Home remedy for Bartholin Cyst

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I had a Bartholin cyst, didn't think much of it but then after about 10 days it got very big and became infected. I took a course of anti-biotics and also looked into alternative treatments, the antibiotics seemed to take care of the infection but the fluid in the cyst remained. I also found a very helpful site which suggested camomile with 1 ts witchhazel and 1 tsp tea tree oil, I didn't have any camomile so used camomile tea instead, and then to soak a cotton pad and gently bath the cyst while massaging it. This was wonderfully soothing and did reduce the size of the cyst but again I found that it didn't really get rid of the problem. Some have reported that the cyst has drained by this method but it didn't really work with me that way, reduced but then didn't cure. Then I read somewhere about Serrapeptase, took this twice a day on an empty tummy and within 4 days of taking it the cyst completely disappeared !!! I am so thankful to the american lady who posted this on the internet and hope that this works for others out there, it's a very painful thing to have but SERRAPEPTASE really did help shift it once and for all for me.

Good luck ladies !!!!

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    hello im only 18 and have been dealing with bartholin cysts for a year and a half. They are the absolute worst,whatever method ive tried them all. i just had surgery yesterday to get the gland removed becasue that was my only option left. If i had any advice it would be take as many sitz baths as possible and keep a warm compress on it, i would take a sock and fill it with rice and put it in the microwave and use that as a heating pad...which helped alot! i noticed i would get them if i had sex that was kind of dry or if i was on my period. im not sure what causes them and most doctors dont have a definate answer either. just keep your head up and try everything you can, they are terrible to deal with but they arent the worst thing to happen. 
  • Posted

    Hi my name is Amanda I'm almost 27 I have been dealing with multiple cysts on my labia and bartholin gland. I have had 17 minor surgeries and right before Christmas they went in and scraped me. I now have a cyst on my bartholin again and I'm very scared. I no longer have health insurance and if the surgery didn't work I don't know what other options I have. I'd like to try this medicine can you tell me more about it and your experience. Thank you

  • Posted

    Hi my name is Amanda I'm almost 27 I have been dealing with multiple cysts on my labia and bartholin gland. I have had 17 minor surgeries and right before Christmas they went in and scraped me. I now have a cyst on my bartholin again and I'm very scared. I no longer have health insurance and if the surgery didn't work I don't know what other options I have. I'd like to try this medicine can you tell me more about it and your experience. Thank you

    • Posted

      Hi amanda,

      I also have to bartholin cyst in between my anus and vagina. I had it for 5 yrs. I become so frustrated co its affecting my sex life. Luckily after trying all the methods in this conversation. I finally get rid of it and so far its almost 1 yr now and the cyst never re appear. You can try it also no harm and let me know the result.

      Use 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar

      Put 1/2 cup of boiling water ( must be hot but not to the extent that u get burn)

      Use cotton wool damp it on your cyst. Do it everyday.

      You can see that it will turn white and slowly like there is blood coming out. Dont worry keep on dping it until it disappear. Make sure everytime u finish the damping spray it with antiseptis spray with tea trea oil. I forgot the brand that i used. I checked it out once im at home and msg u

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      It isn't like a pimple on the outside it is deep under the skin. On the gland. Will this method still work?

    • Posted

      It isn't like a pimple on the outside it is deep under the skin. On the gland. Will this method still work?

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    Hi all! I'm from Philippines. I made a check up last Dec 2015 and I forgot what the OB said but she made prescritions as follows: Mefenamic, Doxycycline and Metronidazole. It helped me to get better but today (Sept. 2016) while having my period, I notice that the lump is getting bigger again. Right now it is really painful and I tried to take same prescriptions to me. I felt dizzy and the feeling of vomiting so I discontinued taking Doxycycline and Metronidazole. I just take mefenamic to ease the pain and a hot compres. I'm trying to do a zits bath and this SERRAPEPTASE  hoping it would make me feel better. 

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      Hi, how is your BC? Is the serrapeptase working? Im from the philippines too & i also have bc. I hope it would be gone. Update me please if its really gone. Thankyou!

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      Update: I was admitted at the Philippine General Hospital and then the next day, my Obgyne performed marsupialization. I felt relieved and hoping that it won't come back after this operation. They put something elastic (I think it's the drain) which I find painful when trying  to walk and sit during my recovery days. The doctor removed it before our discharge at the hospital. (She said that the drain should be there for 48hrs so the remaining abscess will be drained)

      Right now, I'm doing fine just taking the anti-biotics.

      I'll try the Sereapeptase or the Silica soon and hope to feel better and gain confidence again.

      Thanks to my boyfriend for supporting me all the way. <3

      Let's all keep posted for those with BC.  

