How do/did you deal with the weight gain on Mirtazapine?

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I’ve been on for a little over 2 months, and I gained 15 kg (or 33lbs). To be fair, right before I went on I did lose a lot of weight (13 lbs) just because of my depression, so overall I guess it’s 20 lbs. Anyway, it’s getting warmer here now and I don’t feel very comfortable with my body. I’ve started excercising etc and so far lost 10 lbs, but it’s quite difficult because I constantly feel hungry and eat at least twice as much as I used to. I know weight gain is a common side effect of Mirtazapine, so I was wondering how others deal with it? Like did you just ignore it and lost the weight when you went off, or did you exercise and count calories? Are there any tips, like any snacks or foods that make you feel full for longer so that you eat less overall? 


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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Angela

    Ive been on Mirtz for 6 months. I have put on about 2 stones. I craved carbs all the time..... Im coming off mirtz now and only having it every other night and ive started excercising... Not lost anything yet. Others on the site say they lost the weight when they came off but I think if you are going to stay on Mirtz then stick to low fat foods. each time i felt hungry i eat a yogurt. 

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      I’ll try eating more yoghurts, could be a good idea, thanks
    • Posted

      I was hit with such a mad carb desire... i kept thinking of chips and more chips.. then a new chip shop opened up on my road, I soon became their regular customer!!!
    • Posted

      I'm a chip girl myself. Life would be do much sadder and harder without chips.  We also have a very good chippy near by

    • Posted

      Hi Raj, 

       Hope you don’t mind me asking but I was wondering how are you going about coming off the Mirtazapine,  and what dose were you on ? 

       I’m on 15 mg at moment 


    • Posted

      Hi Steven

      Its been ok. I went from 45mg to 15 mg over a couple of months, now i take 15mg every other day, I will do this for 6 weeks then bring it down to 7.5mg every other day...

  • Posted

    I noticed that you constantly crave carbs.  I did when I was on it.  I did watch my weight whilst taking exercise particularly running a lot.  I've never been overweight in my life before I took this drug.  It slows down the metabolism and is given to people with eating disorders.

    I stopped it and the weight just dropped off.  I'll never take a drug like that again

    • Posted

      I haven’t thought about it before but I do crave carbs a lot, like breads out of all things for example. I was never overweight either, it was about two weeks ago that I noticed how much weight I put on, and I’m trying to watch it since then
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      Quite quickly to be honest.  When I just stopped it, I felt nauseous, so didn't eat much at all for the first couple of weeks and the weight was just dropping off.  I will try and look it up coz I kept a record 

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      yes it's weird.  I would try and eat some blueberries with yoghurt or porridge and feel full then see someone eating a big sandwich on TV and really crave it

    • Posted

      Your lucky you can come off the drug, I absolutely hate taking it but my severe anxiety comes back with a vengence if I try to taper off. So for now I have to take it, I couldn't live with the alternative. The Dr says it takes a year for the nerves to heal, so I will stay on till October & try again. 👍😊

  • Posted

    Hi Angela, like you I've put on weight & I'm not happy with my size. However I have went back on low CARB diet, so I can eat as much as I like of the correct foods & avoid carbs. So instead of potatoes beef & veg, I miss out the potatoes. Anymore than 40 carbs a day is stored as fat, keep under that & you will lose. 👍

    • Posted

      I could try that, just a bit difficult though when you crave carbs so much hah

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