How can I stop PPI (Lansoprazole)?
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I have been taking Lansoprazole daily for around 2 years now but I want to stop because I'm pretty sure I am now noticing bad side effects and it is for some reason irritating my stomach.
Problem is I tried to stop a long time ago and got really bad acid more than ever.
This time I am going to stop completely (I take 15mg once daily) and replace with Zantac and use Gaviscon and Pepto-bismol when needed to try control any bad acid reflux.
Anyone else stopped PPI's successfully?
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susant59053 superkid
I am also trying to quit ppi but so far no success . its been 2 years i am taking pantoprazole 40mg. at first doc gave me because of mild acid . but after taking these ppi for 2 months my acid got worse i could not bear it anymore. everytime i tried to stop it rebound acid is unbearable. Now i am trying to reduce the dosage gradually. I am on 20mg now.
Try slowly by reducing dosage. and notify me if you find any solution as i need to quit them too
gillian00169 superkid
Hi Superkid
I have just stopped taking Omeprazole after 8 years 20mg per day. I have read the side effects over long term use and it scared the life out of me. I am taking Slippery Elm and the Dr's prescribed Ranitidine less side effects. I am aware of certain foods and really shouldn't drink wine. However, at the moment so far so good. About 3 weeks. I would discuss your decision with your GP and ask for an alternative like Ranitidine, Good Luck
susant59053 gillian00169
gillian00169 susant59053
Hi Susan
I was slowly stopping omeprazole taking one every other day but using Slippery Elm 4 x daily (powder form) this puts a lining in your gut, excellent. I had a discussion with my GP and he was pleased i was slowly stopping O and not just stopping it. He suggested i go straight on Ranitidine 150mg x 2 per day. He suggested i either take 1x2 per day or take both together. I tried 1 x 2 but i am better taking 2 first thing with water before i have a hot drink or food. So far so good. If ranitidine doesn't work there are others they will prescribe for you, trust your Dr and talk it through with him/her. Don't persevere with your ppi make the appointment but don't stop your meds until advised. I was diagnosed with Barrats Osephagus both my father and brother had there oesophagus removed! my father died due to complications of the operation and my youngest nearly died too. He underwent another 5 hour procedure and is fine now, even playing golf.
I know longer have Barrats O but it can come be very careful with your stomach and talk to your health professional.
Good Luck
I've stopped for over 48 hrs now and had no acid reflux. How long normally does it take? I have not had acid reflux for well over a year because of the PPI, maybe I won't get it anymore? Having lost a lot of weight too
My anxiety is making me worried about it when eating having going through many stomach problems over the years.
Guest superkid
Ok, I agree in part, PPIs DO have side effects indeed, are they the demon we sometimes think they are? This is down to the individual as ALL meds are. Look at statins for an example. Yes, H2s such as Zantac (just a brand name as you know) have be proven to have fewer LONG term side effects but still do have them. But in many/some case do not work or do not work as well as PPIs. Can I suggest something here please? Swop your PPI if you cant manger on H2s and then keep reducing it slowly to the lowest practicable level. Lansoprazole? put me in so much pain yet Pantoprazole at 20mg was ok for 2 years and now I'm back on Omeprazole which I've reduced to just 10 mg (which is the same as 20 mg Pantoprazole). The doctors will sometime just keep giving out massive doses of PPIs. Now lets also consider the negatives of coming off of a med that does reduce acid to a safe level: Acid related damage that can result in many types of cancers, I've been there for the last 30 years yo-yoing from no meds to the top doses for a year, as soon as my symptoms were under control I would drop the meds only to in the same position a year later. Yes, I've tried food, yes I've tried H2s but for me and I can only base my comment on me a low dose PPI is a God send. I would indeed prefer no meds whatsoever but for many the goal has to be to reduce ANY meds to the lowest level as the impact upon your body of excessive acid long term is not good. Damned if you do and damned if you don't
Good luck.
superkid Guest
Well I have noticed muscle weakness and muscle cramping (which may also be why my lower stomach cramps up really bad now?). I am only 24 and I can't even walk that far without my muscles feeling weak or like they are going to cramp up.
