How do I survive this
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Is there anyone out there that has had a full hysterectomy and is either going or has gone through surgical menopause? My hysterectomy was 5 years ago and I am still suffering terribly. I can't stand up unaided, my head is constantly hurting, I feel sick and I can't do this much longer. Please give me some hope
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CarolKelso tracy43395
Hi there tracy
I am so sorry you feel this way but you are not alone.
Can I ask how old you are and if you have been checked over by your GP? I had the same operation 10 years ago and no one prepared me for what was ahead. I had my ovaries left in but not that that made any difference.
It has been a grueling few years for me. The symptoms are indescribable a lot of the time and without this forum I do not know where id be. I've had so much, I do not know where to start. The nausea, dizziness, IBS, headaches, palpitations, depression, anxiety and much more.
Know this, you are not alone in this. You say you cannot stand unless unaided. Is your GP aware of this and do you have support at home to help you?
Below there is a link you may find useful posted a few years back at this forum. Take a look at it.
Please do not despair. Its frightening and debilitating as out bodies change & transition but there is always light at the end of this vey dark tunnel. I suffered with awful headaches. I was free from them for the past month and this weekend, bang, out of nowhere I was in bed early as it was awful. But I know it will pass.
Hang tight. keep checking in here for support and go easy on yourself through this very challenging time. Click on the link below.
Gypsy014 tracy43395
Hi Tracy, yes I had the surgery also when I was 27 I just turned 48 so this may it will be 21 years I have my ovaries still in me but that doesn't make a difference at all.. Everything carol just wrote is exactly how I feel/felt nobody ever prepared me for what was ahead, these symptoms are truly debilitating and I just want them all to end too.. They don't stay as bad as when they first come on, but they definitely do cycle themselves every single month.. And since you don't have periods anymore I would suggest that you write down your daily symptoms into a journal and keep it next to your bed and write in it every single day exactly how you felt for that day , example having one sided migraine today my face is numb I'm dizzy I've been crying all day my legs are weak I have bad indigestion and belching today, my stomach is in pain, whatever your symptoms are write them down, so when your feeling really bad you can look back last month and see you had the same exact symptoms the previous month.. You can also compare how bad they were verses how much they've improved it helps to use the daily journal to see the consistency in patterns.. I hope you get some relief soon, its quite a rollercoaster... Carol kelso I feel your pain with the awful migraines they are truly the worst!!! I hope you find some relief too 😃
CarolKelso Gypsy014
Hi gypsy...
thanks for the get a reprieve and bang...back to the start of where you once abdomen is so sore after i had a takeaway Chinese 2 days tumny cannot process food the way it use and its not worth it...
its a nightmare and like you, things have settled but i still get awful symptoms. i feel so sorry for ladies starting out who feel the way we do....some women just have flushes and mood swings but many suffer the onslought just like us amd i wish id of known more about how one can suffer through the menopause but i think in america there is better knowledge and cridence given to the affects of declining of hormones...
You too hang tight...
many blessings.
Gypsy014 CarolKelso
Hi Carol , yes this is all such a rollercoaster of a ride , I do feel sorry as well for all the ladies just starting out.. I can't wait until this is all over , so I can shout from the roof tops I made it I'm done.. Thanks for the blessings, and blessing back to you...
I've been told that because I don't have ovaries I won't have any cycle at all so don't understand why it's so up and down. I had my op at 44 and am now 50. They have recently taken me off hrt because of migraines but they are worse off the hrt so don't get that reasoning. I serious,y can't do this much longer. I already have chronic illness and can't do this as well. People keep saying hang in there but when will it end if at all.
This is no way to
Gypsy014 tracy43395
I can't take the hrt either as my hysterectomy was for pre cancer cells, and now I'm suffering with migraines too so not a candidate either.. I do have the autoimmune illnesses too hashimotos and rheumatoid arthritis which I believe is all worse with menopause.. And menopause happens at our age no matter what we have no choice but to go through it some suffering more than others, it is possible that the hrt was keeping your symptoms under control and once taken off of it all your symptoms returned x 10.. Ive heard plenty of those stories.. I was where you were 2 years ago and I can say it is not as bad but still there just not so crippling, as what you are experiencing now.. The hrt ive heard can cause so many problems if you are a migraine sufferer, thats why no doctor will risk it for you.. The migraines are on the list of symptoms in menopause, I too suffer badly with them about id say almost 2 years now, and they are bad ive never ever in my life had a problem with migraines, and I can tell you with the migraines I'm not sure if you have this but all these symptoms go along with the migraines, its all part of the migraine off balance ringing in the ears throwing up nausea sensitivity to light tv's phones fluorescent lighting, dizziness vertigo numbness on one side of the body, I have all that and much much more with the migraines jelly legs weakness the list just goes on and on.. Diet which for me is no gluten or wheat, I eat veggies lean meats and seeds nuts salads water absolutely no eating out no processed foods are all key to me feeling some relief along with vitamins that are gluten free wheat and soy free, that is some of the only things that I have truly found to relieve some of this madness since I can't have any of the hormones...
alphabeta1 tracy43395
Hello, I have not any knowledge or experience about hysterectomy.
I was registered to this newsletter I believe around 2010 cause I suffered from menopause symptoms and it was hard.
I had no one to help as human relation and read this forum other stories to find solutions and comfort.
Last summer my house was burnt down in greek wildfires.
I lost everything inside included my 7 dogs and cats my only family.
I wandered a month or so in the car, I adopted a stray dog from the street.
I was accepted in fire victims shelter.
I rescued only a couple of my emails as I lost the passwords in the house, also my bank accounts numbers and passwords, and lots of other documents of my real and virtual life.
I accidentally rescued the registered with this forum email as I had it double step authentificated with my cell phone.
Today I saw your post.
Yesterday I received my breast scan and Pap test results and they were OK.
I wish you to find comfort and peace and not suffer any more.
My own menopause symptoms were very well endured with soya pills do not remember any more the brand.