Horrible side effects Amlodophine
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I’m on Amlodophine 10mg and feel horrible. I have heart palpatations chest tightness and occasional dizziness.. just feel unwell. Only been on this dose 2-3 weeks ( was on 5 but didn’t control pressure ) so wondering if it gets better with time or should I insist doctor change my meds. He disagreed when I told him what I was feeling, saying it’s rare. Might be but I know what I’m feeling. Anyone been thru this?
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joycecny cynthia33831
I totally can relate to how you're feeling as I had similar symptoms on 5 mg of amlodipine. My symptoms started a couple of weeks after my first dose. I felt awful and In addition to the symptoms you're having I had horrible hot flashes. I went to my dr and insisted she switch my medication. She did and I am now on the Benicar generic - 5mg and my blood pressure is under control and the symptoms have subsided. I can say with certainty i had a bad reaction to the amlodipine and it sounds like it could be the same for you. As patients we have to insist our drs listen to us and take how we're feeling seriously. I went to my dr and said I refused to take it anymore and insisted she change it. I've been in the new med for about a week. So far so good. I hope you can discuss changing your meds with your doctor. Best of luck to you. Keep me posted!
cynthia33831 joycecny
michael32218 cynthia33831
cynthia33831 michael32218
alison96634 cynthia33831
well for many some of us cannot take it. There are plenty of others available.
debra16694 cynthia33831
Hi Cynthia - Yes! yes! yes! I was on 5 ml of amlodipine for 5 years & started having horrible flushing, but at the same time started menopause & was diagnosed with Rosacea so I thought it was all part of the menopausal journey, then I got switched to 10 ml of amlodipine & I swear within two weeks couldn’t walk, my feet & legs felt like they were made out of concrete then the unbelievable swelling of the feet & ankles & the dizziness, weird eye flashing like I felt like I was losing my vision etc. I took myself off of it & I felt so bad that frankly I said this is no quality of life...I could not function! It has been a year since being off & I am on another b/p RX & my b/p averages about 145/75, I frankly can live with that - amlodipine is poison & it may not affect you at first, but eventually those that can’t tolerate it, will get side effects. I am convinced that the amlodipine has cause me long lasting Vaso motor flushing...I flush 24/7 now & it’s not Rosacea causing it or a “hot flash” from menopause - try magnesium and beet root capsules & of course no stress, weight loss, mediation etc. it’s a bad drug -
joycecny debra16694
The hot flushing are the worst. I, too, am in the throws of menopause but after a week or so of being on the amlodipine the flushes were 100 times worse. At first I attributed it to the hot humid summer we are having along with menopause but after talking to my gyn dr she said it could be the amlodipine. I'm So glad I'm off that stuff now. I'd only been on it for a short time so after I d/c it I noticed my symptoms subsided rather quickly. I DO still get the menopause hot flashes which ar annoying but tolerable and nothing like the ones I got while on the amlodipine. I would be sweating from head to toe and my skin was so red and hot i was so embarrassed when this happened out in public. There has been much improvement since I've stopped the amlpodine and thankfully, so far the new bp med seems to be agreeing with me. We do have to be our own advocates. Have u noticed help with the menopausal hot flashes with the beet juice and magnesium? Best of luck to u both!
debra16694 joycecny
Hi Joyceny - Without boring you with all the details, the last six years of my life have been an “e ticket ride” regarding my health - When I was put on Amlodipine in 2012, it was also the start of a very stressful next few years of my life, so when I started exhibiting all these weird sensations and feeling like crap most days, I just chalked it up to stress or menopause. When I stopped taking Amlodipine one year ago, I crashed & burned, there were days I couldn’t get out of bed...I had heart palpitations, headaches, burning body parts, electric shock sensations, tingly hands, flushing, hot flashes. If you google the 66 symptoms of menopause & then read about anxiety & the side effects of this horrible drug you will see very similar symptoms, sooo, I really don’t know what came first, but I do know that amlodipine amplified ALL my symptoms. I still struggle with symptoms, but oddly enough, when I took myself off amlodipine, my b/p actually came down...I just think my body knew it was so toxic. I am 61, post menopausal, but still struggling with menopause symptoms. I have learned a lot in this journey. 1. Trust your body 2. Western medicine drs treat your symptoms, not the cause 3. Read and get informed about any RX BEFORE you ingest it 4. Mental & emotional health are factors in determining your physical health.
For me, I had the perfect storm going on in my body...I was dealing with emotional, mental & physical stresses & my health was taking its toll. I also, am not a huge believer that @ 61, my b/p should always be a perfect 120/80. I do think everyone depending on age, genetics will have their own healthy range. To answer your question, my flushing is less frequent and certainly less severe, but is still there - I need to exercise which I really have not done these last few years because I have felt so horrible, but plan to start & also I need to lose weight, but for now, I am not beating myself up. I just try to calm myself with self care, meditation and eating clean. I do believe magnesium and beet root capsules do aid in keeping your b/p down, for now I can only take baby steps in this road to recovery -
joycecny debra16694
I've been experiencing menopausal symptoms for almost 10 yrs. I'll be 60 next month. It's awful becuz the side effects of the amlodipine mimic a lot of the effects we experience during menopause. Stress definitely plays a role in all of this as well. I do know tho that since I've stopped the amlodipine i DO feel so much better. I, too, think ideally my bp should be 110/70 as it always was in My younger years,but in reality you're right ... we're all different and those numbers may not be our Ideal readings. Right now I am consistently 125/80-85 and I'm ok with that. I do think diet and exercise can help keep our numbers in check as well. I need to more diligent about both. I wish you the best And hope you feel better. Keep me updated and I will as well!
