How I Got Rid of my Globus Sensation
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I was at my wits end. Didn't sleep for months. Saw my doctor, went on a bland diet, and started taking every antacid medication there was. Got a wedge pillow, even pilled pillows on that and slept vertical. Even putting my bra on caused the globus pain to increase. Suffered terribly with a constant pain like someone pressing a finger into the front of my throat just under the adams apple area. And I was burping which was strange, leaning to the left or sleeping on the left would help get them out.
Went to ENT and GI doctors. Nobody could help, they all said everything looks amazingly fine on the inside, no signs of acid reflux but they called it that anyway. I thought to myself what kind of doctors are these, there has to be a cause. I knew I did not have reflux just a terrible constant pain. In factI had what friends would call an 'iron stomach' my whole life and never took one antacid product. It's not stress, I am not a stressful person, (but the event did totaly stress me out). The pain was constant, distracting, and I thought I was going to loose it. And I felt the antacid products were actualy starting to cause a pain behind the sternum so I stopped them.
I went over in my mind what happened. And then I remembered a meal I had 2 days before. To make a long story short I decided that perhaps I burned myself on excessivly hot food. Too simple? That's what I thought because I've eaten and can tollerate very hot food as well as spicey food. But I decided that perhaps I had an internal burn that now had my thyroid or the flap to my stomach or something inflamed and pressing on something. So I embarked on a cold food and cold liquid consumption diet. Iced tea, iced coffee, iced everything. Not even room temperature, everything cold and I made sure I consumed something cold every hour to constantly try to heal it. I also stayed away from foods high in iodine like kelp etc. I got myself pain free within 6 weeks and back to absolute normal after a few months. That was 3 years ago. So why am I here writing this now?
It's the winter and I am frankly tired of eating and drinking everything cold to this day for 3 years now. It makes you cold and people don't understand and I miss hot food and hot drinks. I decided for the recent Christmas holidays to have a little hot food. Well I am here to report that it did NOT go well at all. Sorry to report that the pain came back so bad -- just like it never went away. So I am resigned to cold food and cold drink consuption the rest of my life. Not ideal in the winter but it has worked for me to put my life back to normal and that is all I want.
What do I have? I do not know, an internal burn that has triggered an internal inflamation that presses and causes pain. I am writing this in the hopes that I can help someone. I think internal burns unlike external take months to heal, and that once it's happened may remain sensitive for a lifetime who knows. If you are going to try this you have to do it 100%, not even warmed food or warmed drink, everything cold. And I wouldn't recommend the constant consumption of ice either as you don't want to go overboard the other 'frostbite' way and cause some different problem. Good Luck. This worked for me but I also did it about 2-3 months after onset when the doctors all said there was nothing that could be done. When I was left to my own sleuthing. And I am 100% complient (until this past Christmas when I tried to go off it). I do not know if this will work for you, if you have the same thing, or if it can work after years of the pain. I can't imagine if I kept on drinking and eating hot foods for the past 3 years what I would be like. I sincerely feel terrible for all the people suffering with globus sensation pain, worst worst worst experience of my life. To this day I can't find anyone pointing to the temperature of food and drink as a trigger.
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Sammy8 wendy25402
wendy25402 Sammy8
The food in question I ate 24-36 hours before the onset of severe pain was I will admit excessivly hot. I had a fever and a head cold at the time and couldn't taste or smell a thing when I sat down to eat. I shouldn't even have been out. Anyway I misstook the food for spicey instead of piping hot and gulped it down. There's got to be someone out there who has had this happen but I have searched for years and have found noone else who got rid of their globus pain by no longer eating or drinking warm or hot food and liquids. But if I can help just one person out of their pain it will be worth it. It's a terrible pain.
levi32556 wendy25402
wendy25402 levi32556
levi32556 wendy25402
wendy25402 levi32556
carrie20720 levi32556
levi32556 wendy25402
1diamond_owl wendy25402
How are you? Just newbie here and it's here where I can find comfort.Appreciate your tips will surely try it.Hope we feel better soon.
wendy25402 1diamond_owl
Mikeglobus wendy25402
My globus sensation is just that too, a sensation so unfortunately I cant relate too much to what you say pain wise. Although its still very uncomfortable and debilitating. I feel like something is always stuck in my throat and I cant clear the phlegm ever. It has gotten better as I think mine is a lot to do with anxiety and awareness of the feeling which amplifies it. So the more I learn to ignore it the easier it is to live with.
However the reason I am replying is your spicy and hot food comment. My whole ‘experience’ started with spicy food - spicy pakora to be precise. I woke up one morning with the feeling I couldnt breath - only to realise I could but if I breathed out a specific way through my throat it felt as if something was stuck badly. I went to emergency and they stuck a camera down my nose - the nurse was very rough and Im sure that ‘trauma’ is whats caused my globus.
Long story short Ive come to the conclusion its my uvula that was the cause of the choking sensation. It seems to react badly to very hot food and spicy food - it swells and seems to get in the way. This only happens once or twice over a 6 month period but its very uncomfortable. I take an antihistamine which seems to help and recently read chewing ice chips can help too. Almost like an allergic reaction.
Not sure if this is any help to you but wanted to flag up the uvula thing in case you ever get a choking feeling - maybe the food is actually aggravating your uvula and causing some kind of pain? Just a thought. I havent read all of your comments but Im assuming you have tried reflux medicine in case it is GERD giving you heartburn?
wendy25402 Mikeglobus
Sorry, haven't been back to this site for a year. I feel very bad for everyone who has golbus -- it was the worst thing I ever went thru. Like someone pressing on the front of my throat constantly. (I would over eat to try and make it go away.) Anyway, I just swung back to say I am living my normal life still with no globus.
But I DO NOT consume hot tea, coffee, soup etc. I let all my food cool before eating it. I eat my eggs cold, sorry, I drink all my beverages with ice. What can I say other than --- it made it stop. I can relate to your story Mike, that yours started with a spicy food and that it gets triggered with hot and spicy food ... (but I don't have the spicy problem,) I can eat very spicy food, for me it's just an internal burn from gulping down extremly pipping hot sauce. Discomfort started 48 hours later and was unrelenting. I can not consume Hot things anymore, so it is what it is. But I'm very happy years later to remain without globus.
I suspect some people with globus have burned themselves on something that was too hot and then unknowingly keep it going. Who doesn't eat hot food every day and hot drink? I can't be the only one who did it. And I believe the internal burn site is much lower down in my esophagus than the site of the globus discomfort at the front of throat. I think maybe that Doctor who told about the nerve endings originating some distance away was on to something.
Good luck everyone! I wish everyone well.
kvivin wendy25402
wendy25402 kvivin