How I contracted Mono

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Does anyone else scratch their heads wondering how you contracted Mono in the non traditional sense?

I’m baffled as to how I contracted it. 

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    I don't know either. It's been 4 months now that I have mono and it's still a mystery to me how I contracted it. I don't have a bf who has mono, I don't know anyone who has had mono previously. I tell you, it's driving me mad. Being so healthy back then, and now I feel like a bus crushed me. It's indeed a nasty virus, but it's the worst not knowing where or who you got it from. 😟

    • Posted

      I know just how you feel Tea. I’m baffled myself. 
  • Posted

    Mine is reactivated. I had it in high school, nothing nearly as devastating as what I have now. The Dr. said when you're super stressed out and immune is down it can reactivate it. 

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      I think mine is reactive too but I had a test done several years ago that was negative so I am baffled. I am pretty sure I got it when I was 18 but never had it diagnosed.
  • Posted

    I think I got mine from going to the dentist.  I was like you thinking where in the heck could I have gotten this since I don't go around kissing random people :-)  About a month before I got sick I had some dental work, where I had been multiple times, I had a tooth that had to be pulled then I had to go back to have the fake tooth installed, so it was a process, The Dr thinks that is more then likely where I got it as there is a 6 week incubation period which would make sense as I completed the dental work 1st part of May in 2017 and in mid June is when I started getting sick. I need to have my teeth cleaned but, now I am terrified to go back to the dentist..  Even though I wont be going back to that one, I am still scared to get something worse...

    • Posted

      Yes, I’m paranoid about EVERYTHING right now. I’m terrified of picking something else up.
    • Posted

      Me too and my fear came true. I've picked up a cough that my son had. Dr thinks it's allergies but it's exactly what he had. Keeps me up at night so I'm so worn out from coughingsad  I feel like this is another set back. 2 steps forward 1 step back with this..I guess I'm getting a great ab and back workout if nothing else..

  • Posted

    Hi Tabitha,

    Yes I wondered for a while too, I think mine was kissing a girl who had the virus about 6 months earlier that I didn't know about at the time, changed my life that one move. But there are much more subtle ways in which it can be passed on, through sharing drinking glasses and cutlery, things like that, although it's not air borne and passed through saliva.


    • Posted

      Thanks Craig. I hope you’re back is ok. Praying for you.
    • Posted

      Thanks again for praying for me Tabitha, had a really bad few days so it means a lot right now need to find a bit of stability again. Praying for you too and praying God gives us the strength to keep going right now and to move forward in our fight.


  • Posted

    I was baffled also. My doctor told me you can get it anywhere.


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      My dr seems to think I contracted it from a client (I’m a massage therapist) he said since I’m in close proximity to my clients that a sneeze or a cough could easily be transmitted that route. Occupational hazard I suppose.
  • Posted

    Not sure how I got mine. My Girlfriend doesn't have it and she is the only person who I've been kissing. If it incubated 4 to 8 weeks, then I would of got it around Jan/Feb time. Me and my girlfriend spent plenty of time together then, so surprised I didn't pass it to her. My flat mate had it when he was 37, so not sure if he can pass it on from things I have touched on the flat? But I guess just touching anything anywhere could possibly give you this disease?

    • Posted

      Hi Dodge,

      Really hoping you feel much better soon. I'm so sorry you have been feeling so unwell, I just pray that God helps you through and brings healing. I really pray that for you Dodge, for Wendi, Tabitha, Jennifer, Meredith and Tea too. God knows that you guys have been suffering, He wants you to know that He's still with you right now through this hard time even if you don't feel His presence, I believe He wants you to know that He is with you right now and won't allow this this to get a grip or bring you down any further - He is releasing angels to bring healing and protection over each one of your lives. That is what I feel God wants me to say here to you today, others have been praying for me and encouraging me in a situaton I face right now, and I want you to know that God is sending encouragement and helpers into your lives too, each one of you.

      Thinking of you and hang in there.


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