Hot Flushes?

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Hello again Ladies,

I'm back again with my many questions. I haven't had hot flushes yet I don't think. But I noticed today that I get really sick to my stomach and then when it subsides I get really hot and clammy. My question is, is this a form of a hot flash?

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27 Replies

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    i|t does sound hormonal, but not the usual hot flush we normally get, it comes form within, and it starts with heat first not sickness, you may or may not sweat with it, you feel like your going red in the face with it, but your not, but i would say what your experiencing is something hormonal, maybe you have had a sudden imbalance or, fluctuations in your hormones and its caused you to feel sick and clammy, a bit like a fainting spell but without the faint itself!!
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      I'm sure it was hormonal too. I started to panic but held it together. I got so hot, then I started sweating and got clammy. It was weird but heck my body is weird. I've had it happen before. Just wondering what it was. I've never gotten sick to my stomach before though and I wonder if that was anxiety cause I was about to lose it. I was driving.
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      I use to get night sweats but havent had one of those for over 7 years so think they have stopped now, dont get hot flushes as such, but do get what your describing, and once it happened whilst i was having test, where they injected me with ahormone, and it triggered those symptoms you speak of,  the nurse said dont worry its caused your  hormones to fluctuate it happens, even with the men she said, its tapered off for me now, like the night sweats, when it happens now its not as intense, but when its happened to me it didnt feel like anxiety, it came over me like a wave, with a sudden rush of heat, still get the high internal heat though, and yes i can wake extremely hot still happened last night and this morning, but doesnt go into a sweat nowadays, i think when your confident you know what it is, its not as bad in the future, because you find yourself saying, oh its just hormones it will pass, trouble is they dont prepare us do they, they never said it was going to be this bad........................
    • Posted

      I figured it was hormones. My cycle is due in about 5 days. I'm used to weird symptoms happening around that time. I noticed my anxiety is worse around that time and ovulation. It is what it is. I just deal with it.
  • Posted

    I don't think so. A hot flash doesn't make you feel sick or natious. It's heat building in your body. For me it usually starts in my neck or chest and gradually goes to my head. Lasts less then a minute. Just a warming sensation.

    Maybe you are getting sick. Maybe the flu or something maybe didnt agree with you. It could be some hormonal symptom, but I never experienced that one.

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      I'm sure it was another weird symptom. It was really hot out today and I had some anxiety going on. I've had this before and i still have weird stuff going on from time to time. At this point I just deal with it as it comes.
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    My hot flashes which o have t had in a while was "all of a sudden" hot in the face, like it came on real quick then left just as quickly. 

    Liver can do that too.. Have you had your liver function tests done.

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      I've had so much blood work done in the past few months and I don't want anymore tests done. Everything seemed to be functioning fine. Maybe I need to have my liver tested. I'm nervous now.
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      You are fine don't worry and I know what you mean you don't want anymore blood tests done I feel the same !if you had a Bit of anxiety you may have felt sick and when you were calming down felt hot and clammy as part of anxiet.that is all and can be as simple as anxiety not worry take care Michelle xxx
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      Thanks Michelle,

      I'm over it all. It's been a rough 5 months for me. I'm not going to worry myself. My anxiety is bad enough. I'm certain that this is all hormones.

    • Posted

      Sorry Jamie I didn't mean to worry you. 

      When I sought explanations for night sweats from a naturopath NOT dr. They said could be liver, NOT meaning anything bad, also excess estrogen being behind our Symptons like we spoke of earlier (our age etc) ..

      so so no don't rush off for more tests, I shouldn't have said that, like we need MORE things running around in our head.

      based on the fact you ARE healthy as all your tests indicated and it is peri, why don't you try vitex? Itl raise progesterone if low and subsequently sort out excess estrogen. It's just a thought, also St. John's wort for anxiety, women going through meno rave about how much it helps. Il stRt it again myself, I'm just hopeless at remembering to take things and you need to be consistent. With the vitex I started it agIn this cycle cause I was really early agAin, well it wasn't heavy clotting this cycle like the last ones so I'm holding out hope. Curious to see if it has me regular again very quickly like it did last time.

      anyway sorry to cause you more worry. Your all good! 

    • Posted

      Thank you, but no worries. I was told once it could be kidneys. I was worried about night sweats too. But I seem to only get them when my cycle is on. Which was something I didn't notice before. Ive noticed that I get majority of my symptoms rite before, during or after the cycle. My anxiety is all over the place , but I'm getting better control of it. At one time I would run to the hospital, but now I just breathe and tell myself I'm ok. It passes and I get ok. I do have to see a new GP as mines no longer accepts my insurance. I will have to go through my woes again, but I'm not as worried as I was at first. Just frightening while you're going through it.
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      Yeh I'm resorting to trying to join a holistic medical centre in the hopes of better diagnostics. But at a coat of 300% higher consult fees and my hubby isn't going to like it AT ALL...

      For now il resort to cutting booze, try lessening caffeine, St. John's for anxiety and vitex for hormone balance and fingers crossed...

      Take care

    • Posted

      That's what I did. Just cut down the caffeine and sugar intake, try to eat more fruit and veggies and hope it works. I hate pills so I only take what I need. Just deal with it one day at a time.
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      Just one thing .. And this came from my gastroenterologist. More fruit veg creates more gas! He told me to cut down and eat more simple foods. I nearly cried but I admit since changing my diet thinking more raw foods is better is the same time I started getting worse tummy ...
    • Posted

      No you don't have a liver problem. It would have showed up in your blood work. I'm sure its just your hormones. You will be fine.

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