Holy Basil Leaf
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Does anyone take this?
Has it helped?
How much and when do you take it?
(I had a mad ordering spree after reading loads of stuff last week and I can't remember half of the reasons why!)
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jayneejay janehj
thats the one not to take for long periods of time .. Need a break every now and then
the bottle will tell you how and when to take it on the label depending in the make and strength
i dont take it
jay xx
Thanks for the warning re not taking long term Jay.
I am having awful nights I think now, due to the hot flushes but they seem to happen after I've woken rather than waking me. I am having up to 8 a night so constantly exhausted. I also have a permanent headache and pain in my hands, arms, lower legs and feet so I am trying everything!
rcharris8 janehj
jayneejay janehj
i had my hot flushes return post meno, i also got them in early peri..
for them i took Rain forest Maca 5.1
that was fab for peri early on.. I still take it now ..
when i have a break from it i can tell as its very good and i return to it .
now i get no flushes since i have been taking Vit E capsules orally for a while.. I get none..
Vit E is a great help for flushes ...
Also Solgar Chelated magnesium .. I take that too
Menapol plus i take 2 x daily aswell
Vit B 100mg is also a must
i take all the supplements which I know help ..
if you trial any you have to trial them for over 3 months ... A week here and there isnt long enough for any trial of different supplements.
some ladies will say they tried this that and the other but dont give them time to work ..
jay xx
robin80460 janehj
rcharris8 robin80460
jayneejay robin80460
chaleted magnesium = ( Bisglycinate ) magnesium
useful magnesium info ....
i take Solgar Chelated ( Bisglycinate) Magnesium
Magnesium bisglycinate is an essential mineral needed for more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.
This mineral is required for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, protein and fatty acid formation, activating B vitamins, supporting muscle activity, nerve transmission, relaxing blood vessels, clotting blood, temperature regulation and ensuring intestinal mobility also called bowel movements.
Magnesium bisglycinate is magnesium bound to the amino acid glycine. This binding makes the magnesium highly absorbable.
For example you would have to take 4 times the amount of magnesium citrate to get the equivalent amount of magnesium bisglycinate.
The bisglycinate form of magnesium does not require stomach acid for absorption as it passes into the cell via its amino acid transport which means even those with poor digestion or absorption get the benefits.
Magnesium bisglycinate is the only magnesium shown to cross the blood brain barrier which makes it an excellent choice for aiding those with depression and/or anxiety, or migraine headaches.
Stress of all types including chemical, emotional, hormonal or physical stress depletes magnesium from the body.
Since magnesium relaxes muscles and nerves, more magnesium is needed when you are under stress.
magnesium Chelate is calming and a tablet before bed can aid reatful sleep.
When we are under stress our adrenal glands produce cortisol which further increases acidity in the body thereby increasing the need for even more magnesium.
Because magnesium is required in the metabolism of estrogen in the body, low levels of magnesium increases estrogen leading to estrogen dominance.
Symptoms of too much estrogen include premenstrual breast and uterine pain, headaches, backaches, premenstrual depression and mood swings.
Women on the birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy also become deficient in magnesium as the drugs deplete magnesium.
Anyone with an estrogen dominant condition like endometriosis, PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, period problems or breast cysts need magnesium bisglycinate.
Interestingly, many women crave chocolate during their premenstrual and menstrual period. Chocolate is high in magnesium!
Magnesium deficiency is common due to our consumption of processed foods and the depletion of magnesium from agricultural soils and water.
Magnesium supplementation can help with many conditions from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat or heart palpitations, to insomnia, anxiety and depression to fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and leg cramps at night or following exercise.
Always make sure when you are purchasing minerals that the label states whether or not the dosage is in its elemental value. This tells you if you are getting exactly what you are paying for.
Which Magnesium Is Best?
Magnesium oxide and citrates are *laxatives causing diarrhea and they are poorly absorbed. Avoid..
Magnesium bisglycinate is much better absorbed and it does * not cause diarrhea.
Magnesium bisglycinate is four times more effective than citrate forms of magnesium
Vitamin E
This is an important vitamin to consider at the menopause.
Over many years clinical studies have shown its effect on reducing hot flushes.
Vitamin E is also helpful for vaginal dryness and one study showed that just 400iu taken daily for between 1 and 4 months helped 50 percent of the women given supplemental vitamin E.
Although most women fear breast cancer, our biggest killer is heart disease. There is now such a wealth of information on the beneficial effects of nutrition on heart disease and unfortunately HRT has been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
A study published in the Lancet showed that 2000 patients with arteriosclerosis (fatty deposits in the arteries) had a 75 percent reduction in their risk of heart attack when given vitamin E.
At the time, researchers claimed that vitamin E was even more effective than aspirin in reducing heart attacks.
TrishaB janehj
I just want to know what to look for as a bad effect. I herd 2 so far.
1* bad burps when taken alone(which I am okay with)
2* Lowers blood sugars. (I sometimes show Hypoglycemia because I never watch when I eat. I just would hate to end up in the ER from low blood sugar all because I took an herb to help with Anxities and depression and menopause symptom.
So far after taking it and it is now Texas time 6:52pm I herd you should take 800mg and i took only 400 mg. They said also it might wear off after 6 hours. well I am now past that timing. I just wonder what is the best time and what are the best amounts. Also I use mag oil but have chelated mag which sometimes hurts my tummy. Ulcers seem to love living in my tummy, I had taken the chalated magnesium since 2013. Before that it was the other round pills which they say are bad on the tummy. Is why I am using the oil now. But every time I use the oil my left arm aches. Just in the upper o on another time just the lower part of the arm. But last two days I have had a ache in my lower rib and upper tummy on my right side.
Sorry I tend to ramble. ^.^ Well anyways just wanted to put my foot in the door so I might get an answer as well. Also to rcharris8 I also am an early menopause. I started in mine like my mother that was 35 at the time. I started threw mine at 35 as well. My sister had a partial Hysterectomy so she went threw it even sooner because of the surgery. I was told by my RP that I am now done. But other females tell me that you are never done. That we will deal with menopause symptoms our whole lives.
anyways how long should a person be able to take Holy Basil for? It says not more than 6 monthes or weeks not sure might need to look that up again. But that worries me. could you enlighten me? Thanks to all that respond.
rcharris8 janehj
TrishaB rcharris8