Hormone results !!!
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please could someone out there help me understand my fsh levels as just got my blood results back
i really dont understand my results
also i have low vit d and folic acid
never had these issues before
so now i take vit d3 (25000)
one tablet every two weeks
floic acid 5 mg a day
also said my white blood cells are 12.1 and should be 11
dont know wats going on
i wake with awful palpitations and on edge all day
is this peri menopausal ?
does anyone understand hormone levels
i keep trying to find out on google wat my levels mean
hoping someone can help with my results
i can put them on here
if anyone can help me understand ?
really need help xxx
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Hepzee39 victoria59278
yeah I never thought that the folic acid is b12 as well - I didnt get a letter the doctor rang me and said she had put prescription through for the folic acid and to get some vitamin d tablets so I just got some from holland barrett but come to think of it she didnt say what strength vit d to take - told you my docs useless. Havent thought about hrt - new to all this and not sure what to do for the best - keep looking on here for guidance. I woke up at 3am and then 5am - been feeling rough and different symptoms every day so not sure if the folic acid and vit d working or not been on them 2 weeks so far. Good news about your smear got mine due in Sept 😦 another worry - no fun being a woman is it lol
victoria59278 Hepzee39
hi ya
yes i never knew folic acid was B12 either untill i looked it up
dr gave me prescription for vit D
3 tablets and one every two weeks for 6 weeks
i really think that since taking folic acid its made me loss appetite and stomach ache
but then that could be my anxiety
and its pretty high atm
my sleep is similar to yrs its awful waking silly hrs and then i get the heart racing and then comes the thoughts
feel so fed up with this
my boobs hurt
i feel hot and cold
dizzy spells
how r u ?xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
hi. was just going to ask how you were today? i was up most of the night but thats because some idiots going down road drunk and shouting. so not done much today. my head feeling a bit sore again feels like someone been pulling on my hair but i am due on and it comes and goes and apparently one of the signs. wish i had some energy since this all started feel like i have aged 10 years. Felt hot today but checked temp and ok thought it was weather but sure its these hormones. xx
victoria59278 Hepzee39
not been grt day just always feel like off balance and vision weird
like you i feel i have aged mentally and physically
my anxiety today is awful on edge and sicky belly
and head is hot
palps all over the place
feel that nervous on edge feeling
keep thinking all this cant be hormones but i know as due on soon
i used to love going out and shopping now i do nothing
just dont know if should start a anti depressant
in past i was on
just dont know if this is anxiety or hormones
drs just have go at me saying "well ur not helping yoursrlf by not trying meds "
my drs arnt nice
or i start hrt
but my dr is not keen and throws ads at me
also my energy is non exisitant and just feel like i am ill in some way
yes my bloods showed lack of vits but been taking them 2 wks but cant feel any change
i always tjought that my off balance feeling was the low iron but still getting it
everyday a new symptom comes and i panic
i am not the same person i feel i have been hyjackecd by hotmones or anxiety
just wish i knew wat is causing all this
is it anxiety or hormones
i feel i cant handle any kind of stress and i jump alot when hear loud noises feels like i am a live wire
i cried yest as feel soo confused and lost within myself
dont know if u feel same or its just me xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
No I have days where I feel like not in control anymore and would just love one day without any wierd symptoms - want to get back to the normal me but then with this coronavirus lately my anxiety has been up with that as well- been ocd on cleaning and don't want to leave the house - other people are going out to park or walk at beach etc but I am so nervous and with these symptoms of menopause scared to go anywhere. It's horrible. Your vision has it gone blurry like mine - I used to have 20/20 vision then when this all started a few months ago I have blurry vision in both eyes - close up in left eye and far away in right - got my eyes tested and they said it was normal to lose vision and now I have reading glasses but sure it is hormones that has done this to me. Fed up honestly 😦
victoria59278 Hepzee39
yes i get weird vision too
and blurred vision
and get bad stomach issues
i get scared of going out as i always get dizzy well not dizzy as such but just like a drunk feeling if that makes sence
think we have anxiety as our hormones are up and down
i am seriously thinking bout going on a anti depressant
which one was u on before ?
