Hormonal changes

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Im 41 and have been suffering from anxiety, sickness, diarrhoea for 8 months now. Citalopram really helped and all was going well up until a month ago when I had a blip. My meds have been upped from 20 mg to 30 mg. It's worse once a month so nurse said it's definitely hormonal. Any advice or just words of comfort. Thanks. X

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Claire, have you had a blood test?

    I'm 41 like you and been on Citalopram for several years now for PMS but I had my test in July (after jumping up and down at the dr) which came back as menopause. I now wonder if what I 1st thought was PMS was actually perimenopause 😑. I remember my ex husband saying 3-4 yrs ago that he thought I was heading that way and as much I hate to admit he was right, I think he was.

    Go to the Dr and see if you can get a test done, it might explain a lot.

    The woman on here have helped me, made me realise that I'm not mad.

    Good luck 😀

    • Posted

      Hi karen

      ive just read ur post........I've just had my FSHNRESULTS back and I'm in premenapause!.......

      ive suffered for 22 months with more or less every symptom going BUT when I saw my GP I was wanting help with the main issues for me this is where I had blood test done to see if I'm heading that way........

      worse for me is Mood swings as I quoteded in my previous posts I'm unbearable a week or 2 before I'm due to come on I'm all over the place.....moody feeling nausea is another issue reflux endless........

      live asked for help online as to what will help with these issues?

      so u take 

    • Posted

      Sorry iPad froze!!!!!!!!

      so u take citalram! Has this helped with pms symptoms greatly?

      i suffer very badly with the mood swings I'm like a raving banshe on smack! God it isn't even funny, I've no patience I'm a heartless cow at times....... I don't believe magnesium or vit D which ladies have said works for them I think somthing off the GP will do me more justice?

      how long have u been on them? How long do they take to start to work?

      i took Sertline for about 15 months then stopped.

      just wish I could go back and be myself? Thanks for any info u could pass onto me.

    • Posted

      Hi Shelly

      Just wondering what level FSH you had on your results?

      Sheena xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Don't know Yet?

      im seeing my GP this week, so I should know more.

      all I was told by the receptionist that my reading read I was menopausable????!.

    • Posted

      I've got FSH of 16 and it was took on day 3 of my cycle and by the charts I've seen anything above 12 is peri menopause. I'm back at doctors to get another blood test on 17th which will be day 21 to check again. I have loads of other symptoms and my periods have gone wacky shorter cycle heavier flow but trying to get a diagnosis is really hard

      Good luck with your results give me an update once you've spoken to doctor

      Our receptionists are like a team of snipers she wouldn't tell me my FSH number as she wasn't medically trained but could tell me I had low vitamin d haha

      Sheena xxx

    • Posted

      Haha Sheena, my doctors receptionist told me my bloods were fine, it was only when I went back to my doctor to get them to look further the the doctors turned round and said "I think these hrt are for you due to your age and you still need to bleed, we might look at changing them in a year but otherwise come back in 3 months" gobsmacked was an understatement!!!

    • Posted

      No way!!! Hilarious aren't they. I'm feeling okay today no pain as such just a constant need to clear my throat which is getting right on my nipples haha. The joys eh because mother nature obviously thought puberty and pregnancy wasn't enough. How you finding the hrt? I'm finding it a full on slog just trying to get diagnosed x

    • Posted

      Hi Claire, no I don't seem to get getting them 😞.

      I think you can pm me so might worth giving that a go??

    • Posted

      Hi Sheena, how are you feeling today?

      Bloody nature has a lot to answer for 🤔🤔

      I'm not to bad now, wasn't so good this morning, tearful and angry. Keep trying to read up on stuff and what might help but I think I'm just getting more confused 😂😂 doesn't take much at the moment lol.

      I might try going back to the doctors and seeing if there is such a thing as a specialist I can be referred to, could be interesting

    • Posted

      Hi shelly,

      Yes I've been on Citalopram for years now, I started taking it for PMS and I think to start with it helped but then I've had a lot to contened with over the last 3 years.

      I've been up and down on my prescription blaming pms and stuff going on in my personal life for my moods and behaving like a complete and utter nutcase but now so much more makes sense.

      I'm still taking my Citalopram but 10mg plus hrt but it's maybe too early to say how much the hrt is helping apart from the night sweats. I'm thinking of going back to the doctors to get more info or see if I can get referred to someone with more knowledge.

      I hope you've had a good day 😊

    • Posted


      I've just been writing down my symptoms from last two months but the last few days I've had very few aches and pains and a more level mood ,it just makes no sense any of it . I read an article that says anything above 10-12 on FSH is peri menopausal and over 30 is menopause so I'm 16 so believe I'm peri menopause and am just going to research and self help. I'm back at the doctors on 17th to have another set of bloods and a stool sample done to check for any digestive problem. It's just confusing when everything is normal but you feel like crap . I agree that sometimes reading can make you more anxious so I try not to bother

      I'm going to start concentrating on my food upping the good stuff and see if it works .I hope today is good for you. Squishy hugs xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Claire, it's not been to bad in the end.

      I woke up feeling like I'd been run over by a bus, nearly cried on the way to work, my mind was working over time, mind went back through the hurt and anguish of my partner ending our relationship.

      I managed to pull myself back together and the rest of day went OK. I even managed to cook lunch for tomorrow and brought ingredients to make curry tomorrow night lol. If my family could have seen me they would have thought I'd been id lost the plot (cooking isn't me).

      I blame menopause!! But then again I blame the menopause for everything 😂😂😂

      I hope you're good 😊

    • Posted

      Let's hope today is a better day!!!! I had work yesterday after having 2 weeks off. It went okay actually. My boss is lovely. I'm just taking one day at a time. Trying to be positive. Bloody hard tho. Keep smiling. Xx

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