Hip surgery at 42 years old

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I am getting my left hip replacement on December 8th , I was hoping the week prior but this is what the surgeon had available. I am hoping to be Ok for the holiday's which fall 2 weeks and 2 days from the surgery date. Any opinions would be great. Thanks

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    Hi Melissa. I'm 38 and will be 3 weeks post op tomorrow on my 2nd hip replacement. Here in Canada it was Thanksgiving last weekend. I was 1 day short of 2 weeks post op and went to my brothers for Thanksgiving. It sure was a house full, but I'm glad that I went. I did get ready (dressed and cleaned up, I showered the night before) a few hours before I was to be there so I could lay down at home and rest with my leg up. I was probably there for between 2-3 hours and I seemed fine. I did however laydown and elevate my leg after we ate because the swelling was starting to bother me. All the kids were so helpful and caring towards me. I was kind of pampered. Lol! So, if all goes well and you don't have any work to do, except show up, I think you should be fine. I must admit, I sure was exhausted afterwards, but it was worth it. Hope this helps you out a bit. Keep coming back, we are always here for you.

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