hormones causing memory loss
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i am in my mid 50s and have had menopause symptoms for the past five years, today was particularly bad, normally my hormones are level but today they are having a riot, my estrogen levels must be high and i also found my memory suffered a little today, which leads me to believe that too much estrogen causes memory loss, i also feel more tired today, if researchers can put the link between estrogen and memory then maybe they can find a cure for memory conditions.
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Madmarilyn barbara84047
my my dad had dementia, so I understand your fear of memory loss being connected, as I had the same worries, but I can see there are differences. He was in his own world, thought he had a job when he'd been retired for years, would lie down in the drive if he was tired, eat in the middle of the night....for me, I ask a client at work if they would like tea or coffe and forget which in the ten yards to the kettle!
Someone can give me directions somewhere, and and I struggle to retain that info for the vital five minutes. Or they can tell me something and I get the wrong end of the stick, as if they ar speaking a foreign language. I have to re read emails to make sure I have picked up the right information. I go upstairs or to the garage to get something,and get distracted by something else, so the item I went out for is completely forgotten - unless I come back to find whatever I was doing when I realised I needed it, still half done in the house.
I have tried to put some coping methods in place, which help me: I have to leave a tin at the front door to remember to get my lunch out of the fridge before I go to work, I write everything down, and if I need to remember something, I tie a knot in my handbag strap to make me stop and think about what it is I need to do .....I always have a pen and a little book with me - and I use reminders on my ipad and on Outlook to turn off the hosepipe or pay a bill, or I would never remember!
Keep your chin up, it's just nature playing tricks on you!
barbara84047 Madmarilyn
Allison1960 Madmarilyn
Yes, I have learnt to write things down and put reminders into my phone. I have always used a shopping list, my problem now is remembering to take it with me! I too put things out to remind me of things. Reminds me of a work colleague years ago back in Oz, who used to put her car keys into the fridge at work. That way she wouldn't forget the meat she had bought at the market at lunch time. Great idea!
Tazchurch Allison1960
jayneejay Tazchurch
hahahaha well you could put the fridge near the front door..😃
when i finish my list it goes in my purse or pocket .. Then I think of something else to add to it, and then have to get it out again..
i have to have a list these days, and write things down, reminders etc..
oh well .. 😉
have a nice evening .. jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
so is it the new X Factor on the box tonight then 😑
jay jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
i just knew you would say that .. 😃
but thanks for the time 😀 hahahahahahaha
i am laughing my head off ... your lovely 😊
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
I am a classically trained mezzo-soprano so all catawalling to me
jayneejay Tazchurch
hahahahaha 😃😃😃
wow are you .... Jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Not sure how I found the time to do all I did over the years.
jayneejay Tazchurch
thats amazing ... give us a tune 🎶🎵🎵🎶🎤
never ending your talants .. ☺️
Jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 😃
Tazchurch jayneejay
barbara84047 jayneejay
Tazchurch barbara84047