How I Got Rid of my Globus Sensation
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I was at my wits end. Didn't sleep for months. Saw my doctor, went on a bland diet, and started taking every antacid medication there was. Got a wedge pillow, even pilled pillows on that and slept vertical. Even putting my bra on caused the globus pain to increase. Suffered terribly with a constant pain like someone pressing a finger into the front of my throat just under the adams apple area. And I was burping which was strange, leaning to the left or sleeping on the left would help get them out.
Went to ENT and GI doctors. Nobody could help, they all said everything looks amazingly fine on the inside, no signs of acid reflux but they called it that anyway. I thought to myself what kind of doctors are these, there has to be a cause. I knew I did not have reflux just a terrible constant pain. In factI had what friends would call an 'iron stomach' my whole life and never took one antacid product. It's not stress, I am not a stressful person, (but the event did totaly stress me out). The pain was constant, distracting, and I thought I was going to loose it. And I felt the antacid products were actualy starting to cause a pain behind the sternum so I stopped them.
I went over in my mind what happened. And then I remembered a meal I had 2 days before. To make a long story short I decided that perhaps I burned myself on excessivly hot food. Too simple? That's what I thought because I've eaten and can tollerate very hot food as well as spicey food. But I decided that perhaps I had an internal burn that now had my thyroid or the flap to my stomach or something inflamed and pressing on something. So I embarked on a cold food and cold liquid consumption diet. Iced tea, iced coffee, iced everything. Not even room temperature, everything cold and I made sure I consumed something cold every hour to constantly try to heal it. I also stayed away from foods high in iodine like kelp etc. I got myself pain free within 6 weeks and back to absolute normal after a few months. That was 3 years ago. So why am I here writing this now?
It's the winter and I am frankly tired of eating and drinking everything cold to this day for 3 years now. It makes you cold and people don't understand and I miss hot food and hot drinks. I decided for the recent Christmas holidays to have a little hot food. Well I am here to report that it did NOT go well at all. Sorry to report that the pain came back so bad -- just like it never went away. So I am resigned to cold food and cold drink consuption the rest of my life. Not ideal in the winter but it has worked for me to put my life back to normal and that is all I want.
What do I have? I do not know, an internal burn that has triggered an internal inflamation that presses and causes pain. I am writing this in the hopes that I can help someone. I think internal burns unlike external take months to heal, and that once it's happened may remain sensitive for a lifetime who knows. If you are going to try this you have to do it 100%, not even warmed food or warmed drink, everything cold. And I wouldn't recommend the constant consumption of ice either as you don't want to go overboard the other 'frostbite' way and cause some different problem. Good Luck. This worked for me but I also did it about 2-3 months after onset when the doctors all said there was nothing that could be done. When I was left to my own sleuthing. And I am 100% complient (until this past Christmas when I tried to go off it). I do not know if this will work for you, if you have the same thing, or if it can work after years of the pain. I can't imagine if I kept on drinking and eating hot foods for the past 3 years what I would be like. I sincerely feel terrible for all the people suffering with globus sensation pain, worst worst worst experience of my life. To this day I can't find anyone pointing to the temperature of food and drink as a trigger.
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lia57772 wendy25402
Hi to all involved in this conversation, I've had this globus for 2 years, and it really has not improved. I don't tend to eat over hot food and never eat spicy foods. Only really hot drinks. Lots of people have many different severities. I just wanted to know if anyone can help with the dryness feeling always at the back of my throat. I've also done exercises, which seem to help for a moment and that's, that. Just need some help as I'm out of suggestions.
wendy25402 lia57772
Don't know about the dryness feeling. You say you comsume really hot drinks. All I can say is I ate sauce that was so incredibly hot that I wish I had let it cool. It was a red sauce too and no doubt the meat fat made it worse. I tried every antacid, went to every doctor, tried everything and for me going cold worked after a few months of it. I do not know, but I imagine if someone has a burn on their skin, even years later, a hot shower on the site of the burn does not feel good. I wish you relief, it was a terrible experience.
wendy82157 wendy25402
Thanks for your input.
toni61694 wendy25402
Wow Wendy i hope this fixes my problem so scared😓😭😰😦
wendy82157 wendy25402
Hi Wendy. I hope you have not repeated the problem since.
I am at the moment trying various things that I have read on this forum. I wrote my story the other day....
I, used to enjoy jalapeño peppers on pizzas, but had to stop eating them because the roof of my mouth became nothing but blisters/ulcers one Christmas about 14 years ago. I don’t think I had the problem back then If globus, but it might well have been the beginnings .
I don’t get ‘pain’ very often, but what I feel, is as though a lump of phlegm is hanging on with claws...Just above my windpipe, and coughing or swallowing cannot shift it. I’m s quite frightening when in bed.
I have tried sleeping almost sitting up, but I cannot function well without sleep and cannot sleep unless on my left side, so I have the be flat or my back is bad in the morning.
At the moment, I’m trying the lemon in water first thing in morning, and coconut oil before first and last meal ( I’m hoping that will do the same job as the psyllium husks that I usually take...).....
Did you take PPIs at all? ( meds ending in azole)...... From what I’ve seen on here they seem to be a common denominator. I’d already decided that taking them, was probably causing me more problems...
nancy16901 wendy25402
wendy82157 nancy16901
nancy16901 wendy25402
Well, if I try every suggestion on this sight, I'm going to lose weight, so that will be a win win for me!!! I have had this sensation since October and I am going crazy. Lorazapam gets me through the day. I just want to be normal again. But I am going to stick to the cold drinks and cold food only and I'm going to go with no carbs and no sugar, as I feel that it gets worse after I endulge in those as well. What the heck. It's worth a shot!
wendy82157 nancy16901
I’m back on the Omeprazole because of oesophagitis.
I’ve started chewing gum again recently, as I’ve been told that our metabolism works best when we are chewing. Maybe that is helping....
It’ll be interesting to know if you find something that helps
nancy16901 wendy82157
wendy82157 nancy16901
tracey00766 nancy16901
I’m def thinking the sugar thing. I had loads choc earlier im not a big sugar person anyways I can’t sleep my Globus is bad been Okish all day. So I’ll try the non sugar. I’ll miss my wine 😫