How long does it take for St. John's Wort to start working?
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Hi ladies,
I just brought a bottle of St. John's Wort today, to help with depression and anxiety. How long do you have to take it before you notice anything?
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colleen90305 maria____a64048
Hi maria, I was on a low dose of antidepressants since 2001. They always worked well until a few yrs ago when I entered Peri. I'm on the 3rd one, the dose increased, and has not been effective. Its these hormones that are causing us these negative feelings but maybe you will find relief. Google St Johns Wart and get some info, but unfortunately nothing is immediate
Good Luck
maria____a64048 colleen90305
Hi Colleen
Do you take magnesium? I find magnesium helps with my anxiety. It doesn't completely get rid of them, but I do notice an improvement. Maybe you should try it along with your medication. It doesn't have the bad side effects.
Sochima822 maria____a64048
Maria, if you're a healthy eater like I was, then the affects are pretty fast. Like within a week or so. However, if you're not a healthy eater, then it could take up to a month. But you should start noticing some improvement little by little. My heart palps stopped after 2-3 days and my anxiety stopped after about a week or 2. How many milligrams did you get and what brand? How many pills are you suppose to take in a day?
maria____a64048 Sochima822
Sochima822 maria____a64048
Okay, sounds good. Hopefully, you took them by now. Like I said, the effects came almost immediately. Let's hope they work as fast on you.
maria____a64048 Sochima822
metamorphed maria____a64048
maria____a64048 metamorphed
Hi metamorphed,
Today is my 3rd day of taking St. John's Wort. I notice a change in mood after about an hour or two taking it. I take one in the morning and one in the evening. I notice my anxiety and depression lifts after awhile. It doesn't completely go away but it makes a difference. I also take magnesium which helps relaxes my system, along with zinc.
metamorphed maria____a64048
maria____a64048 metamorphed
I take 250mg everyday. I don't know about longterm. I've been taking them for a couple of months now. I try to eat foods that has good amount of magnesium, but it takes to long to work, and I don't have much of an appetite. The tablets work about an hour after takimg them.
doriscooks maria____a64048
Today I started taking St. John's Wort for anxiety, took two 300mg capsules. I haven't been eating well which also contributes to my anxiety. I feel like it is making me feel better but may also be that I ate a bowl of cereal with the two capsules. I see this post is a year old. Just wonder if Maria is still taking St. John's Wort and has it helped you?
Sochima822 doriscooks
Doris, take caution when taking this pill. Recent medical findings are showing various types of side effects, like blindness is one, macular degeneration another, and there are others as well. You can only take it for 3 months. I took it only when I felt I couldn't handle the palpitations or anxiety come on. Once my symptoms stopped, I wouldn't take anymore. I recommend you do the same thing. I never finished the bottle, to get the results I needed. I was also told that the efficacy of it working in your body stops after 3 months. But I'd never recommend you take it for that long.
Cryingbuckets maria____a64048
I have same question , just off Cipralex (because of weight gain) now been on StJohnsWort for 2 weeks , 300mg , 3x day, but not much effect, still angry, crying, confrontational all the time over everything, just want to be alone, away from everyone. Took the Cipralex 7 years, so is it just withdrawal effects that are stopping SJW working? Would like to keep taking a natural antidepressant(I see this is a year ago--' can anyone still reply?)
Sochima822 Cryingbuckets
St. Johns wort only works for heart palpitations and anxiety. For emotional upheavals I would suggest SAM-e. It's the alternative to antidepressants and bipolar disorder, it also helps with perimenopause symptoms. As for SJW I only took it once to twice a day and only when I needed it if I had no symptoms that day, my doctor would say don't take it, only take it when you feel a symptom. However, just as of recent from the American Journal of Medicine , people who have a predisposition of depression or any other psychological issues should not take SJW as it can cause schizophrenia.
Cryingbuckets Sochima822
SO MUCH conflicting info out there ! It's so hard to think let alone choose or decide what to do ! Thanks
Sochima822 Cryingbuckets
Unless you have the latest medical information available to you which is not conflicting but based on actual symptoms or research the rest of the information on the net can be a mystery as to where it's coming from. I come from a medical background where i still get medical research reviews as well as the latest medical and psychological patient information. If I give you any information it's so you're aware and warned of any contraindications. Good luck.