Age is a factor. My surgeon told me guarantee for 30 years. Now it depends on my bone density. So far, i am good, bone density is strong and i will try to maintain it that way. I am 56 yrs old, had broken ankle in two places three years ago, no bone loss, and my xrays reveal good bone thickness. It all depend on your nutrition/diet, exercise pattern keeping healthy, sleep pattern and don't drink, don't smoke and no stress. This will hinder your recovery.I am 3 months post-op, feel great, sore due to physical therapy, time will tell.
    • Posted


      Yes things are different here compared to USA.

      In fact a lot of hospitals dont give you physio after a THR

      Its a postcode lottery.

      Ours is one of the many where a physio comes in the day after your THR, shows you some exercises, checks that you are doing them correctly then gives you a sheet of paper with exercises to go home with and get on with it. That is a hospital or ward physio......whereas there is a seperate physio department once you are discharged. The ward one just checks you can walk with aids, and do stairs {if its necessary when you go home} not a lot more.  About 3 months after THR you go to see the physio in the physio dept. Basically he just checks to see your walking gait and asks how you are and if you have any questions....meantime you still have this piece of paper with the exercises on it to doeek We dont go on machines.

      The abduction was manual......It was an exercise shown on this sheet

      Put your hands on the table to steady yourself, move operated leg out to strengthen that muscle.....so many times {cant remember} 3 times a day all the exercises are supposed to be done.

      My first tHR was fine but this second one ...well!!!!


      Eileen   UK

    • Posted

      I know which exercises you're referring to. As i researched I found some on hte NHS website and started to do it. Side laterals, Clamshell etc. They go within weeks post op. I had switched therapist because they were afraid to stretch my muscle. They said if precaution is uplifted. Surgeon will not uplit my precaution until 1 year post op which is the next visit. I found another therapist and he stretches my muscle and feels good. I started with the machines, ball, balance pads, and stretching of muscle, quad and hamstring, abduction and adduciton stretch.Something the other therapist was reluctant.

      May take longer for you on the second thr

      than expected.

    • Posted


      Will take a lot longer.....will be on crutches for the rest of my life but at least I can still drive, still have my own care etc so I can cope

      Glad you are getting on well with your recovery


      Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      Thanks.  I am super fit doing yoga daily and was told bone density good for my age. It's actually getting better after one year.  But I still have a bad feeling about the invasive assault to my bones.  I eat very well but take a skinfull of wine mea culpa. I'd like us THR patients to be in touch after 1-2 years to compare longer term outcomes. my hip rotation  unrecognisable to what it was 10 weeks after surgery.  But I feel my plastic socket may not be very durable.  Friction etc. .? Thanks Sarah
    • Posted

      Perhaps, i really don't feel mine at all. Just sore because of my therapy and exercises. wine smile


    • Posted

      Eileen my reply went into the stratosphere.  My other side clicks and is painful butoperated side was purgatory and I went into shock. Lost kilos being starvedin hospital.  10 weeks before I could walk,  swelling and painkiller addiction.  Although recovered 90% I don't want to go through that again. It is a dilemma whether to submit to it all again or suffer pain and impediment. I would consider going to have it done  in France or USA or privately here via Anterior. Its a rock and a hard place!   S
    • Posted

      Thanks Eileen, I hope you get well. I will be here for the duration and updates after one year.


    • Posted

      Oh Eileen I didn't read yr history.  God help us. That's what worries me.  The second one cd be EVEN WORSE
    • Posted

      You know, when I had my first THR last year, via the VA. I asked about physical therapy for post op. I was told that I shouldn't need any. Since the 'knee' is totally different from the hip. They gave me a list with 6 different exercises to do at home, no physical therapy AT ALL!

      Now I'm seeing and reading just the opposite. If these procedures are so simple and noncomplex. Why are so many people experiencing these horror stories? And why can't these surgeons and clinics be held responsible? If they know of things we should be doing. Or know that chances are that we are likely to have issues or complications.

      Where is our protection?


    • Posted

      I agree with you. Surgeons should be held responsible, it is their duty to protect patients welfare. Whatever surgery we undergo we still need physical therapy. Although, they claim is not necessary then how are we to recover especially without guidance. Giving us a piece of paper with pictures of exercises is not enough we need guidance in doing it right.

      I guess our protection is being compromised.

      Depending on the insurance we have is another factor.

    • Posted

      Isn't it so annoying when the site/internet plays up.

      I got on this site latish last night ....previous to that for  a couple of days I would hit reply to a message, get one word typed and then it would freezefrown  It seems to have let me in this morning so lets hope I can catch up a bit smile

      You have gone through it havent you......I can understand now why you dont want to submit to having the 2nd one done....Those were a lot of things tro cope with.

      Good luck with your decision


      Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      Thanks......I'll be about, reading posts and trying to help where I can {if thats possible}


      Eileen  UK

    • Posted


      Yes thats true....I know I think that but then when I think about it logically it wasnt really the THR it was the osteoporosis. If that fracture hadnt happened when I was doing an NHS exercise it could have happened any other time.sad

      What I'm hoping for is some release from pain {not all} biggrin and getting used to using these blinkin' crutches when doing housework etc.


      Eileen  UK

    • Posted

      How do you tie the laces on your work boots? Can you get on knee and bend over enough to do that?
    • Posted

      I know this was 3 years ago, but if you are reading this I am so sorry. 😩

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