How do you function with perimenopause?

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I was just curious how all of you strong ladies function living with this hell? I see alot of you suffer so badly then go into work! Im ashamed to say i dont have to work but i can barely get myself motivated enough to do housework let alone leave my house! Im so sick all of the time. I have no energy (prolly where i cant eat properly), Im nauseous 24/7, my gut gurgles loudly no matter what i do eat, dizzy and lightheaded, i never know when my periods will hit, I feel like i have constant pms, i get hot flashes, ovary aches, i get super anxious....if i do have a small window of feeling just "okay" i cant relax to enjoy it cause when i try to the hell comes back harder and more intense than ever. I dont feel like im alive anymore. I feel like im trapped in tgis never ending loop of hell! I have to get my license renewed and my eyes checked but town is 30 minutes away, I freak out thinking i will get there and the hardcore nausea & dizziness will hit amd i wont be able to drive home. How do you cope?

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    hi brandy so sorry its hit you so hard too, when i started in peri in 2011 i couldn't function i was always being brought home from work and just froze to the sofa when i got home i was so afraid to move. i couldn't of stayed in my job if it wasnt for my good boss letting me go home at any time. Now 8 yrs on im not as bad but still have more days of feeling ill than not but somehow i get through the day. x

    • Posted

      thanks for the reply, wow you were lucky having such a great boss! I think back to all of my bosses i has when i was "normal" and i would have been fired by any of them. I hope it gets better for me but geez this has been going on now for 4 years, im only 41 so im sure i have a long way to go still. In my 30s i had very bad pmdd i guess is what it was but now i only have like 2-4 periods a year, i never know when they are coming but i feel like im pmsing constantly its so awful. I dont want to get out of bed anymore cause i cant face how horrible i feel! I get angry cause everyone says its just depression but i didnt start having all of these symptoms until my periods started becoming irregular. I have been tested & my progesterone & estrogen are way low. I have tried antidepressants they made me way worse and i dont want to do the hrt crap so i feel like screwed 😦

  • Posted

    Hi Brandy,

    All i can say is i agree totally with what you have said . . . I don't work either and often wonder how these other ladies manage to ?

    I had my last period just over a year ago and thought by now i would be 'ME' again but no sucj luck. The dizziness has come back hard and I ache all over most days . . .

    If i have an appointment i have a small prescription for 2mg Diazepam which allows me to get there (Dentist etc )

    I'm not on HRT are you ?

    hugs to you

    Deb x

    • Posted

      hello deb, nope im not on hrt glad that im not the only one who is being hit so hard with this! Its hard to believe menopause can make someone feel so awful! I know the dizziness is awful, the nausea, the headaches....the list goes on and on. I think women who work & feel this way deserve a medal!

  • Posted

    Helloo dear

    ur not alone.

    For me its very difficult to cope with life fully change because of this

    i left my job because of off balance and dizziness issues.

    Homebound from last year..suffering alot with soo many different symptoms .

    some days r soo difficult not able to do normal daily things .

    Its phase of woman life ..some suffer more and some r lucky .

    Same like you i think 10 times before going anywhere....most of time i postpone things...donot feel like going anywhere ..Head pressure make me feel wired...

    I donot know how i feel tomorrow so i am not able to make any plans..

    My friends of my age r enjoying life...and me suffering alot .

    Hang is there dear

    Take care.

    • Posted

      Im the same way! I dont make appts or plans with anyone cause i never know how i will feel. I cant leave the house to do anything and it makes me feel worthless. I think about the old me and i just cry! I used to have a life, now im handcuffed to this "illness"...some people can call it the beautiful phase of a womans life all they me its an un-treatable disease!

