How many of you can’t take it anymore?

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I have been suffering ever since i turned 38 years old with either perimenopause or hormone imbalance.....whatever you want to call it and i feel like i cant take it any longer. Im only 43 years old now and every year seems to get worse and worse. Ive tried eating healthier when i can eat, hormones, herbal stuff, antidepressants, counseling, exercises, yoga, vitamins.....nothing seems to help!! In fact some of those treatments like hormones & antidepressants made it worse. Im so sick to my stomach every day that i cant hardly eat a thing so i take vitamins to keep somewhat nourished, i feel weak and faint all the time, headaches, exhaustion. My gut gurgles constantly to the point of embarrassment. I went a whole year with no periods but they are back on track every single month without fail and i feel so nauseous with them! It is all day nearly every day and i cant do it anymore. 😦 Im sorry about the rant but i have nobody else that understands, they all

look at me like im making it up how terrible i feel. Ive been asked if i have just plain old depression or if i have anorexia cause of how thin i am, but i dont!! its this hormone hell! I struggle trying to do my job cause i feel so awful....can anyone relate so i dont feel like im the only person who has been given this punishment?

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21 Replies

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    i totally relate, everyday is hell! im 40 x

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      hi toria, how r u doing this wobbly head is killing me cant walk straight its horrible 😭 cant go out it scares me

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      i have been experiencing this too i haven’t left my house in over week because of these symptoms

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    Hi Brandy - don't experience many of the symptoms you have but suffer other symptoms like burning mouth syndrome. None of this is fun.

    Wondering for nausea of you can take what I do for sea sickness (active ingredient meclizine). I was awfully seasick and thought I could not take another cruise vacation. Then I discovered Bonine. No side affects like drowsiness. I have a friend who has vertigo all the time and it has helped her.

    Hoping this passes for you and you fet your life back

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    Hi Brandy,

    I can assure you that you are not alone! Far from it! And you are right...this does feel like punishment. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Prior to perimenopause, I never knew that anything like this was even possible. For me, it has been absolutely horrific.

    I am turning 53, and it started for me at 47. Sometimes, I feel completely well and happy, and at other times I feel insane.

    Here is a list of the symptoms that I have experienced...



    *weight loss

    *zinging sensations


    *constipation alternating with diarrhea


    *long periods, short periods

    *long cycles, short cycles (Mine span 12 days to 101 days)

    *heavy periods, light periods



    *extreme anger

    *irritation at basically nothing

    *screaming at basically nothing




    *terrifying thoughts

    *rapid mood shifts from elation to normal mood to feeling like the world is going to end

    *crying jags, again with no provocation

    *brain fog (losing my thoughts mid-sentence)

    These are the ones that just quickly came to me off of the top of my head, but if I put a bit more thought into it, I know that there would be many more.

    You have my deepest sympathies and understanding.

    You can private message me at any time. I promise you that I will always respond.

    Stay strong!

    Big hugs,


    • Posted

      hi bev, just thought i would let you know you can no longer message on here unfortunately x

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      hello, it is so great to know im not alone but i feel bad for anyone who has to suffer with this. im trying to work to support myself and my son, plus do the usual house chores on top of feeling like im dying 😦 it is so awful. All of my female family members never suffered like this so i dont understand it. I would just be grateful yo br able to eat again and function!

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    Hi, I'm 15 months post menopause and my symptoms are worse than ever. I've suffered symptoms for about 6 years, but they started to get really bad, about 2 years before my period stopped. It just seems never ending, just wonder how long this is going to go on for

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      i have been going through this for so long, i still have 8 years to go for actual menopause so just the thought of this continuing after it makes me want to cry

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      nobody knows how long they have to go through this brandy, it could be weeks, months, years but we dont know, its impossible x

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    Hi Brandy, you are most certainly not alone. It does sound like you are going through an awful time with it all. It is a viscous circle, feeling ill and not knowing when it will end, and being depressed because of it all. This time last year I had no idea of perimenopause, and though it is a daily struggle, I feel mentally better knowing my symptoms are not cancer which I always thought before. I hope you get better, and manage to find an appetite, wish I had some pearls of wisdom to help you. xxx

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    PS: I have ginger tea (cold) in the morning, which seems to help with the nausea. x

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    brandy, you are not alone. I'll be 49 this year and my perimeno started last year in the middle of lockdown. so for me it was the anxiety of whether I had contracted covid or not. then I thought I had heart trouble, kidney trouble and finally had a brain mri to rule out tumors because I was so dizzy all the time.

    apart from that, I had no concentration, no appetite, and was depressed most of the time. yes many people said I was going through depression and some said that that I was focusing too much on myself.

    and the fatigue!!!! I remember how id get up at dawn to run. now I can barely open my eyes at 8 am.

    this is all part of perimeno. I take comfort in what my aunt and my mum in-law say...once you're past this, you will never believe how strong you'll get...whether that's mentally or physically is not something I can say now, but either way, you're a winner.

    see a gyno please. preferably a senior lady (smile) they have been thru it and can relate.

    antidepressants never worked for me because I was never depressed. i know now it was only a natural change happening to me. because of the terrible insomnia and general fatigue, I switched to homeopathy and it worked wonders. I sleep better now although I do have crazy pms like never before. you'll be fine. it might take time, but know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Posted

      hi Cindiana how r u feeling now did u get anywhere where your symptoms r less horrible???? mine is still horrible every day 😭

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      it seems to be a struggle on a daily basis with wobbly head, head pressure n breathlessness 😞 last year it started for me, donno when this ll last that is most depressive.

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