How much freaking worse can it get!!!

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10 years of this crap not easier not better just getting worse and harder to function. is there anyone else dealing with head and eye symptoms 24/7 every dang sec min of your life? head pressure face numbness but not really numb just the feeling that it is eye blurriness seeing floaters silver specks here and there dry eyes can look at something and then see it after i look away can also look at something and it looks like it shifts but doesn't. off balance dizziness floating spacey lightheaded you name it i got it. i just endes cycle and it's all worse some of this crap makes you scared you had a stroke or might start having seizures or convulsions. sounds i cant take sounds its like certain sounds goes right through my head and bothers me. and sometimes i feel like my arms and legs dont work right not often but wtf is all this none of this is listed as symptoms. just had my labs done all was normal but im not normal at all. i cry most days and tired of pushing through with a body thats not functioning normal. i also get the ocular migraines not every month but they scare the crap out of me. please no bad comments i have bad health anxiety and already anxiety is sky high.

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18 Replies

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    hi Pamela - i experience what you are describing very often. For me, the head pressure feels like someone vacuumed my brains out....i suppose you could describe it as fog brain. The numbness i get in my face is like a vascular sensation. i also get the blurriness in my eyes & frankly my eyesight has really changed since entering menopause. i also have experienced ocular migraines. i was diagnosed with rosacea in menopause, so you may want to see if you have rosacea. Not all rosacea is horrible acne looking, you can have a milder case & also have ocular rosacea - many things trigger an outbreak for me, emotions, spicy food, red wine, sugar - i say this because that vascular feeling really happens when i am having an outbreak & my face feels like it lights up like a Xmas tree. it is not uncommon for woman to experience rosacea during menopause - its like everything else that seems to happen to us during this time - a dermatologist can determine if you have it -

  • Posted

    oh & i also have high b/p - i was diagnosed with it at the start of menopause -

  • Posted

    oh & i also have high b/p - i was diagnosed with it at the start of menopause -

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