  • Posted

    I am So sorry your going thru all of that, but I know how you feel and this site is great to feel semi-normal. I honestly look back and think...I got thru day to day..because...I had do what you have to because you just have to do it to survive. I feel like my symptoms have lessoned for sure. But you never know what will be day to day like you said. I had that dizziness and it was Horrible...I had it a while back but so far has not come back..just a tiny bit...Thank Goodness....Anxiety has gone..that lasted for years..ugh... I have rashes that have developed and have to go tomorrow morning..I feel it's hormones ...We will all get thru this together and that helps So MUCH. To be honest this site is what helped me cope. I felt like listening to others that I was OK and I could do by day. You will also!!! Your doing it already!! I know it's not easy...but you have us!! 😃 Hope I helped you in someway!!

    • Posted

      Thank would help if it would just ease up a little bit! Im so thin now its made me weak on top of everything else, i would rather be like most women and gain weight with this!

  • Posted

    Hi Brandy

    I too have a lot of issues and i work 40 hours a week and it is crazy . i start at 45 I am now 49 and it is hell Im on FMLA to protect me and my job . i had dizzyness, nauseas and it stop now im in the doctor office because my left hip and leg has been hurting for a while and i hate going to doctors . i have try to stay fit and happy but boy . last week i was itching all over and all of the sudden went away and the blurr vision is bad, migrane headaches are my worse i get confused, tingling hand and leg, see floaters, and anxiety hits i was wheel to the ER. but it was a bad migrane.

    Im trying to hang on. Work keep me moving but when i cone home simple cleaning is exausting

    • Posted

      You are one of those ladies who deserve a medal! To work with as bad as you feel is commendable for sure. I can honestly say i couldnt do it. I feel so sick and i drag all day every day. The first year i thought, i can handle this but now im on year 4 and its gotten to the point where i just cant. But i wish i could be as strong as you are!

  • Posted

    I get all the same symptoms as you hun but I need to work for another year or so, its really hard but I try to remember that I AM STILL that confident, useful, competent, person underneath this shivering anxious mess that menopause has made me! I think I'd be worse if U didn't have a reason to get up and leave the house each morning, have you ever thought about volunteering or just working a few hours to get you out of the house and give you more of a purpose it may help you? I hope you don't mind my advice it's meant with the best intent. I do take natural remedy Black Cohosh which lessens some of the symptoms during the day so you may want to give it a go? Take care x

    • Posted

      tracy i know exactly what you mean, I struggle every week day to get to work and through my working day but if i was at home i would think about how im feeling 24/7 but if im busy at work it does take my mind off myself for a while but it is hard and i so want to give up on many occasions. iv carried on through my job since this started 8 years ago but do panic when i have to talk to someone standing up as i get dizzy and feel ill faint.


    • Posted

      Tracy....i dont mind the advice you are just trying to help. Ive tried herbs, antidepressants, progesterone....nothing worked. If anything it made things worse. As far as volunteering goes im too anxious to leave my house to go shopping let alone do anything like that. My symptoms are so severe that i literally feel like om dying of some disease. Ive had days where its so bad i have had to rush to my bed cause i nearly faint! If my symptoms werent so severe i would do something outside the house, but over the past 4 years its gotten so bad i cant even go into the dr to make sure it isnt something killing me! 😦

    • Posted

      I have definitely had many days like the hell you are describing. I cry my eyes out on those days. So disheartening and frustrating. I'm five years into symptoms and finally seeing a letting up. I still have symptoms every day, but they are tolerable. Waiting to feel completely normal... Please hang in there!

  • Posted

    Its a living hell having to work through all of this. Some days i can barely get out of bed and put my clothes on, much less drive 45 min to work. But what can i do. I have no other financial support. My boss is aware of my peri and thank God allows me to come into work at 10 am not 8 like in the past. This time allows me to at least get myself together somewhat mentally and emotionally. I still get up early and take my vitamins and fruit and vegetable smoothies which do help at times. My worst symptom was dizziness and feeling nausea which has past . I recall taking off 2 weeks because it was so bad. I have learned to deal with my anxiety somewhat and know how to cope in stressful situations. I am open to my colleagues and if i am feeling unwell and are unable to function at top level then they help out. It is very important to communicate to those who you work with and not try to hide what you are going through. This is the hardest part of my life and each day is a challenge but i tell myself that i cannot give up because i am alive and we all owe it to ourselves not to.

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