I've also had other side effects but I have been on other medication in the past which I stopped a year ago so may also be contributing.
susant59053 Guest
how many years you r on ppi now. and for what you are taking those? i was prescribed pantoprazole for mild acidity but with the use of ppi that got worse , now i can't stay a single day without ppi . acid rebound is severe . i am in a deliema of what to do and what not . even after taking 20mg pantoprazole i get burning in epigastric area . what should i do increase the dose or stop it? 😢 confused actualy i still think i should not have taken the ppi at ppi . i could have been so much better now
gillian00169 susant59053
I've been on Omeprazole since 2009. Please do not come off them without discussing it with your GP. They can try you on others like Ranitidine which are not PPI. If you are still getting heartburn whilst on Pantoprazole you do need to tel your doc. I have severe heartburn. I am taking a herbal remedy called Slippery Elm i take one large tsp mixed in a little water. This lines the esophagus and stomach, however, you can buy it in tablet form. Also, Aloe vera gel drink is supposed to be the best, but very expensive.
Watch Barbara O'Neill on youtube re- gut. Good luck..
gillian00169 Guest
PPI's are not the devil far from it they are an amazing drug, however, they have some serious side effects like cancer, heart attacks etc. My GP pointed out if i don't take them and not take a substitute i still risk getting C and the pain will be horrendous.
The doc also said for me to take just 3 per week, this cuts the risks down.
Guest superkid
Morning Gillian, where did you get the PPIs can cause cancer from?? This is from the NHS: "In around 1 in 10 people with GORD, repeated damage from stomach acid over many years can eventually cause changes in the cells lining the oesophagus. This is called Barrett's oesophagus. These abnormal cells are at an increased risk of becoming cancerous in the future, although the risk is still small." So there is a proven risk of cancer from ACID. And that was just for oesophagus cancer and not stomach which I certain you'll find is the same. Yes I have read papers re heart attacks but I believe this was withdrawn after the study was found to be very flawed. The fact is most people taking PPIs are over 40 and many over 60. I think any study would find that proving PPIs cause heart attacks where there would not have been one without the influence of PPIs in that age group very difficult to substantiate. I think we all have to be careful here (like you said). Lets view this from a different prospective, if we all only looked at a meds negatives and not positives would we be taking any meds?? I think the problem as with any meds is DOSE and the individual vs the different type of the same med. Doctors often go for the max dose and this just get put on repeat prescription for years and then your body is addicted to the med. And one type of PPI can suit one person but not another and this again is fact based. Coming off then requires months of weaning off because as you know the stomach will just try and up its production of acid to match the level of antacid drug. But again its down to each person to do a risk assessment of their own, PPIs or acid damage. I wont take statins after being on them for 5 years. Will I die from a heart attack?? Maybe but would I have anyway?? Maybe, who knows. And that's it in a nutshell, we don't know how or when we are going to die but the fact remains that we will die of something lol.
Gillian_68 Guest
The profound reduction in gastric acid secretion induced by PPIs leads to increased secretion of gastrin. Gastrin has tropic effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa and hypergastrinaemia this has been associated with increased risk of gastric carcinoids and gastric and colonic carcinomas. This was a study that was done in Denmark, that proved this to be the case.
So far I have had mild and intense burning sensation in my stomach and to the right of my stomach. Pain in the lower right and left and to my back like a poking pain. Stomach feels generally unhappy right now with some nausea.
Felt better though off the ppi, I'm hoping the pain will go away by the end of the week
Guest superkid
Hi Gillian, you are now entering a domain of chemistry which is open to many factors, one being the PH of the stomach. So in essence its down to the dose of any meds and many many other factors and not just PPIs per se. You are talking about the PPIs doing it job in blocking the PP. A key protein for acid secretion is the H+/K+-ATPase (or proton pump). Hence its how PPIs work. Heres the results of a PPI cancer risk group research:
I'm not for one second trying to advocate PPIs of course they have side effects and sometimes massive side effects but so does aspirin. But you can see from the studies on the net that the risk is greater of cancer from acid damage then PPIs. If there's anyone who can provide details/links to studies please list them as information is king.
gillian00169 superkid
Thanks Dave
I have read the report and it is what my GP said yes it can happen, but i have a high risk of developing it without PPI's. He understood my concerns and said i will have to take something and the ranitidine is the better for less side effects. I do state Omeprazole is a magic drug for sure, but long-term use isn't good.
I know i am far from being out of the woods, so to speak. I have only been taking the new drug about three weeks. However, Slippery Elm and Aloe vera juice have been around many years. My hope is eventually to be off any drugs and taking the latter two.My diet needs a real overall and of course the wine...
Thank You