How much freaking worse can it get!!!
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10 years of this crap not easier not better just getting worse and harder to function. is there anyone else dealing with head and eye symptoms 24/7 every dang sec min of your life? head pressure face numbness but not really numb just the feeling that it is eye blurriness seeing floaters silver specks here and there dry eyes can look at something and then see it after i look away can also look at something and it looks like it shifts but doesn't. off balance dizziness floating spacey lightheaded you name it i got it. i just endes cycle and it's all worse some of this crap makes you scared you had a stroke or might start having seizures or convulsions. sounds i cant take sounds its like certain sounds goes right through my head and bothers me. and sometimes i feel like my arms and legs dont work right not often but wtf is all this none of this is listed as symptoms. just had my labs done all was normal but im not normal at all. i cry most days and tired of pushing through with a body thats not functioning normal. i also get the ocular migraines not every month but they scare the crap out of me. please no bad comments i have bad health anxiety and already anxiety is sky high.
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staci88515 pamela2016
I know people say this all the time, but my symptoms are exactly the same as yours. The only thing I don't have is the face numbness. The vision issues are exactly the same, every single one.
I also had a full period which started and ended with spotting, then no period for 5 days. Then, I started spotting for 10 days. And, now I have had a very heavy period for 2 days. So, basically I have been bleeding for 24 days with only a 5 day break. I feel weak and tired. My vision is off and I have anxiety. Oh, and I live completely alone. I have one brother and he lives in a different state.
So, it's tough and scary.
pamela2016 staci88515
im sorry your dealing with all this too i cant take it no more, im seeing an neurologist end of October my eye appointment is the beginning of October. labs all normal but im not normal im actually laying here fave on fire head is loopy like always my eyes is so off and my bp is up as im having anxiety over it all. im even on meds for it. i cant imagine living alone doing this it scares me i cant get use to it, even when i think ok im use to this crap it gets worse i dont drive no more i feel handicapped this is so unfair.
staci88515 pamela2016
Let me know what they say. My neurologist tells me it's my eyes and to see the neuro- ophthalmologist and the neuro-ophthalmologist tells me it's my migraines and to see my neurologist.
Yeah, things have been much harder since my Mom passed away. She was my safety net and my go-to person. Now, I have no one. I could fall down my basement stairs and break my back and no one would even know for weeks.
fran54078 staci88515
so sorry to hear what you are going through, I cant imaging to live by yourself like this.
I have a friend who had similar symptoms as you are having, basically, non stopping bleed. She was very dizzy and had blurry vision. Her blood work showed she was very anemic( i guess from the bleeding). As a result, I heard she was put on iron pills, some hormone pill, and had a small GYN procesure. She is now better and almost back to normal. I am wondering if you symptoms are due to similar cause.
Kadija1966 pamela2016
Im on bp meds too, but the anxiety spikes my bp and sometimes i take extra meds to lower it. Doctors says its the stress of menopause that causes it.
staci88515 fran54078
Thank you, Fran. I have been bleeding for 20 of the past 25 days with the last 4 being extremely heavy. Honestly, I am so over it. I feel terrible and don't even have anyone to ask to drive me to the obgyn. I hope it ends soon.
fran54078 pamela2016
Hi Pamela:
I hear you. I was diagnosed with MAV ( vestibular migraine) due to my symptoms--constant dizziness, headache, foggy brain, blurry vision, sound sensitivity.... I believed it might be triggered by hormone fluctuation. Lately, my blood pressures have been low. go figure. My GYN endocrine doctor is asking me to try hormone replacement therapy. However, my neurologist is asking me to use Migraine treatment. The migraine treatment I tried knock the headache and the fogginess done to certain degree, but the dizziness is still there. I am starting to try some other medication. I am also thinking about hormone-- not sure if I should at this point. Have you tried any treatment?
Kadija1966 pamela2016
Hi Pamela
Sorry your feeling this way, i can relate though mine is not as bad but honestly its hell to feel doom most of the time, i get the eye pressure and head pressure too, seen opticians had CT scan but no pressure in head or my eyes, i get a weakness and numbness feeling all the way in my legs like im gonna drop down, it can be worse when driving, i feel shaky and break in cold sweat like im gonna faint, but its never happened. I carry some lavender eau de cologne in my bag to splash on my face when I get these feeling. It helps to relieve it. (Mums recipe)
I walk around with the anxiety and fear, i cant travel far from home as i feel scared, i cant be alone, i have this fear and it raises my bp. Every afternooni get this migraine type headach, Omg i know so much how u feel. The worse is doctors keep telling me im ok, put me on AD to calm me down.
Im scare to take meds in case i develop allergy, honestly im scared to do anything as my body is in constant anxiety, i wake up at night thinking about my symptoms and some days i cant sleep. I sometimes talk to my bf about it but no one understands as they look at u and your looking fine. I dont know when all this will pass, both my sisters never experience this menohell, my mum never had symptoms either, i keep asking my self why me?
julie42000 pamela2016
I'm exactly the same my periods are erratic the last time I was 70days between periods
my pmt goes on for weeks my left knee hip back gives me pain ,i get pins and needles in my hands,
headaches daily ,panicky feelings ,breathlessness
nausea, elated blood pressure
I m constantly on edge
night time I get worse wake up even more breathless
then I'm up all night going through my phone trying to take my mind off how I'm feeling
it's a total nightmare
I just want to feel my old self again
I and feel well
just feel so isolated but reading your comments helps that I'm not the only one going through this living hell
cissy2020 pamela2016
yES!!! all of that and then some. it just makes me wanna lay down and cry all day... sometimes that's all i can do. the face numb feeling makes me feel like i had a stroke. i hate feeling so not normal. im 51 and still have periods every other month or so. the doc just keeps telling me its just allergies. it may be sometimes but NOTHING makes it better. ive tried many meds for allergies but nothing works.
so madning. i sure hope you find something that helps even a little.
Salesmanswidow pamela2016
feel for all you ladies ive had all this crap too for months now, wake at 5/6 every morning with awful adrenaline surges have to breath deeply to prevent a full on panic attack, from the minute i wake to the minute i go to bed i ache, im weak, im bloated, my stomach hurts & the health anxiety is unbearable i want to curl up into a ball till its all over i cannot eat have no appetite tried hrt made me feel worse big hugs to you all at least we are all going though together with such similar issues its got to be peri/meno xxx
ConivanCart pamela2016
there are vitamins that you should take while going through this. I'm not a Dr but learned magnesium citrate, woman's daily, probiotics all help. try to push yourself to exercise. hope i helped a little.❤️
cindy17746 pamela2016
I totally empathize with you. It's not an easy road, and I have had everything you describe. Some days feel completely unbearable, some are tolerable, and rarely, some are good. One thing my doctor suggested for me, and it has helped immensely is a chewable form of the amino acid GABA. You can order it online or get it at most health food stores. I chew one whenever I get up in the morning, feeling off, and it takes all the hard edges off my anxiety, and once that happens, of course my physical symptoms improve. It's a life-saver!! And totally safe, as it is just an amino acid. I highly recommend it. It has done wonders for my ability to function. I hope things get better soon. You are definitely not alone.
pamela2016 cindy17746
thanks does it have any interaction with medications im on nexium and bp med will have to research and see and give it a try
cindy17746 pamela2016
My doctor did not indicate that it had any interactions, but it's certainly worth researching. No risk of physical dependency and works like an anti-anxiety med.