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Hi All. I am showing signs of peri men, even though my test has come back normal. I have skipped 3 periods then had a peiod from hell! the only symptons other (than skipping a few) is abosolute exhaustion , I never feel refreshed from sleep. I have no Flushes etc, however I have been on sertreline ( AD) for 7 years due to an anxiety disorder. can anyone recomend any vitimins etc that i could take at this stage of transition?

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    Thank you all for your information. Im definatly going to go down the vit B"s root, altough someone did say to me that vit b doesnt do anything as the acids in your stomach breaks it dowN? and you would need huge amounts of doses to feel any benifit? will give it a go thougheek xxx
  • Posted

    As I am sure others have posted all that means is your hormone levels were normal when the test was taken, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, trust your instincts and treat accordingly.
  • Posted

    Hi Heleb82

    I was asking a menopause expert online and she recommended liquid magnesium.  I am going to have hormone tests done on Sunday among other tests.  I will keep you posted when I hear more.

    • Posted

      Thanks Philiipa, look forward to hearng from you. I will give magnessium a try. Good Luck !
    • Posted

      Hi Phillipa,

      Sory to be a pain, but did the expert recommend a particular one. It is a minefield of differen magnesuim!!!! 

    • Posted

      Doesn't magnesium make you have a lot of stool problems. Is it a laxative what does it do and can it help with stool problems. 
    • Posted

      Hi ladies

      Totally off the subject I know but has any of you suffered frequent uti's? Im getting them a lot!!!!!

    • Posted

      Yes I have Michelle

      I suffer from them because of my diabetes. You know cranberry pills with a antibiotic will help keep them away. 

      Also I heard women should take showers not baths never use any perfume soap down there, always wear cotton underwear because thong underwear can cause utis never douch after your period because that can cause utis, and wipe from front to back to after you use the bathroom, do not sit in bubble baths and if you have sex with your husban or boyfriend always take a shower after the sex go to the bathroom to after sex

      This will keep you from having utis and use cranberry pills or drink cranberry juice and a lot of water and keep your diabetes under control if you have that.

      This is what I have read on keeping away from utis

    • Posted

      I dint have diabetes have been tested all ok.

      Constantly sore and burning down below. I Dont use any soaps just water but I do bath instead of showeringsad As for sex well its so painful it dont happen very often. My poor husband!!! I have read up a little von vaginal atrophy but they say that usually happens once periods have stopped for good? Im getting one now in average 2-3 months. This one 8 weeks and no sign. Im back on antibiotics again this time for five days. Joy!!! Thanks for the cranberry advice l will start that aswell"))

      Do you take juice or capsules?

      Thanks for quick reply. On top of the depression anxiety and acid reflux I really dont need constant uti's aswell x

    • Posted

      Sorry just read ur message again you did say pills or juice. Meno brain not working today x
    • Posted

      Instead of taking baths you should switch to taking showers because to keep from getting utis they say not to take baths. You should clean with unscented soap to get it clean down there. 

      With you I would do the capsules but if you have a uti you need an antibiotic to get rid of it because the pills won't get rid of it it just prevents it from reacuring 

      Let me know how it goes


    • Posted

      The pills but i would start an antibiotic before you do the cranberry pills go to the doctor to see if it is a uti and get on an antibiotic then you can take the cranberry pills with it and stay on them too to keep the uti from reacurring. 

      The cranberry pills come in different dosages so pick on that is right fo you

    • Posted

      Have just started a five day course of antibiotics. Only had a three day course about four weeks ago so not sure if it actually cleared up the first time. They do make me feel so nauseous thoughsad( I will start taking showers now instead of baths. Thanks again x
    • Posted

      if you do bath put some bicarbonate soda in bath helps with urine infections. as does garlic capsules.  Been there done got the t-shirt tried everything.  I have suffered for years with this and resulted to at one point to fluconezole for thrush (pill version) as a last minute solution. did work.

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