Hot flashes causes other symptoms
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I suffer these everyday and 100%Hot flashes disrupt your life enough, but did you know they may also be associated with: • flushing and skin blotchiness • anxiety • increased heart rate • weakness • feeling trapped or suffocated What's more, hot flashes can begin 1-2 years before menopause and last up to 5 years after. Here's how to find reliefand these In addition to drenching perspiration, hot flashes may be associated with: flushing and skin blotchiness chills and shivering anxiety tingling, crawling skin sensation (formication) increased heart rate and/or palpitations weakness feeling trapped or suffocated
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Struggling50 Guest
The end of your post was a repeat of the beginning of your post. You started to say how to find relief but it just repeated what you had already said.
I'd like to know how to find relief. I have horrible anxiety and just don't feel like myself emotionally.
Thank you.
Guest Struggling50
Hi Sparky I got the infomation from the Woman's Health Site but I wasnt allowed to share what they use I was afraid it wouldn't post. Not sure if I can share the link here or not if so I will..
Struggling50 Guest
Ok. Thank you. I will see if I can find that site.
I feel so bad. I don't feel like myself. I am going to try acupuncture on Wednesday. I need relief somehow, someway.
Take care.
mary27278 Guest
Do you mean hot flashes aren't necessarily just getting hot but bring other symptons too?
How long do your symptons last when you get them per day?
Guest mary27278
mary27278 Guest
Mine is worse also in morning and midday and gets better in the evening. I have internal nervousness also
Especially in the stomach which i think mainly from my stomach issue. I have lost a lot of weight due to I can't eat certain foods because of it. The anxiety doesn't make it any better.
I keep saying "this too shall pass".
Struggling50 mary27278
Sugar makes my anxiety worse.
mary27278 Struggling50
My period was longer and heavier this month and farther apart. I went 33 days this month and it was heavier .Last month was shorter and lighter.
I had a really good appetite yesterday but today lack of appetite and naseau when I eat. I can't afford to lose any more weight.
Have you had any problems with eating?
Guest mary27278
my interenal nervousness is in my hands arms and overaLL body. Mary I have the stomach issues too I have no gallbladders, hiatal hernia, divertisculisis :-( and had hyplori ! Sometimes even at night this stuff hits BUT the sad thing is i'm not getting a break its been EVERYDAY since it started months ago and scared to death to take anything in fear things will get even worse !
Struggling50 Guest
mary27278 Guest
I cannot believe that peri will bring on all these problems. All I want is a break too! I mean my head feels like it's swollen and when I walk I get weak and dizzy. Then aniexty comes on. Why is it that some women don't have all these issues? I tried to eat and got really naseau from the gastritis..Evenings are my best time of the day..everything seems to settle down.
Struggling50 mary27278
Now I am hungry all the time!
I did have nausea this morning.
I go between being very constipated and then I am the other way.
I did not appreciate my youth.
Struggling50 mary27278
The anxiety is so bad! I get weepy too! I will cry and cry. I usually feel better after I cry. It is an emotional release.
mary27278 Struggling50
What I've noticed with the anxiety is that it is a mind thing. If there is something that I haven't taken care of such as a dr.s appt. Once I do the appt. And get results my anxiety gradually disappear, Or if I start thinking or worrying about something it appears really strong. So, it's anout trying to control the mind, i guess. I am thinking about going to counseling.
sue58256 Guest
Struggling50 sue58256