Hormone results !!!
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please could someone out there help me understand my fsh levels as just got my blood results back
i really dont understand my results
also i have low vit d and folic acid
never had these issues before
so now i take vit d3 (25000)
one tablet every two weeks
floic acid 5 mg a day
also said my white blood cells are 12.1 and should be 11
dont know wats going on
i wake with awful palpitations and on edge all day
is this peri menopausal ?
does anyone understand hormone levels
i keep trying to find out on google wat my levels mean
hoping someone can help with my results
i can put them on here
if anyone can help me understand ?
really need help xxx
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serena11274 victoria59278
white blood cells can be up due to infection or inflammation in the body, or simply a bruise or injury, mine have been just over before for no reason so i wouldnt stress about that too much, have you had your b12 , iron and thyroid tested ,these can cause palpitations?
victoria59278 serena11274
thank you for replying
i am 48 was thinking am i peri menopausal as my bloids always been fine
re b12 - yeah they said it was normal but i was low on vit d and folic acid
not sure bout thyroid ?
i asked for a print out lol
wish i could send you it x
also had my hormones tested
dont understand any of it
all numbers and letters ?
Hepzee39 victoria59278
Hi - I had my bloods done last week and got exactly the same as you low folic acid and vitamin d and the doctor put me on 3 months of tablets for both then they will take bloods again to see if improved. I have been having quite a few wierd symptoms which I think it is menopause related - low folic acid and vit d must be to do with our hormones I am 45 this year so probably about the right time for it to start 😦
victoria59278 Hepzee39
wooow interesting
yes i was so surprised with the results
yeah i have to take vitd3 25000
got 3 tablets
one every two weeks
and folic acid 5mg daily
i have bad anxiety and low in mood too
and awful palps
but not sure if this is my anxiety playing up or the hormones
my symtoms last few months are so weird
developec allergies (hayfever )
bad stomach issues
panic and anxiety
bad sleep
sore breasts
weird periods
and prob more
can i ask what your symptoms are ?
feel so fed up
drs offereing anti deppressants but been down that rd and took me ages to get off them
i take diazapam to help
so reasurring to hear others on here with similar issues
just to add i had symptoms same age as u but not as bad as i have now
i asked dr for hormones to test
but they look normal but i know hormones change daily
so blood tests will never tell us
wonder if these lack of vits are to do with the dreaded change
i was thinking bout hrt
been watching louise newson on youtube (mrnopause dr she is brilluant ) xxx
would like to stay in touch as having all this is pretty lonely and scary xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
the doctor said to me wouldnt do hormone check as still having periods so wouldnt show anything but definitely think this is perimenopause. i have sore breasts mainly in one though. eyesight blurry past few months which they say is a cause of menopause. sometimes my scalp tender. periods one month heavy one month light. sometimes teary at the least bit thing. also have bad anxiety and palps but the new symptom this week is leg twitches. honestly i am fed up already and only had past few months if i have to have years of this going to go round the twist 😦 xx
yep same
one breast really tender and lumpy
and i get like twitches too that wake me
i also wake 3am without fail or 4 am heart racing and doom feeling
really hate all this
my life is pretty crappy and feel my anxiety is progressing
re fsh results
dr did them as i was constanly moaning at them saying " i dont want anti deppresants " i know wat u mean bout blood work as hormones change dauly i was told but drs so anti hrt
yet they are safe now
drs are going by the old hrt the ones made from mares urine
we need the bio identical ones and the gel or patch as these are safe
but drs not trained tbh
we need like private clinics with experienced menopause drs that know and understand our symptoms not just think we are nutteres and imagining our issues and so they give out anti depressants as all they do is read the list off there computer
its awful
i feel soo lost tbh
and scared xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
it really is scary all these wierd symptoms know exactly what you mean. i used to sleep well but dont now keep waking up too. at first thought it was the light mornings but sure its this menopause. Dont feel scared we are in this together. sounds like we are going through the same symptoms x
Thank you
i know there are so many ladies like us and suffering too
its just madness how hormones can make us feel so many different issues which has made my health anxiety worse
i left my job because of this as my periods were everywhere and was dizzy and just couldnt function at work but the other staff even though were ladies didnt understand which i find hard
but i guess some woman breeze through it and have never experienced anxiety or fear !
i find everyday there is a different symptom to worry bout and focus on it
has your gp offered you anything
Hepzee39 victoria59278
My GP is pretty useless really more or less been told get on with it. They said to take the folic acid and vitamin D and will see me after 3 months for more bloods and thats it - I used to be on antidepressants years ago so I don't want to go back on them again so just taking each day at a time. Have started taking evening primrose oil with B12 in as well to help - so hoping that over the next few weeks feel a bit better if I get the right vitamins although woke up this morning and back of my head feels tender again - it freaks you out as I always think its something worse but all these symptoms I am getting are on the 66 perimenopause symptoms I found on here - thankful I found this forum site as my docs were telling me nothing just "yeah it might be menopause!" its scary when you dont know what is happening to your body....
victoria59278 Hepzee39
woke bloody 5.30am
panicky ,and then sweating
since been taking folic acid and vit d i feel rough lol
or its just my imagination
feel bit off balance today and lightheaded so guessing i am due on
yet again
but good news though my smear came bck fine, wat a relief
this anxiety is the worst hate it
oh was gunna say that you mrntioned u are taking primrose oil and b12
maybe i should try that as well but thought the folic acid was part of b12
on my blood results it says b12/folate and says its low
but was given folic acid ! isnt folic acid in the same grp as b12 ?
sorry going on
but i have devrloped awful stomach issues too
and throat always feels tight
bloody scary symptoms this last year
o and also this off balance feeling
but maybe that could be hormones
have you thought bout hrt ?