How many of you can’t take it anymore?

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I have been suffering ever since i turned 38 years old with either perimenopause or hormone imbalance.....whatever you want to call it and i feel like i cant take it any longer. Im only 43 years old now and every year seems to get worse and worse. Ive tried eating healthier when i can eat, hormones, herbal stuff, antidepressants, counseling, exercises, yoga, vitamins.....nothing seems to help!! In fact some of those treatments like hormones & antidepressants made it worse. Im so sick to my stomach every day that i cant hardly eat a thing so i take vitamins to keep somewhat nourished, i feel weak and faint all the time, headaches, exhaustion. My gut gurgles constantly to the point of embarrassment. I went a whole year with no periods but they are back on track every single month without fail and i feel so nauseous with them! It is all day nearly every day and i cant do it anymore. 😦 Im sorry about the rant but i have nobody else that understands, they all

look at me like im making it up how terrible i feel. Ive been asked if i have just plain old depression or if i have anorexia cause of how thin i am, but i dont!! its this hormone hell! I struggle trying to do my job cause i feel so awful....can anyone relate so i dont feel like im the only person who has been given this punishment?

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21 Replies

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    I am so sorry! I so often think how tired I am of being sick and tired - and at only 40 I feel like I am super old! I shift from angry to depressed and anxious! So sorry! I wish there was something I could say or do!

    My mom said it get better- I truly hope it will.

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    i can totally relate Brandy. so sorry you are feeling so bad. im early forties and feel 140. i have hot flushes that dont last minutes, they last hours, every joint in my body aches when its bad, burning mouth, headaches, palpitations, problems sleeping, anxiety, teariness, absolute loss of libido. i am too trying to hold down a part time job as well as children and the home and its not going well! my husband has been incredible but i just cant function some weeks. its always at its most horrific about 10 days before my very irregular periods that can range anywhere from 25 to 36 days apart and during my period and just after. i tried hrt and made me bleed more and inbetween cycles and didnt make enough of a difference for me so stopped. i just want to know when this will all end because ive been like it for quite a few years now. its horrific. thank god for forums like this or id be even worse. if anybody has any tips for me to try, id be most grateful.

    • Posted

      i am the exact same way! Ive tried so many things to at least lessen my symptoms but it only makes it worse. My hormones go so crazy that during ovulation or my period i actually faint!! The last time i had to go to the ER cause i fainted, busted my face on the floor and my teeth went through my lip. The drs at the hospital swore it was anemia or my heart but after they did their tests they said they were normal, when i tried to tell them its hormone related they acted like they needed to refer me to a shrink. I had seen a shrink for 6 years while going through this and they know im not mental, the shrinks agree its hormonal 😦 it wont ever end it feels like

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      hi brandy, that is so awful, ive ended up in a & e a few tjmes with the palpitations but never anything found. our bloody hormones have a lot to answer for. id just like to know how long this is going to go on for! its hell

  • Posted

    yep im nearly 48, mine all started around 43, so five years now , most of concerning symptons at the start have gone now, really heavy legs, like walking around with concrete attached to them, but I still suffer with racing heart literally daily, usually at the end of day, few symptoms this week returning are the swaying feeling, headaches and generally tired, cant be bothered with anything, everything a physical struggle, just want the old me back, can't touch alcohol at all anymore as makes my heart race, just feel old and burnt out. My period has started to come regular again bit heavier and I'm feeling cramping etc, which haven't had in years, just want it to all stop.

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