How mobile should I be by now

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I had my tkr three weeks ago tomorrow. I am down to one stick. I can walk about the house with no sticks. My concern is the heel slides. I can get 90 degrees but it brings a pain on the outside of my knee that I have to stop. Every other exercise is no problem whatsoever

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow! This is my concern too at 7 weeks. I tried to do them at home the other night and pushed too hard and now that outside pain has made me go to pain meds on more regular basis! I don’t know why this is. My PT wants me to get to 110on Tuesday but with this outside pain idk how I will do it. 

    I hope someone can help us. I am hoping since we are experiencing the exact problem maybe not so unique. I am completely mobile on my own can also do other exercises no issue really. Sometimes bike is hard to get going but comes along alright. 

    Let me know if you find anything out! Thanks for sharing your experience.wink

    • Posted

      I keep getting told, it's only such and such weeks, give it time. I suppose it's because the knee is still swollen, that can't help. Maybe more patience is what I need

    • Posted

      Yes, thankfully I am told the same thing. I did understand knee can remain swollen up to a year afterwards. My knee at 7 week’s still has swelling. It’s improved but still there. I just hate this new pain of outside knee. On Tuesday if not better I will tell PT about it. 
  • Posted

    You are doing great! A swollen leg/knee reduces flexion. When the swelling goes down (give it time) the degree will increase naturally. Don't let a physical therapist push you too hard, I did and it set me back 6 weeks in my recovery. While there is going to be pain, it should be never be excruciating! 

    • Posted

      Thank you as I think now I was pushing and now have outside knee pain after heel slides because I am worried about measurement on Tuesday. So I may be set back already. I am going to tell her what happened and hopefully if I am in pain she works with me vs pushes me 
    • Posted

      Remember, she works for you! Taking pain meds especially an hour or so before PT will help. As "old fat guy" mentioned, this takes 12-18 months to recover fully. You are well ahead of the "normal" bell curve for recovery. Good luck!

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      I don't have a PT. I was shown what to do in hospital and since then I've done them myself.

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      Thank you it feels very much the other way around lol I appreciate the encouragement 
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      Oh, I was set up for six weeks but will need additional therapy. Good for you to be making such good progress smile
  • Posted

    Who’s a lucky girl then?  Three weeks, 90 degrees and just a superficial pain?  That’s fantastic progress.  I’ve been in bad pain for 10 weeks and would like the old bits back.  Someone’s smiling on you Louise!
    • Posted

      I do feel lucky, don't get me wrong. I just need to be patient haha. I like to be out and about but needing to wait on someone to be with me is weird. I hope you feel better soon

    • Posted

      Oh ya me too! LOL I was hoping to be further along I have now realigned my goals to Christmas instead of second week of October. I have come to realize that wasn't very realistic given the surgerysmile 

      We will make it though wink

  • Posted

    Sound like you are doing very well. Everyone is different, so best to try and keep that in mind. I could only manage some of my exercises at your stage and heel slides are challenging! I used a board on the mattress which helped. It seemed easier for me to sit on a chair and slide foot on a plastic bag rather than the ones in bed, though as said, with a board I managed to move a bit!
    • Posted

      Also, when I did my group PT later on, they had a little skate board and while you sat in chair you put your foot on it and moved it back and forwards.

      Are you going to get any physio input? I had good NHS physio, once a week for six weeks. Also visits from community physiotherapist.

      If not, try and push for it, as it is helpful.

    • Posted

      I've not been told I'm getting any. Just a follow-up with my surgeon after 8 weeks. I do sit in a chair and walk my foot back. I might just keep doing that as apposed to heel slides in bed

    • Posted

      Thanks! Your idea sounds good and ya gotta do what works best for you for sure! 

      I just did them and I was so afraid but I did it and was ok painful but not excruciating and didn't press it. I was relieved because I was so afraid I had done something wrong previously because I had developed outside knee pain after I did them the other day. But today was ok so if I had injured something I am thinking I wouldn't have been successful. 

      I am now practicing on the floor to give me more support than bed.

      Appreciate all your comments! wink

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