Hot flushes with no sweating!
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Hi guys,
You are all so wonderful. Just joined the site and thank goodness you are all here. I am 44 and for the last 4 months have been getting so overheated have had to walk out of restaurants or theatre. The wierd thing is I am not sweating, Just getting so hot in my head I feel I will pass out. When I get out into the fresh air I am shaking and pale, feel weak and so tired I could fall asleep on my feet.
Does this sound pre or peri menopausal, whatever its called? Today I started to feel sick after eating, then the heat came and I had to really work hard, ice packs on the neck, deep breaths not to be sick or pass out. Whats going on? Any ideas. Many thanks. Georgia
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justlease georgia91198
margaret04348 georgia91198
jennifer85396 margaret04348
margaret04348 jennifer85396
jennifer85396 margaret04348
margaret04348 jennifer85396
shaznay96184 margaret04348
Was getting some of them around Xmas, which made me decide to do something about it. Nurse Pract'r didn't really 'push' HRT.......but did push ADs/SSRIs (think she must be sh*gging the Parmaceutical Rep!!). No ta. The endless list of side effects were worse than anything I was feeling!
Found this site on a particularly desperate night before Xmas: it felt like Santa had actually read my letter and delivered!! Love this site!
Also go myself a very run-of-the-mill multi vits/min supplement (Menopace Original) in a bid to ease the really aching joints/help my mood. Well 3mths on, I feel absolutely great: pain really eased and my mood's so much better. Still bleeding like a teenager, regular as clockwork (not great at 54!) but these will help me stay off the HRT for as long as I physically can.
Can't wait for my periods to start to get irregular. I've only ever missed one in my life: 1987 when I was pregnant! The day I miss one, and then another: I shall put the flags out!
Congrats Margaret for being rid of the Curse for 12 whole months. I salute you girl
PE - Did you take HRT at all?
margaret04348 shaznay96184
Tracky georgia91198
HotDot7 georgia91198
shaznay96184 georgia91198
I don't get 'hot flushes' in the traditional sense, but in the build-up to a period I am like a furnace inside: my husband says 'Christ girl, you are roasting' - I used to take this as a compliment until I realised what he meant
Seriously, I used to get a lot hotter than I seem to at the mo. I know we're only just coming into Spring, but I can imagine myself sleeping on top of the duvet again very soon.
Did buy a 10.5 tog duvet and managed to suffer that for 2 nights when it was particularly cold, but have resorted back to our 4.5 summer weight, think that is warm enough for us.
For me, and I know someone else on this site has mentioned it, I think the problem lies with the fact that I have a memory foam mattress - and they are so bloody hot
!! Won't be getting one of them again. All of my family err towards 'Is it hot in here or is it me?......' I look really flushed when I go to friends' houses because they will insist on having the CH on at 30 degrees!!
I have to say that both the 'sort-of flushes and bit of heart palps' have been kept in check since I began using Menopace at the beginning of the year. Coincidence or not: I ain't stopping taking themto see if they really are helping, or at least not without a fight!! Get a lot of relief for my aching joints, so think they're working for me.
Looking back, even as long ago as a few years ago when we were eating out, I was very conscious that while I was eating, I wasn't feeling hot, but my face was bright red. People probably thought I was going nuts in the 'All You Can Eat Buffet' - or due a heart attack!!
I truly think a lot of my early Peri symptoms got eclisped by other stressful situations I found myself in over the years building up to now (bereavements, selling Business/family home: all very stressful
. or lets say I bloody hope so!
My husband has just said I look a bit 'ruddy faced' (he's a right love!) and I know that I came in earlier, starving, and have sort of binge-eaten since I got in. So I see what you mean about feeling a bit dicky after eating. I suppose there's a lot to be said about eating little and often, and eating well. I'll get all the chocolate out of the house this weekend(!) and try my best to be a bit better from next week.
Oh well Georgia, at 54 I've got 10yrs on you. I hate to say it love but I'm still getting periods as regular as clockwork, only ever having missed on in 1987 - when I was pregnant! If you're lucky, your journey to full-blown Menopause won't be as long as mind. All my sisters were well into Meno at my age: I imagine I must have been really bad in a previous life
Avoid spicy foods, too much caffeine, hot drinks, layer clothing, have a window open.......oh, the bloody list goes on and on........!
I often have to strip off in the middle of the night. I used to blame my 'hairy mammoth' husband, but he reckons it me now!
georgia91198 shaznay96184
5 months ago I tried having a mirina coil fitted to help with depression. Headaches got so bad had to have it removed. First couple of months back to normal then three months of bleeding. Everything went haywire and GP told me it was nothing to do with the coil just my age! Yeah right. Went on pill to stop everything. Didn't work. Tried others, worked well. Stopped then bleeding started again more normally. 2 months later all wierd again. Had these wierd over heating problems for about 4 months. This menopace sounds great. Will give it a go. So glad there are a few of you out there who can pass on the secreats of whats to come! Gx
shaznay96184 georgia91198
I hope Menopace works a bit for you. I sympathise with the migraines/ headaches. Some are probably 'hormone-realated' - I've defo had a few. (A lot of us keep a record of moods/bleeding/symptoms etc for our own benefit. You might even see a pattern emerging with your headaches?)
Used to get terrible 'sinus headaches' before I had them flushed: best thing I've ever had and one of the only things I've had done medically.
Chin up kid - remember you're in good company here!
susan21149 georgia91198
There are times where I felt shaky to where I felt like I was going to pass out
But it does get better
shaznay96184 susan21149
Eating 'Little and Often' tends to be thrown at us on a regular basis, but I suppose it makes a lot of sense to balance our blood sugars at certain times of the month