Home remedy for Bartholin Cyst

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I had a Bartholin cyst, didn't think much of it but then after about 10 days it got very big and became infected. I took a course of anti-biotics and also looked into alternative treatments, the antibiotics seemed to take care of the infection but the fluid in the cyst remained. I also found a very helpful site which suggested camomile with 1 ts witchhazel and 1 tsp tea tree oil, I didn't have any camomile so used camomile tea instead, and then to soak a cotton pad and gently bath the cyst while massaging it. This was wonderfully soothing and did reduce the size of the cyst but again I found that it didn't really get rid of the problem. Some have reported that the cyst has drained by this method but it didn't really work with me that way, reduced but then didn't cure. Then I read somewhere about Serrapeptase, took this twice a day on an empty tummy and within 4 days of taking it the cyst completely disappeared !!! I am so thankful to the american lady who posted this on the internet and hope that this works for others out there, it's a very painful thing to have but SERRAPEPTASE really did help shift it once and for all for me.

Good luck ladies !!!!

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137 Replies

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    Hi girls i have recurring bartholin cyst and i use two tablets of seprose s it's another kind f serrepratase and i use silica complex as well and i applied turmeric with olive oil everynight on my cyst and i don't wash it,my cyst absorbed i wanted to share this to you and alao want to say that my cyst will recurre whenever my period is irregular cuz last month i had two periods in one month so after that on my third period i got my cyst there should be a connection between these that doctors won't understand

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      I agree. I believe it is hormonal as well and that it comes with your cycle. Tea tree oil has worked best for me out of the home remedies I have found for pain management. There is a cyst there still now or it is a ball of scar tissue from 18+ minor surgery drainings. It hasnt become abscessed again since I got my surgery (they went in and removed 20 cysts and marsupilzed) in Dec 2015, but I still cannot have sex or even masterbate without having pain and swelling. It is very unfortunate and luckily I am single right now, but I would like to be able to have relations again in the future. I suppose I should just be happy the infection hasn't returned. Hope all is well with all and that we can find a cause and cure so others don't have to suffer as much or as long.

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    After a lot of research I ended up lancing my own cyst. It was roughly the side of a grape and had become so agitated that I couldn't sit or wall properly.

    I went through 5 days of soaking it in vinegar, taking a sitz bath 3x a day, tried several Epsom salt bathes, and even tried applying an onion to site. Beyond this I also tried chamomile tea bags, and tea tree oil. No success.

    I finally laid down on my bed with some alcohol wipes, kleenex, and a sterilized needle, and I got my laptop put and turned the camera on. I gave myself a good view of the cysts, probed a little with my fingers and found the "head" of the cyst.

    Let me explain something. When you lance your own cyst, it should be like sliding a needle into a balloon. There's little to no resistance. You don't need to go too deeply with the needle. One the skin is broke, remove the needle. If done right, you should immediately see liquid flood from the cyst as well as blood.

    The extra few days the cyst continued to drain on its own with no assistance, and shrunk in size. Please keep in mind that by doing it this way, you're taking a risk of damaging your body. Be certain of your needle location, go slow, and ask for help if needed.

  • Posted

    I developed a bartholin cyst after I had my cyst removed on my ovaries. Crazy right? It wasn't infected or anything but it would just swell up and go back down with sit baths and warm compresses. I had it for two months and then form it drained. A month later I feel soreness and I have body aches, chills and began developing a fever. Found out I also had a STD I'm sure that's why it came back. Anyway I ended up going to the ER and getting a word Catheter that fell out in two days it was the most uncomfortable thing ever. I did two sit baths today, I put coconut oil, tea tree oil and witch hazel on couple of cotton balls and let them stay on my cyst for 30 mins and it burst immediately. Instant releif!

  • Posted

    Hello all

    I am 25 and had I am currently getting over my second Bartholin Cyst. My first one didn't hurt much, and seemed to heal its self in a few days. I honestly at the time had no idea it was a BC. So a few days ago I got my second one. Holy hell I was not prepared for this. Day one was slight discomfort and at first thought it was an ingrown hair but by bed time I noticed the size and began research. Day two and I could hardly sit down due to pain and the size had gone from a small bouncy ball to a golf ball in a day. At this point I struggled to sleep, stay comfortable and did much more research. Reading horror story's of people who went to clinics or the hospital. Then today, day three. I couldn't even move the lower half of my body with out a string of cuss words shooting from my mouth as the pain shot through me. Something I did notice was, my cyst is on the right side, and it seems my gland on the left have been attempting to over compensate for the gland on my right. Due to this, I stayed very lubricated today. I had so much I had to get done today so I cursed and hobbled around for a good few hours, dying the whole time. I decided once I got home to try a sitz bath. Quickly my bath became a shower because my cyst had erupted. The smell was gag worthy but like other have said, instant pain relief. I spent a good half hour in the shower draining all I could and spent the rest of the afternoon naked from the waste down on a towel since the draining hasn't completely stopped. It is still a little sore and defiantly feels like there is more to drain but I can sit and walk now with cursing. I didn't get the chance to try the home remedies, though I'm not arguing that at all. Mine has so far resolved itself. I knew there was no way I was letting a doctor near it, so I was prepared to do all the home remedies I could find. But in my case, I think forcing myself to walk with it forced the cyst more to the surface due to irritation, and then the hot water and sitting on it caused it to burst. I do not wish this on anyone and I am so sorry you guys have had to deal with this!