debra16694 joycecny
Hi Joyceny - thanks for replying - isn’t this menopause journey a fun ride? 😱 were you always on 5 ml of Amlodipine or 10 ml? & for how long? I am currently on Irbesartan HTZ & was put on that while still only on the 5 ml of amlodipine (very stressed out times) Dr switched me to 10 ml of amlodipine & the world fell apart - after being off amlodipine for a year, my dr wants me to go on another B/P RX to bring my numbers way down, but obviously I am reluctant and hope that I can sustain my numbers & really try to lose weight & exercise & do it more holistically - may I ask what B/P RX you are currently on? All RX’s seem to come with some side effect, I suppose it’s just picking your poison - can I ask you a menopause/flushing question? When you get a flush, do you also (aside from the heat) feel like your brains have been sucked out & you feel a bit woozy? I am so over these horrible symptoms - thanks for your input -
joycecny debra16694
Hi Debra! Oh yesss menopause is such a Fun journey 😩 and my GYN dr said the symptoms can last well into our post menopause years. Yikes!
Im currently on 5 mg olmlasartan. I was on 5 mg of amlpodipine but only for about 2 months or so. I felt so horrible that I knew I wasn't going to take it anymore. So far, no bad side effects from the new medication but I've only been on it for about a week and a half. You're so right. All meds have side effects and we just have to find one that works best for our bodies. Right now my bp was 135/88. It usually is higher in the morning and usually evens out to about 125/80-85. It was 165/99 when i went on amlodipine.
As far as the menopausal hot flashes. Yes. Some will make me feel woozy and my head will throb. I get more mild ones through out the day and night (wakes me up thru the night 😡
but when i was on the amlodipine the flushes seemed to engulf my entire body and i literally felt like i was going to self combust. It was horrible. Once in a while I still get a really severe one but nothing like the ones I experienced 24/7 While on the Amlodipine. My gyn told me about a product called. Hot flash. It's a capsule. She says it's helped some of her patients. Going to research that more along with some other natural supplements. Keep me updated on how you are doing. Best of luck to you!
debra16694 joycecny
Hi Joyceny - Thank you for your reply - From my understanding, your current B/P RX is from the same family as the one I am on & they seem to be well tolerated with few side effects. As you know, when you monitor your b/p thruout the day, you get all kinds of different readings, so it’s important to know what your baseline is. Even if I was at optimum weight & fitness, I believe for my age my B/P would not be a perfect 120/80.
I have been going to acupuncture throughout this nightmare amlodipine/menopause journey & my acupuncturist would point out how my tongue was flaming “bright red” when I was on the amlodipine meaning my chi was heated. Now since off the amlodipine my tongue is back to normal color, so yes, that poison was inflaming my body & making my hot flashes/flushes 10 times worse. I was also diagnosed with Rosacea at the time, but now I think it was just the amlodipine making my flushing so bad.
I know everyone describes their hot flash/flushing differently, but I can’t cope with that woozy/brain got sucked out/heat flash - it makes me feel so odd - thanks for sharing -
s424 cynthia33831
I would advise you to STOP Amlodopine immediately. I had same symptoms and more. Only took it for 4 weeks and it took 4 months to get rid of symptoms. Still , after 3 years, occasionally get acid reflux and palpitations which I'd NEVER had before taking Amlodopine..
sandra500 cynthia33831
Those side effects are not rare I have them too so much so I have stopped taking it .my bp is high again but at least I'm able to get out of bed ! 10mg is always the dose ppl seem to have problems with my gp feels a mixture of two types might be better. H
brenda75887 cynthia33831
Cynthis, I understand completely. I took myself off this dangerous drug a couple years ago and still have residual side effects. When I last mentioned it to my cardiologist he SCREAMED at me. I told him he had the bedside manner of a pig. Don't know if we are still speaking. I have previously stated in this forum that I came across a complaint from another patient who said "I felt like I was dying". That summed up my feeling on the drug exactly. I don't remember which ones, but this drug is banned in some countries. I don't wonder why - I know why. There are too many complains to be ignored. I am not a doctor and can only share my own experience, but your doctor sounds biased and not paying attention to your problems. I feel so strongly against this poison I would change docs if necessary. Good luck.
Guest brenda75887
Hi Brenda I have had the worst time of my life in the last 6 months. I started Amlodipine and gradually started to get extreme fatigue pain in legs and arms.l never dreamt it could be any thing to do with the pills . As things got worse with pain and sweating I eventually had 2 massive anxiety attack’s ended up in a&e.
Been off work now for 4 months.Stopped Amlodipine 6 weeks ago and improvements are really slow . Ironically BP is now lower than ever.
Just wondering if you think my symptoms should have gone by now or if it’s a long hall ? Thankyou
debra16694 Guest
Hi Steve - Here’s is the good news...you were only on that poison for 6 months. I was on it for 5 years!!! I have been off of it for 1 year and I am still having residual effects. I hope and pray that it hasn’t permanently damaged me in some way. It does seem to take some time to leave your system though. I still experience crazy anxiety and aches & pains & flushing that I never had before my Amlodipine adventure. It could be age & menopause also, but I know Amlodipine made everything so much worse. Good Luck!
Guest debra16694
just prey it will end.Good luck to you too.