Holy Basil Leaf
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Does anyone take this?
Has it helped?
How much and when do you take it?
(I had a mad ordering spree after reading loads of stuff last week and I can't remember half of the reasons why!)
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rcharris8 janehj
Kingliz rcharris8
rcharris8 Kingliz
rcharris8 Kingliz
jayneejay rcharris8
magnesium spray gave you hot flushes as it produces oestrogen ?
magnesium helps hot flushes ..
jay x
rcharris8 jayneejay
jayneejay rcharris8
well your taking oestrogen you say..
so info you give about supplments for natural peri can be misleading
as people dont take any HRT and estrogen, Pills nothing ..
so your side effects will be very different
jay x
rcharris8 jayneejay
rcharris8 jayneejay
jayneejay rcharris8
you did put produces oestrogen and gave you hot flushes for magnesium spray..
you are increasing your own ostrogen with the oestrogen pill..
dont know how long you have tried it for ....
people take HRT to eleviate peri symptoms .. they shouldnt need umpteen supplements like the natural route ..
B6 good for peri symptoms, post meno symptoms and assists in absortion of HRT.
i have reseached peri and supplements for many many years and had a natural peri for 10years and now post menopause ..
best to check your info correct before posting as very confusing for people
when your trial things be nice to see how long for so we get a better understanding
jayneejay rcharris8
lots of people get IBS and its not always to do with progesterone ..
when your in peri menopause the hormones decline .. And oestrogen ...
many many symptoms along the way ...
jay x
rcharris8 jayneejay
rcharris8 jayneejay
jayneejay rcharris8
yes we all have a say thats very true .. And that is what forum is for ..
but we have to give the right info ... As good as we can ... Sharing experiences is very helpful..
your post confused me, thought you were still on estrogen as that is what is said .. And magnesium was confusing..
jayneejay rcharris8
yes its good to try and help
maybe you could tell us how lomg you trial your supps for aswell ..
and the outcome... You mention so many ... But never say how long you have tried them ..
a week or two weeks is not long enough to make any assumptions ..
like HRT supplements take months to take effect and have to be constant and taken daily amd given time to work ..
i am not having a go.. Just like to understand what your saying
rcharris8 jayneejay
rcharris8 jayneejay
Kingliz rcharris8
rcharris8 jayneejay
jayneejay Kingliz
which hrt are you on hun
if you dont mind me asking
jayneejay rcharris8
no dont feel like that..
we all here to help each other ..
speak out, thats how we learn and help each other
rcharris8 jayneejay
jayneejay Kingliz
its a difficult one to answer that .. ' any suggestions on regulating and encouraging production of hormones if you opt out of HRT '
as you know via natural route its allowing the hormones to decline as they want to in nature..
this is my experience here ...
mine declined over 9-10 years..
i used rain forest Maca alone in the very beginning ...it was good for me..
i use alsorts now ... Trailed them for months .. I must say for me the Vit E is the newer addition and been on it a month and its helped alot with the increasing flushes that returned this summer ( i hadnt had one for years)
but live in southern spain and its been a roaster of a summer ..
a hot flush is the way we cool our bodies down in menopause ..
i had Gyno screening in August and was shown my ovaries all healthy .. But post Menopause now non functioning no follicles .. I am age 50 ..
my Gyno said if ...... I wanted Estriol Ovestin vaginal cream .. estriol is the kinder oestrogen .. Its vaginal and keeps dryness at bay, plumps your vaginal wall and keeps the skin from thinning inside ..
maybe you havent got to this stage 😕
i generally feel great, had the natural route a long haul, found the right supplements, and feel great..
what you must think about is when you stop HRT you will go back in the peri again as your stopping the replaced hormones so bare that in mind ..
and know your HRT what they give you, how its made, where its from.
many are given Premarin and Prempak ... But docs fail to tell ladies this is pregnant mares urine ( horses) ummmm
i also use menapol plus x 2
some like black cohosh ... Its all what works for you personally...
i swear by B6 ... I take 150mg daily with out fail ..
Even the doc gave me that in early peri
jay xx
Kingliz jayneejay
jayneejay Kingliz
oh i so feel for you...
i will say insomnia has been a problem for me for 12 years..
when i saw my Gyno in August he actually spoke about this, asked me..
its the actual dropping off to sleep for me.. and staying asleep..
i must say i am terrible sleeper and a light sleeper and needed help..
oh and if i need to get up real early for a reason ... thats it i never sleep as fear being asleep when i need to get up ..
and stress or worries makes it even worse ..
i have Zoplicone for the dreadful nights.. thing is its not a good thing to take as people can become dependant ..
i take it as a last resort.. they are 7.5 mg ... this sounds crazy but i halve them and then halve again so just take 1/4 some nights ... it helps..
' oh thank goodness for pill cutters'
also to my amazement .. my Gyno gave me diazepam 😳 2.5mg.. i havent taken any, but they are they if the anxiety kicks in.. which since B6 150mg from April this year anxiety has gone ..
i wouldnt take zoplicone & diazepam .. blimey i would be iff my face ...☺️
his logic was if i felt restless and over anxious then just take a 2.5mg diazepam occassionally to relax me before bed.. but i havent used those ..
i live in Southern Spain Kingliz ... i am from UK originally but not seeking UK health Care ..
maybe you need some help with the sleep a little asistance like me from time to time ... for me i was so shattered i couldnt go on with no sleep any longer, but ... i use 1/4 zopiclone on occasion now, as my chelated magnesium and my magnesium spray oil before bed is quite a relaxant for me .. .. or maybe sleep is i proving now post menopause ..
i do feel for you - it makes bedtime a dread
jay xx
Kingliz jayneejay