How many of you have had the low appitite with Sertraline

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After being diegnosed with depression Christmas 2013 I was perscribed calitropram. I came off this due to my appitie increaseing so much and binge eating (increasing weight by nearly two stone). Before the depression I was a fit, strong and healthy lady. The depression doesn't seem to have got any better and i have now been perscribed Sertraline, I am worried that the appitite won't drop. Please could you let me know if more of you have had a decresse in appitite than an increase. Thank you.  

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I have been on sertraline now for just over 5 weeks and I have had a dicrease in appetite, I wasn't eating much before starting as I was constantly anxious and lost 4 stone in 3 months and have not put any on since staring sert so I still have decreased appetite but I am eating enough. 
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      Thank you for your reply, I hope your anxiousness is better. I am also glad you are eating enough to keep you strong. 
  • Posted

    I have personally lost appetite but that could be down to a number of factors, as I was suffering with a chest infection for two weeks so lost interest in food all together, I used train in the gym and used to drink shakes while training so I have been drinking them to at least get some calories in me, I know it's not a long term solution but it's working for me right now. I used to eat like a horse but due to my depression food is the last thing on my mind right now
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      Thank you, are you just having the shakes? has your appitie dropped that much? how long were you on sert before your appitite went?
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      No probz. I am eating as much as I physically can but do struggle to eat sometimes, Yehh it really did drop but that could be due to many factors and not just the tablets. Around 3 days
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      That's a lot. Yes sounds like you had it rough with the chest infection. I took my first tablet last night, we will see I get on. Thank you again for posting.
  • Posted

    Hi vonnie,

    I Have not experienced any appetite changes of any kind throughout the years I have used Sertraline. When I have gained weight it was from other causes.

    And by the way, if you are not aware of the studies concerning the wonderful benefits of dark chocolate, 70 % cocoa and up, you might consider researching it.

    Sertraline or not, depression or not, I have an addiction to sugar, and I can attest that my unhealthy cravings have stopped and the only change I have made is to eat a piece of 70 % and up dark chocolate every time I feel a craving.

    It works! Even my eating for comfort has stopped and I have been taking Sertraline for going on three years now.

    My best to you!


    • Posted

      Thank you Dawn, I was a very healthy eater before the depression, but have now become addicted to eating anything that is bad for me crisps, chocolate, sweets, cake you name it I'll eat it. Feeling more depressed due to the weight gain and the loss of my muscle deffinition. I think I'll try the 70% chocolate, see if it'll work for me.  
    • Posted

      Thank you Dawn, before the depression I was a very healthy eater. now I eat anything that is bad for me crisps, chocolate, sweets, cake you name it I eat it.

      The weight gain and loss of muscle definition is adding to the depression. So I am scared to take the tablets incase my appitite incresses even more. Don't think I could cope with that.

      I'll try the 70% chocolate see if it works for me too.

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      Sorry the computer showed that I hadn't replied, so I replied again.


    • Posted

      I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me. Depression is an unrelenting beast! When it takes over, I want to get up out of bed instead of laying there accomplishing nothing for days on end, but it presses me down, keeping me like a prisoner to its sick humor. When I comfort eat, depression keeps me reaching for food and chewing when somewhere inside of me is silently screaming "stop!". Depression wins and I hate it.

      But I have it and Sertraline is my favorite anti med, but no medication does it all, so I have to work every way I can to help myself fill in the gaps meds cannot fill.

      I first tried 82% cocoa and it is rough, does not even melt in the mouth, however, my cravings for sugar in any form lifted off of me within 3 days! According to the research I read, the chocolate stabilizes our blood sugar levels and now I do not want snacks of any kind. But the dark chocolate does so much more than just that.

      Will you post after experimenting with the dark cocoa so we can compare notes?

      Best regards,


    • Posted

      That's how I was Dec 2013/Jan 2014 not wanting to do anything. My bingeing got so bad last year, it was 4 days out of 7, and I feel the same way, the depression wins, even though you're telling yourself to stop. It's kind of comforting that the dark chocolate helped with your sugar carving so quickly.  

      Yes I will post after experimenting with the dark chocolate.

      Did you just have one or two squares a day? Or just one squre each time you wanted something sweet?




    • Posted

      I took one piece every time I had a craving. I stand amazed. I pray it will help you as well So that at least one part of the vicious beast can be tamed. Stay away from one chocolate bar named." Special Dark" I think it is made by Hershy. Lindt brand of chocolate labels their chocolate bars with the percentages of cocoa. I tried the 82 % first and I swear I was amazed. Even though it tastes yucky, I grew to not mind it. Look on line to read all the benefits.

      I am with you in spirit



    • Posted

      Shanine, are you familiar with the benefits of dark cocoa? It is wonderful.
    • Posted

      I have been on sertraline now for four days and it has helped with my eating. Today though I have had a bad day and I have wanted to eat to take the pain away, I had some 70% dark chocolate it sort of helped, I ate two 35g blocks and then mars bars. The pain is still there and worse now as I've eaten badly. I will carry on with your advice and hope my will power gets better.
    • Posted

      YAY YOU! Next time eat more dark chocolate. You did great by taking your first step!

    • Posted

      Thank you Dawn, it helps to know others are with you. I will get more dark chocolate in.


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