How long can the Menopause last??

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Hello ladies

Menopause started when I was 52 and today, at 65, I'm still having many of the worst symptoms. Hot flushes (flashes to you folks in the US) and running to the loo (bladder spasms) are bad enough but I've also been diagnosed with A F and had big problems with that, now under control with meds thankfully. 

Can't take HRT (family breast cancer issues) and nothing else really helped..given up caffeine and just have an odd glass of all know the problems, don't want to whine on about them!

The thing is, we know there are dozens of different symptoms the Meno.

can inflict upon us but I didn't expect still to have them at my age....has anyone else had a Menopause lasting as long as this??

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37 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi jess,

    I had my last period around 50yrs, have had hot flushes since around 52, around same time as everything started internally to collapse, and had to give up going to the gym which made things worse.

    Since then had hysterectomy (but kept ovaries to protect my heart) and had pelvic floor repair done twice at front end and once at the back end.

    I am now 56 and still getting hot flushes that are worse than ever . I am allowed to swim which helps a little but most of the machines at gym not allowed to use. Can cycle but only a little and have to watch I don't overdo it.

    Been using topical vagifem for last 2 months (only very small dose targeted at repairs), dont think it has effect on flushes.

    Try to avoid caffeine and alcohol and chocolate. Do my best to eat healthy and drink plenty water.

    Have been told by older women that flushes can go on for years. I gave to watch what I take as have underachievement thyroid and on thyroxine.

    Hope you find something that helps soon, I had little bother when at gym regularly but not allowed to now because of repair don't want to risk undoing surgeons good work!?? Phyl

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Phyl. I'm sorry to hear things have gone badly wrong for you... sounds like you are having a tougher time of it than I am. I've cut out the same things as you have, chocolate too, so doing my best with the diet changes.  Good luck with your own health.... hope the flushes don't go on too long, they are a burden we could do without. 

    • Posted

      Thank you Jess,

      We could certainly do without the flushes; hate it when serving customers and start feeling hot and weak, then forehead breaks out in beads of sweat and my face goes pure red. So obvious to all and really difficult to stay fresh and clean. So horrible.

      Nature's way of telling all we are past childbearing years. You would think that by now the pharmaceutical industry could come up with something better that actually works without having risks attached or side effects.

      Lots of water is about the only thing I find that helps a little.


    • Posted

      Must be very didficult for you dealing with customers phyl, I'm very lucky that it's not obvious to others when I'm having a flush but I'm forever taking my layers off and on. You're right about the childbearing years being over ... but it can be a rewarding time of life for us all.... IF....we can get peace and good health to enjoy it!!

    • Posted

      Hi Jess,

      I try and remember to gave a bottle of water to sip and like you my waistcoat/jacket goes on and off all day with hot flush/cold chills!

      Finding it difficult, had been looking forward to not having to worry about falling pregnant, but everything prolapsing now and fed up with repeat surgery and then having lifestyle restrictions all the time!

      Should have listened to my mum to not move furniture and not run myself ragged and to enjoy life while I can and while still young . Gave up a good civil servant job to have family and prioritised my supporting my husbands job. Wishing I had kept my job I could have had early retirement and maybe my 1st repair would have lasted longer.

      Difficult to enjoy life when repairs fail!

      Phyl x💖

    • Posted

      You've had rotten luck Phyl, especially when you must have been fairly fit at one time if you were a regular at the gym.  (never been keen myself... though I  know I should be!)

      Will be difficult to get your health back when you've to be so careful and can imagine you must feel a bit down at times.  I keep telling myself to count my blessings but that can't be easy with your symptoms. Jess xx

    • Posted

      Thank you for your kind words Jess,

      Had hoped the last 2 repairs done at same time were going to last; was going great up till a fortnight ago. Something has changed and not doing so well. Not too sure what's went wrong this time have been very careful.

      Frustrating and disappointing as had such positive hope this time round they would last the 10 years their meant too. Thought those flushes would have peaked by now and be on the way out.

      Can't be helped!

      Take care,

      Phyl x??

  • Posted

    Actually, you will be in menopause for the rest of your life. It's the phase of life you're in. Sounds like you're still having the symptoms you had when you first went into menopause and are wondering when those might go away? Everyone is different so there's unfortunately no answer there. Have you checked with the doctor about your symptoms? Maybe there's help out there for you to treat those hormonal swings other than Hrt. Good luck.

    • Posted

      Hi Becky, yes you're certainly right...I am waiting and wondering when things will settle down and hadn't thought of it like that. I guess you are right about it being the stage of life I am in now.  Have tried different things from the pharmacy as well as GP's suggestions but not much luck so far. I try not to dwell on it but it's wearing me out at times. Thanks for answering my post.


  • Posted

    Hi Jess, have you tried menopace or Macca? It may be worth giving up alcohol as well, the alcohol is a hormone disruptor as is chocolate and caffeine, also anything with soy in it. Sage is also good but what have you tried? I notice my hot flushes come on after eating sugar, chocolate and anything with soy.
    • Posted

      Hi Sochima. Yes tried both of these but might give the sage a try.  I know alcohol isn't good for me but it's a treat so I have a glass of something now and again although I know it'll come back and haunt me.  I'm slim with a fairly good diet so I do try and watch my lifestyle. Thanks for the tip about Sage.


    • Posted

      "hormone disruptor as is chocolate" I eat really dark choclate all the time what does it do to our hormones?  I eat 72 % to 100% one I eat is mixed with ginger and white honey. 

    • Posted

      My doctor advised me to stop eating chocolate, because it also has caffeine in it. Dark chocolate has more caffeine then milk chocolate but it really makes no difference it still has caffeine. Also, chocolate contains soy lecithin which is also a hormone disruptor so for these 2 reasons it's best to stay away from chocolate or anything with soy in it.

    • Posted

      So that can actually cause hormonal symptoms wonder if it could cause you to bleed post menopause. I eat dark chocolate everyday sometimes up to 3 times a day. I will cut back on that wow. Cholocate especially dark is suppose to be good for ya!
    • Posted

      Yes, it is good for you but not when it causes hormone disruption, especially the caffeine. I miss drinking coffee and eating dark chocolate but my symptoms are virtually almost all gone. I recall eating that much chocolate after craving it due to perimenopause but once I stopped I didn't crave it anymore and I started feeling better. Yes, the caffeine could play havoc on your hormones and cause all sort of problems. 

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