sick to death too waking up at 5 am with panic xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
hi. hope your well today. actually went out for the first time in ages today. Only to shops but sometimes feel so rough dont want to go out 😃
Cannot remember the antidepressant i was on serious brain fog. It was about 20 years ago but did say i would never go on them again. had such a hard time coming off them. I just try to deal with my anxiety best way i can. I have a son and dont want him to see me struggling so try and shake it off which is easier said than done and people prob worse than me. i wake during night so watch tv to try and distract mind with timer on so if i fall asleep it switches off otherwise my mind goes in overdrive. If i have a panic attack i try to distract my brain with shopping list or what i have to do for the week. i sound crazy dont i x
victoria59278 Hepzee39
no ur not crazy hun ur brave and a grt mum
when i lok after grandson i find it stressfull as when u get awful anxiety its so hard to switch off
yeah i sleep with tv on too as need something in background as i live alone
its the early waking i hate and then comes the palps
i take diazapam most days i am probably addicted now but dont care as it helps me
wish i knew if this is a relapse of my anxiety or its hormones
o i had blurry vision today too and weird rib pain then that starts me off
awful xxx
my appetite is bad atm
just not interested in food at all
yet i get bouts of hungar so my weight is up and down
since been on folic acid i keep feeling sick
thats bugging me
also weird rib pain and like fluttering in chest
weird symptoms daily but every time i go drs they lok at me to say i am imagining it which i am not they just say take a anti depressant but like u said
i had a s****y time coming off
i started on them aged 24 i am now 48 and came off them in feb this year as they stopped working
so lost tbh
its grt chattiing to you as it really helps knowing i am not alone or going crazy so thank u xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
its great chatting to you too. Feel so alone and confused with all these symptoms so good to chat with someone who is going through similar. Touch wood not being feeling sick with folic acid so i would prob get that checked out. dr might have given you wrong dosage. i am on 5mg one per day and take mine on morning before breakfast. Fingers crossed we get a decent nights sleep tonight. prob not i will be up at 2am or 4am as usual x
victoria59278 Hepzee39
ooo yes was up 5am palps and awful thoughts per usual
but think i went sleep bout10 i think so not too bad
but hate mornings there my worst
dont know wat its like to lay in
so do u not go out ?
is that fear ?
i get anxious too going out as when i start walking i feel off balance and weird then dread bumping in to anyone as just wanna get there and back
life is soo crappy
just miss that "well being feeling "
drs prescribed me citrapram anti depressants but too scared to take them and side effects
Hepzee39 victoria59278
I dont go out as much as I used to - think its just incase I feel lousy when out - last year when I was driving used to get panic attack and light headed so won't drive long journeys now either. This year with the blurry vision and rough feeling not been far plus this virus too panicky to go out. Hope it gets better.
I was up nearly every hour last night for some reason and had twitchy legs again - oh the joys!! lol
victoria59278 Hepzee39
yep i get exact same thing
one day i am ok then nxt i am s nervous wreck
and same as u when i go out i get lightheaded
wonder if it was becsuse of our low iron
or anxiety makes u lightheaded
do u get heavy periods ?
Hepzee39 victoria59278
Lately i have been having one month heavy then the next month light. nothing ever simple for me. been coming outs in spots since taking folic acid and vit d have you? unless my hormones causing it. my son nearly 12 and getting spots must be hormones then there is me going through this and now getting spotty. double trouble lol.
victoria59278 Hepzee39
na not got any spots but that is prob peri
but been having bad stomach issues since taking it
makes u wonder right !
i keep getting buzzing in my ears now fs
list is getting longer
i been pretty low today too and no energy
sick to death if it all
just wanna wake up normal
symptons daily hate it
just hope drs know wat they are giving us xxx
re going out
i am same
dread it if i have to go out
as my anxiety kicks in
only relief is sleep nowadays xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
you and me both. just want to be back to normal and my list def getting longer each week. i have stomach problems but not i have a hiatial hernia as well so i often get heartburn and bad stomach. i really need to sort my diet but craving chocolate these days which is not like me as usually savoury. Thats prob why i have had a few spots lately too lol. cannot win x
victoria59278 Hepzee39
yeah my stomach like swells to my ribs then i feel i cant breath properly its awful
and i get this cough too with it
its got worse in the last few weeks
also when i burp it comes up in my throat like acid then i cant burp
its been bugging me
is that wat u got ?xxx
lol soz but i get so anxious now bout everything xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
me too. got a bit of a bunged up nose tonight so panicking incase virus. prob nothing but my brain goes in overdrive. yeah i get bloated and acid a lot have to take gaviscon every night before bed and have an extra pillow so head up a bit. stress and anxiety makes it worse so that might be affecting you. anxiety makes acid. hope you feel better soon its awful you get like a burning at back of throat and cough with it too. x
victoria59278 Hepzee39
omg i been so bad today awful fast heart and missed beats
soooo scared
called gp
they prescribed me mirtazpine for sleep and anxiety
but so scared to take it
keep thinking sumthing wrong with my heart
worst day ever xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
oh no bless u. Hope you ok tonight. Its awful i think lack of sleep and worry sets off palps etc. I got my blood pressure checked last year and now on tablets as it was high and i felt heart missing beats they did ecg which was fine and doc said stress. reading more into this menopause other people have had high blood pressure all of a sudden and palps etc. its wierd what it does to your body. dont worry i am sure if they were really concerned they would do further tests. i know easier said than done i am a total worrier xx
victoria59278 Hepzee39
i am too
always stress
just hate these palps
its like i am getting a bad batch of it
think i am due on too but i am late
my bp is always high but they do it 3 times lol and it goes down
i am gunna call mental health team tomo and say my drs are crap and dont care
i need a med now i tjink so i can function i dont even wash much now as i feel so low and panick coonstanly
i have defo got severe anxiety now i feel its got worse last few days
my palps actually jolt me awake
i cant carry on like this
its killing me slowly mentally and physically
drs today are fed up with me and feel i am rushed off phone
thats y i am call mental health team tomo to see if anything can help me while i am like this xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
How are you? Hope all goes ok with the mental health team today and you get some answers.
victoria59278 Hepzee39
Thank u
just need to find out if any meds will help me with my anxiety
i actually dont feel that bad today
its so up and down
i have even heard woman haveing breakdowns over the change x
how are u ?
