hormones causing memory loss

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i am in my mid 50s and have had menopause symptoms for the past five years, today was particularly bad, normally my hormones are level but today they are having a riot, my estrogen levels must be high and i also found my memory suffered a little today, which leads me to believe that too much estrogen causes memory loss, i also feel more tired today, if researchers can put the link between estrogen and memory then maybe they can find a cure for memory conditions.

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi barbara

    oestrogen declines during peri, the hormones can spike and are erractic..

    sounds like brain fog we get... 

    do you take  anything as in supplements to help..

    ie: mega b6 100mg complex .... This helps no end and some B12 ..

    I take alsorts... I am 50 been in peri 9-10 years just reached menopause ..

    my oestrogen is totally depleted... ... Jay xx


  • Posted

    definately hormones today they are erratic because ifeel they are having a riot, i do not take anything because i only get the occasional day like this one, but i feel very tired, in fact had trouble waking up this morning, probably be calmer tomorrow, but memory is definately linked to hormones,  
    • Posted

      Hi barbara

      yes it certainly is 

      hope you feel better tomorrow, and that you only have the odd crazy hormonal day.. Very lucky there..

      jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi All,

    I am just so glad to hear that memory loss is related to peri/menopause.  I have been thinking the last few weeks that I was going mad!  I'm 53 and in peri.  I think I'll start some of these vitamins being recommended.  So good to hear from others who are going through this too.  Thanks to all.


    • Posted

      Hi Allison

      no your not going mad ... Just a symptom... The Mega B's helped me no end and other ladies said the same ..

      useful info .. 

      Menopause disrupts the balance of hormones in your body.

      At the same time, your brain contains oestrogen receptors and is responsive to this hormone, helping your brain function better, aiding memory and verbal fluency.

      When levels of oestrogen in your body drop, it is no wonder that you may suffer unexpected lapses in memory.

      There is also research to suggest that frequent hot flushes can result in lapses in your memory.

      Night sweats can prevent you from getting a sound night’s sleep, which hinders focus and recall the next day.

      It is worth remembering that memory lapses, like other menopause symptoms you are experiencing, should not last. The research holds out hope that once you are through the menopause, you will be able to recall information more effectively again.

      However, if you are suffering from continued, severe or worsening memory symptoms, rather than mild memory falters, then it is necessary to seek advice from a doctor to rule out any underlying health issues.


    • Posted

      thank you for such interesting information, i have been lucky that my symptoms have been quite mild, but my hormones today, i am sure dementia must arise from hormones in women either being more or less, i jus feel very tired now it is as if my brain wants to shut my body down so it can deal with my hormones, i am sure i shall sleep well tonight.
    • Posted

      i have not taken any tablets, drinking plenty of water and tea is good for you. i have found.
  • Posted

    Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and encouragement.  I had occurred to me that my memory loss could be dementia, which is in my family - but not at 53!  I am well aware it can have early onset, but the fact that it is mid and long term memory which is affected hopefully rules that out. Though I do regularly go to another room to get something and then forget what it is when I get there - or the fridge, or whatever, though I've been doing that for years - my 21 year old son  does this too!

    I do try to drink lots of water - in summer I don't go anywhere without my water bottle.  Tea I drink in abundance only in cooler weather, but one every morning with a coffee chaser year 'round.


    • Posted

      Was once told that if you go to start the car and think oh ....I've forgotten the keys, it is forgetfulness. Dementia sufferers don't realise they need them.
    • Posted

      Hi Taz 

      so true, yet so sad 😕

      i always forget things... Go in kitchen and think ... ' what did i want in here '

      I do it all day... 

      Have to write a list for the shopping .. dohhhhh 

      have to put in in my pocket  when completed or i forget it ... 😳


    • Posted

      Hey Jay I am still alive lol

      i can go downstairs and forget what I went down the stairs for.  I think that's a woman thing as we forget cause we are thinking about other things.  Good excercise though cheesygrin but to forget after doing the stairs at your house would be dreadful....cause you have so many stairs. 

      i have to make a grocery list.  There are like 20 different kinds of cereal.  It's overwhelming and easy to get sidetracked.  Brain fog at grocery stores.  So much to see, buy ....and eat!  I am hungry now......bye

    • Posted

      Hi Dottie

      😃 i have 4 levels in mine .. 

      So 100 stairs a trip from top to garden, and back up again keeps me fit, i go to garden at least 10 times a day with dogs ( 1000 stairs ) a day 

      Kitchen, lounge, bathroom, bedroom top floor, four bedrooms 2 baths second floor, 

      Bathroom, games room, pool level third floor, 

      More stairs / steps to lower garden

      Wears me out some days in heat..

      Lots of cleaning ☺️

      Ooooops still forgot to go to bed 😀

      Nite dottie 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hey Jay dear wow that sure makes you good cheeky muscles.  cheesygrin  be brutal if you forgot something. hehe   You are not getting older...you are getting better..  This is my first month of my monthly blessing isn't here and it's been like 10 days late so maybe this is the grand finale.  I doubt it though from reading the posts on here as I was getting excited but no I won't. sad 
    • Posted

      Hey JJ sounds lovely!  Me and Marlene will be over soon! cheesygrin

      Have a nice day!

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