How is the Xmas shopping going?
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Hi ladies
How are we all getting on with xmas shopping? Has anyone managed to get out to a xmas party?
This year I have got out and done my xmas shopping and managed my works meal. Last xmas was just about impossible due to the anxiety and panic and other menopause symptoms.
Time will improve your symptoms. Try to stay positive. I know it's easier said than done but I was a mess for a lot of this year x
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maria101 michelle46271
Hi michelle, I did some was done online still avoid cues...I'm better then before but still Anxiety issues from time time, and hoping I will be able to be free of it one day and not be afraid to go out far, but as you said with time.
michelle46271 maria101
I can do cues more now than 6 months ago. I've done a good half of my presents online. I've gone shopping with my mum a couple of times to see what she likes. I'm really trying to think positively now. I have accepted it now and am trying to stay calm.
notsure47790 michelle46271
Such nice post
You made me smile. Thank you.
I am almost done with the shopping. Most of it done online
but went to stores too. Anxiety canget bad when the stores are so busy. I am very nervous about the money I spent and at the same time I worry if I have enough for everyone. I still need to get ready for the family arriving. Need to stock the fridge. There seem to be milion things to do. I think that my anxiety is a bit better than last year, but I am not sure. I hardly remember last year. Just that I tried skiing for the first time and it felt great. Anyway....I feel tired most of the time and try to do a little everyday. Writting this I am thinking of a nap
I do hope you all have an awesome holiday season and year.
I thank you again for the nice post.
michelle46271 notsure47790
Merry Christmas and I hope a better 2017 than 2016. It sounds that we both had a terrible 2016! I want to forget it and look forward to a healthier and more positive year 🍷
pam34236 michelle46271
valarie24431 michelle46271
Some online shopping and some in wasn't that bad. Just wait until next week. It'll be crazy. Ive just been hit with all these peri symptoms this year. Hopefully 2017 will be better. Fingers crossed.
michelle46271 valarie24431
Yes I've done a bit of both. I hope 2017 will be a good year for you.
carmen_22574 michelle46271
michelle46271 carmen_22574
metamorphed michelle46271
I am able to do a lot more than I was last year and half of this year! so all good now. The bad days are fewer and further apart, so we're all getting there! I do pity other women who have to get through the worst part, hope that never returns. wishing you a great xmas and new year!
michelle46271 metamorphed
Same to you! The days are a lot further apart. I seem a lot more positive the last month or so. I've read so much on wellbeing during perimenopause. The thing that helped me the most in my darkest hours were this forum. Thanks to the ladies who helped me through this year 🎅
brendababy michelle46271
Well done Michelle!! I think that must be the worst of it over for you, don't look back now, onwards and upwards 👍🏼
I hope you enjoy your Christmas and all the best in the new year
Lots of love ??X
michelle46271 brendababy
looloo43 michelle46271
Hi Michelle! Glad you are getting on well, & managed your works party. I've done all my xmas shopping online this year, & i finally went back to work very very part time last week now i am on some additional meds to slow my bowels(& in turn reduce the pain) down. They still havnen't pinpointed the actual cause of my chronic bowel problems, & I am now under another hospital in my region for a 2nd opinion (my gastro consultants idea!!)
It is a real tonic to be back at work and amongst people again. i feel like i have purpose to my day again. they are phasing me back over 4-6wks, my employers have been fabulously supportive with me. I've got to have a hysteroscopy with biopsies under ga in january because of the findings on my recent transvaginal ultrasound (womb lining 11mm & the layers appear to merge in places, & cystic area below right ovary). I've had one before, so not worried about the actual procedure, & i always feel like I've slept for 3days when i have a ga (wonderful!) just hope the results are nothing to worry about. Its my day off today, & I'm wrapping presents this afternoon which i love doing as i think about the recipients faces when they open them!!!
Merry Christmas Hun.
michelle46271 looloo43
I'm so glad you're able to go back to work now. It makes a massive difference,a reason to get up. I hope your results are all good news. Have a great Christmas xxx
maisie05 looloo43
Merry Christmas LooLoo.
Pleased for you that you are well enough to enjoy work, take care.
I am wrapping this afternoon, once I have found where I have hidden all the presents! Where do I hide everything from the granchildren when they visit? I can't put anything under the tree till Christmas Eve. A nice problem to have I guess.
Have a lovely day xx
looloo43 maisie05
i have to hide presents everywhere too Maisie - from my hubby!!! they are dotted about in all my wardrobes in our bedroom & spare room! i managed to find them all though!
Merry Christmas to you too.