Hepzee39 victoria59278
thought i had replied earlier but mustnt have pressed button. period started today so feeling rough irtitable and craving choc. Think the evening primrose working as boobs not as sore. sometimes face feels a bit funny but my skin drier than normal but i keep tginking having stroke when i get funny twinges on face. fed up 😦
Hepzee39 victoria59278
How are you? Did you get anywhere with the mental health team the other day x
victoria59278 Hepzee39
lol na didnt have the bottle
just came on
thats why i was bad
victoria59278 Hepzee39
how r u ?
i never used to feel so rough before period but now i have noticed 10 days before i start getting anxiety
sooo odd
was thinking to have the mirena xxx
or hrt
have you ever watctched louise newson ?
Hepzee39 victoria59278
I feel rough all the time so cannot work mine out lol. Still not sleeping properly, spots arent as bad at the minute and def think the evening primrose helping. who is louise newson?
victoria59278 Hepzee39
she is amazing
"menopause dr"
lok at her up on google or uoutube
she explains everything to do with peri menopause
she always says that woman get palmed off with anti deppressants for hormonal symptons
honstly plzzz watch x
she has lots of knowledge xxx
i feel ok today but trust me majority of month its hell on earth
victoria59278 Hepzee39
how u finding the vit d and folic ?
are we meant to feel better or wat if we were lacking ?
Hepzee39 victoria59278
been taking the vit d and folic for a few weeks now and dont feel any different. freaking out tonight as one ankle a bit swollen. wonder if that is a symptom 😦
victoria59278 Hepzee39
symptom of what ?
Hepzee39 victoria59278
was wondering if that was another symptom of perimenopause.
victoria59278 Hepzee39
hows ur ankle ?
not sure if its menopause symptoms xxx
i get so many issues daily
i never know wats wat just makes my life crappy and anxious xxx
hate it
Hepzee39 victoria59278
ankle still same will ring doc if it gets worse but i had a look at the 66 symptoms thread on here and someone mentioned swollen ankles and legs. just fab another bloody symptom lol i probably have about 45 on that list lol. how r u ? xx
victoria59278 Hepzee39
morning hun
just checking how u are ?
i had a awful day yest
had weird vision like dizzy inside my head
i had just come on and was really heavy
anxiety through the roof
arnt folic acid meant to be helping ?
hows ur ankle ? xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
how r u? my period finished at the beginning of the week which was lighter and been feeling rubbish all week. have had twitches in leg. tonight jaw feels funny. tired. under arms felt sore the other day. it feels like every week i have a different symptom. was hoping this vit d and folic acid would make me feel better too but dont see much improvement. my finger tingles are not as bad since starting them tho
victoria59278 Hepzee39
i was only on two days but so heavy and felt so lightheaded
not sure if folic acid helping
woke today really bad headache like i had the flu
been soo anxious last few days with palps
keep thinking something is wrong with me
i feel so fed up
dont even wanna go out
i just dont feel right anymore xxx
Hepzee39 victoria59278
i know exactly how you feel but we will get through this. i am thinking my leg twitching something to do with folic acid. i took it late yesterday and my legs twitching last night. took it this morning started feeling funny again. dont know what is going on . freaking out with every new symptom. might miss folic cid tomorrow and see if legs ok. Hows your head any better? x
victoria59278 Hepzee39
i was thinking same bout the folic acid !
got sicky stomach and appetite not grt xx
horrible night
woke at 3am with panic and sweating then dosed back off then woke 7
awful x
victoria59278 Hepzee39
hi ya
hows u ?
i have had a rough week
i keep getting bad stomach and bloating
gp asked for stool sample (embarresing )
to check for infection !!!
get results tomo
scary !!!!
keep waking up early hrs still with palps and getting tightness in chest which scares me
just finished my period it was 38 days this month and only on 3 days
still taking vit d 1000
and folic acid 5mg they run out soon
dont know whats going on with me lately !
did you know b12 is a massive deal u know
even if results are notmal they could be borderline still
b12 defiencey causes so much havoc in body
anyway hope ur well and battling on xxx
kmazz47 victoria59278
Exactly how I feel, more woozy and lightheaded than room spinning dizzy. Anxiety, which I never had before, is with me every day, I can't stop thinking and worrying.
victoria59278 kmazz47
same i get like dizzy eyes like i am drunk
finished period 7 days ago now on again painful boobs feel low anxyious waking 5 am with palps
lost weight
had bloods done was low in vit d and folic acid
i feel i have lost me
last night daughter took me out to a pub i was a anxious mess didnt even drink just wanted to come home was so dizzy and bloated
anxiety is killing me i hate leaving house
intake diazapam and dr offered mitazapine too scared to take it