  • Posted

    I just got done recovering from having an incision and drainage, they put a word catheter in and it was the first time I've ever had it and I never want it again. It wasn't as bad as the pain of the cyst it's self but it was such a hassle. But the only thing I have a question about is it was supposed to be there for about 4weeks but it fell out after 3-4 days. I'm pretty sure it was done draining, and now i have this kind of hard flappy thing next to my labia haha, my husband doesn't want to have intercourse and I just want to know if it's safe to or not? If not how long should I wait?

  • Posted

    I got the cyst from making a dumb decision by not showering after my shift at my production job by multiple days. That is when I felt like I was bruised down there . I felt there and found a small lump. It lasted about four days for me because me and my boyfriend jumped on getting it resolved. The first day I tried neosporin and some benadryl and ibuprofen which did nothing, the next day it was far from feeling pleasant ,we put tea tree oil on it directly and left it for about half an hour . Then after we put turmeric powder mixed with coconut oil left it for about half an hour. Then finally we put baking soda mixed with salt and water and left it on their overnight . I would suggest using a pad or toilet paper because it will bleed. The next day it did swell up pretty big and could barely walk. I took work off to figure what to do because I didn't want to do the surgery. I did go haul grain with my boyfriend and helped shovel in the bin. I would strongly suggest moving as much as possible. May hurt like hell but it will help rip it a bit at a time. I did some stretches slowly and held them for about thirty seconds. That night I did a detox bath with lavender oil, tea tree oil, epsom salt, and baking soda . Sat in it for half an hour. I notice a scab where the cyst was at and picked at the yellow part slowly and it started draining puss or whatever by itself . The picking at the scab instantly reliveved pain. I would be careful how much you pick at because it will be a deep cut several days later and it may itch as it heels. I would do just the baking soda salt with water cause that made it bubble up and kind of burns the skin and then the detox bath and pick at it . That is what worked for me and it got so bad I almost went to the ER so just be careful with picking at it.

  • Posted

    I just thought I would share what worked for me in the hopes it might help out somebody else!

    I was lucky in that my cyst never really grew larger than the size of a grape and didn't become all that uncomfortable. Regardless I decided to use hot water bottles, which only seemed to take down the swelling a bit. Showers and massages further minimised the swelling but (again) not by much; the smallest the cyst got was the size of a pea.

    I noticed that my cyst disappeared completely when I started taking Vitamin B-12 daily. I have no idea why! Not that I am complaining obviously...

    Anyway, here are the ingredients in case somebody notices something I didn't:

    (Holland and Barrett Timed-Release Vitamin B-12)

    Bulking agents (Dicalcium Phosphate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose), Anti-caking agents (Magnesium Stearate, Sillicon Dioxide), Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin), Glazing Agents (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Glycerine, Caranuba Wax).

    I feel I should mention that this was the first, and so far only, experience I have had with a Bartholin's Cyst -- I have just turned twenty-seven.

    I hope this can help somebody else!

  • Posted

    Hi ladies i recently got a bc it literally came out of nowhere but i did do a couple of things and im glad to say it is gone first off i realized it was there monday night i found out what it was and got a cotton ball cut a piece of my aloe vera off and cut it open and rolled it all around to get the gel part all over it then placed it on my cyst i then got a rag put a pot of chamomile on and put 4 drps of tea tree oil on a rag and pored the tea on it and then let the rag just sit there untill it got cold i also took my prenatal as well im not pregnant but i figured the extra vitamins couldn't hurt i did the aloe and rag thing 3x that night when i woke up it went down but the pain was still there i continued my practice once tuesday morning and also took a garlic clove i crushed it so i could get the antibiotic properties then i got a fresh squezeed glass of oj for the added vitamin c i did that 2x that day and also did the same aloe and rag thing 2x that night with my prenatal the next morning i woke up no signs or syptoms and i feel awesome i do want to mention i pray so that was the first thing i did but i feel great and its wed just 2 days later and I would not have this monsay i do wanna say i acted on it right away for me that seemed to be the key and i did start to eat healthier that way the natural remedies could take effect quicker.

  • Posted

    Hi Sophie,

    I also suffer with these cysts. I read your message and am going to order some of the Serrapeprase. You stated taking these 2 x a day. How many twice a day and do you take them all the time or just when you have a flare up? I appreciate any info you can give me.

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      Hi, lesa . The medicine you ordered are effective? Iwant to know because i have a bartholin cyst right now . Pls tell me if serrapeprase are effective ? Thank you
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      Hi Joanne, in all honesty I really don't know. If you order it get the highest MG that you can so you have to take less. I would sit in a warm bath and see if you can drain it on your own. I have also been told to wipe with baby wipes as the particles from the toilet paper can clog the gland and cause the problem. Hope the gland isn't to swollen and you can get some relief.

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