  • Posted

    I get an infected Bartholin cyst every few months, and always once a year. I've had marsupialisation twice so now when I get a cyst its very deep inside me instead of outside. Therefore any future surgery must be a last resort.

    Last time I got a cyst I took three courses of antibiotics and didn't want to do that again so two weeks ago when I started to feel the signs of a cyst I attacked it straight away. As it actually hurt (pain walking, sitting, standing, limping, lightheaded, fever, tired) I got antibiotics (flucloxacillin) and drank a lot of yakult, kefir and probiotic yoghurt. I drank Chinese herbs twice a day, this is meant to thin the mucus and fight infections (it's a common problem so just explain and they'll know). Then I soaked and massaged the cyst in Epsom salt, apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil three times a day. I lay down in the bath to get the water inside me. After the toilet I wiped with apple cider vinegar, and rolled up a cotton pad and dipped it in diluted apple cider vinegar and put it in my vagina at least one hour a day. I also took silica and garlic supplements. It did get worse for a day. Antibiotics took 72 hours to start having any effect and the pain decreased.

    It went from a hard walnut size to a soft grape size in five days and is continuing to get softer and hopefully smaller.

  • Posted

    Good day i ask  where did i buy this medicine i have BC .she start 4days ago . Im from Philippine . Thank you .
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    I know this is an old discussion but if you’re like me, it’ll come up in a search so i wanted to share my experience. 4 days ago I noticed a lump as the same as everyone else here, it quickly became large and extremely painful and the only relief I got was sitting in the bathtub so i went to my dr and she sent me home with antibiotics and told me to do the sitz baths... the pain only got worse to where I literally could not close my legs. I tried a heating pad, sitz baths, salt water, apple cider vinegar, and warm compresses and got NO relief so I went to the ER and since it had been so painful they decided to cut it open... I got lucky and they put me to sleep for the procedure and I was sent home right after with pain medicine and antibiotics and it is packed with gauze so I’m 72 hours I have to go get that removed but the pain is 99% gone and the swelling went down. Ladies don’t ignore it if it is painful it is probably infected and needs to be drained, I promise you it’ll feel a TON better!! 
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      Be sure you take pain medicine before you go get the gauze removed.  Double up if you can tolerate it. I had that with my first cyst, now I have a word catheter for 3 and a half more weeks. Prayers for healing. 
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    SERRAPEPTASE, SERRAPEPTASE, SERRAPEPTASE !!!!! "Doctor's Best" (brand) high potency 120,000 SPU you can order from Amazon.  It's around $24.00 for 90 veggie caps.  I had a cyst the size of 2 large grapes that developed over 3 days.  I researched on the web and found that I had a bartholin  cyst.  I read this blog and tried many of the recommendations.... none that really worked for me.  I was able to use hot compresses (just a wash cloth under really really hot water) and was able to drain a little fluid and light blood but didn't really did nothing to reduce the size.  Also I should mention that my cyst was not painful.  So after trying a few remedies mentioned with no luck I decided to order the serrapeptase after finding it on Amazon.  The reviews on amazon were amazing.  No side effects that I could find out of 790 reviews.  This made me feel safe and at ease.  Someone recommended 3 a day, which is what I started with.  Make sure you take it on an empty stomach or it won't work and might give you a stomach ache.  After 3 days the cyst was 1/2 the original size.  After a week it reduced again by 50%.  After another week I tried taking just 2 a day for 4 days but saw no additional improvement so I went back on 3 a day.  After about a month it was smaller than a raisin.  It's taken 2 months but the cyst is completely gone.  What I liked about taking the Serrapeptase was that it was easy.  No trying to drain the cyst, no special baths, just taking the pill 3 times a day.  When you read all benefits of taking serrapeptase you will probably take it (one pill a day) forever.  I am not connected with Doctor's Best although I probably sound like it.  It's just that it was a miracle.  I recommended it to my sister for her aches and pains and she said it changed her life.  Good luck to all of you, I hope this will be the end of your worry and stress.  Don't we have enough of that without this ridiculous cyst ?


  • Posted

    After having sex I noticed a painful knot which I figured was some sort of lymph node...with further researched I realized it was my Bartholin's node. I was honestly scared but when reading others had the same problem I continued researching a natural way to resolve this issue bc I feel we can cure ourselves without the help of doctors who charge you meaninglessly without much "advice" or help. I read about witchhazel which I had already been using for achne breakouts hoping it would help. Sure enough I took a hot bath in Epsom salt and dried off, folded a paper towel and drinched with witch hazel(didn't have cotton balls) and left for a few hours and its almost gone! I'm soooo happy and wanted to share the news with everyone, in hopes that it would help you too! Give it a try and let me know how it goes for you!

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