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Hi All. I am showing signs of peri men, even though my test has come back normal. I have skipped 3 periods then had a peiod from hell! the only symptons other (than skipping a few) is abosolute exhaustion , I never feel refreshed from sleep. I have no Flushes etc, however I have been on sertreline ( AD) for 7 years due to an anxiety disorder. can anyone recomend any vitimins etc that i could take at this stage of transition?
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michelle50768 heleb82
Ive been in perimenopause for eight years im now 48. The depression and anxiety is awful!!!! Went on mirtazapine AD in November. it did help but unfortunately I've gained a lot of weight so in the process of weaning off. Not sure if thats a good idea or not. Only time will tell. Ive not found anything else that works but would love to hear other comments
Keep talking it helps
michele84063 michelle50768
I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time! I've just joined this forum as I'm at my wits end with peri symptoms - mainly depression and anxiety and I need to 'talk' to others who understand how awful this is! I'm 51 and almost 2 years ago I woke up one morning feeling as if I was having a massive panic attack and a feeling of being 'out of touch' with reality. I couldn't make it to work that day which was not like me as I'm usually very conscientious. I put it down to stress I was suffering having lost my mum suddenly a year previously and coping with my dad having terminal cancer for 3 years as well as many other major life changes.
I went to the doctor who advised it could be stress related and/or peri and prescribed me fluoxetine and diazepam - both low dosages. I felt a little better for a while and then severe anxiety began. I could barely go to the supermarket with feeling 'scared' and suddenly developed a fear of driving (for the first time in 25 years!).
I was back to my GP several times, had blood tests which confirmed slight changes suggesting start of peri and was prescribed paroxetine which was gradually increased to 60mg. I sometimes have days when I feel I can cope with anything and be 'normal' again and then I have days where I can barely get out of bed or get ready for the day. I'm frequently tearful and my partner finds it difficult to understand. I still grieve for my parents which is normal but it's the horrendous anxiety which is hardest to cope with. I exercise (although it's difficult to get motivated sometimes), eat reasonably well, tke Menopace and have had CBT therapy but none of these are helping.
I would be grateful to hear from anyone else struggling like me. Hopefully we can give each other the support we need.
Hugs to all who are finding it hard to cope. x
nikiola18292 michele84063
Take care big hug.
michele84063 nikiola18292
I also thought I was going mad until I started reading about peri symptoms - I can tick almost every box! I don't have any friends suffering as badly so it's hard to talk to them although they are sympathetic.
Thank you again for your reply. I feel a little better already.
Wishing you all the best. Take care too. Michele
elle127 heleb82
My hormone tests were normal too! Absolute joke as ive suffered with peri symptoms for the past 4/5 yrs and was on HRT for just over 3yrs.
I take multi vits, B1 B6 and B12 vits, starflower herbal capsules, cod liver oil and sea kelp. I noticed an improvement using the starflower as i suffered with period cramps but havent had any since. Sea kelp has improved the condition of my hair.
In hoping to go back on Hrt as it really agreed with me. Just waiting to see a gyne consultant on 15th May.
Lots of ladies on here take vitamins and herbal tablets. You just need to find something that suits you. Ive still to find something that helps with my flushes. Nothing has helped me so far.
Good luck x
trudy77450 elle127
elle127 trudy77450
The sea kelp seems to have kicked in after 3/4 weeks. Even my hairdresser noticed the improvement. My fringe area was thinning and hair generally dry but it now seems a bit thicker at the fringe and much healthier and stronger
So im definitely carrying on with the kelp.
I could do with something to help my Pmt as since stopping Hrt i seem to turn into a witch 2 wks before im due on! Any suggestions ladies?
trudy77450 elle127
nikiola18292 heleb82
nikiola18292 heleb82
Shelly0069 heleb82
nikiola18292 Shelly0069
michelle50768 heleb82
Ive had the worst few years of my life!!! Just praying for it all to end
trudy77450 michelle50768