How Much Is A Person Expected to Cope With?!
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Perimenopause is a complete joke! I have spent the last two years wading through a never-ending list of symptoms, and I am so tired of having to keep fighting and keep persevering. I know that there will be an end, and I know that I have to keep going, but I am so exhausted, and I am so angry that I have to keep living like this. It just seems cruel and unfair. I know that I haven't done anything to deserve this or to bring on these symptoms, but it is just so hard for me to understand that hormones can be causing all of this and that it can just go on and on and on.
Can anyone relate?
Some support and understanding would be greatly appreciated, as I am feeling so fed up with it all.
At least I am now Day 74 and no period, so I must be getting somewhere, right?!
5 likes, 27 replies
susan39015 bev27429
I agree and im at about the end of what i can take. My sister told me to get off my soap box yesterday. After work I went to the park sat on a bench sobbed for an hour, prayed, then had to wipe my tears put a smile on and go pick up my 15 yr old at her friends. I wish i could make you feel better. Prayers and hugs to you ❤ xoxo
bev27429 susan39015
Thanks, Susan, I know that you understand:)
juanita93228 susan39015
It's really sad when your own family won't support you. I get it. But know that God loves you and this forum is a great support system. ❤🤗
kelly55079 bev27429
Yes... day 74 is exciting!! I've been having contractions (cramps) all day with this heavy period!! I'm ready for this to be done!!!! I'm frustrated and exhausted.. In a couple weeks going for another pelvic ultrasound with saline-- doesn't sound fun but all these cramps are awful as well.
amy341731 bev27429
I completely understand how you are feeling..I feel like everyone else "this age" are looking good, feeling good, living their best life & I am over here getting fatter, feeling exhausted and like crap much of the time. I love my job, but it is exhausting and just feel like no one understands and no one really has any idea of what would help. When I can manage to stay hydrated, eat better and get a walk or yoga class in, I feel a bit better but this has been feeling impossible to accomplish lately. Hang in there and reach out here if needed.
amy341731 bev27429
I completely understand how you are feeling..I feel like everyone else "this age" are looking good, feeling good, living their best life & I am over here getting fatter, feeling exhausted and like crap much of the time. I love my job, but it is exhausting and just feel like no one understands and no one really has any idea of what would help. When I can manage to stay hydrated, eat better and get a walk or yoga class in, I feel a bit better but this has been feeling impossible to accomplish lately. Hang in there and reach out here if needed.
jane66356 amy341731
You're over there getting fatter, exhausted and feel like crap most of the time and I'm over HERE getting fatter, exhausted and feeling like crap most of the time. It's no wonder why no one ever told me about how lousy perimenopause was going to be. Oh yeah, and the hot flashes have been a real joy! I'm afraid I might bite someone's face off -- they just make me feel ANGRY 😦
amy341731 jane66356
I have had a couple brief hot flashes and I fear that will be the next horrid thing I am about to start dealing with...ugh!!! Please know I am here as are many others, so you are not going through this alone! Sending hugs to you!!!
jane66356 bev27429
I feel exactly the same way you much of this can I actually take before I go mad? Things have been getting worse for me the last 2 months. I've been on this trip to h*** for the past 8 years. I'm on a rollercoaster ride that I just want to end. Exhausted and angry...sounds like me too Bev. I went into work exhausted and didn't want to talk to anyone.
It's funny how such a life giving thing (your uterus and ovaries) can be so life depleting. It is almost like a piece of us is dying. I just tell my husband that my uterus is trying to kill me. It's taken the driver's seat and I'm in the back handcuffed with duct tape on my mouth 😦
bev27429 jane66356
Thanks for the message, Jane. I have had an awful day today that ended with me sobbing to my boyfriend all evening over the emotional pain of perimenopause. Luckily, he is amazing and always knows how to support me! Your post, though, brought a smile to my face. I like your humour:) Thanks for shining some light in my tunnel!
kelly55079 jane66356
I like your post too!!!I was angry last week and exhausted this week.. My uterus might be trying to kill me too--- so many tests just to make sure everything is ok.. I just want it to go back to it's normal function.
juanita93228 jane66356
Oh Bev, I know you feel horrible, but you made me Lol! I really needed that! Thank you!❤
Hang in there🤗
lisa78546 jane66356
keep those overias . l was 90% better with them looking bk l had all the things mentioned. Now 7 years after the overias were removed l have no health at all . My list is endless . l so wish l had read up on it hadcl had the info l would of stuck to going in once a year to have procdures. No overias no life for me. 😢
meredyn65777 lisa78546
Hi, Lisa.
I too am in surgical menopause- nearly 5 years now. I can relate to so many of your symptoms and regret the surgery every day. How are you feeling now? Did your latest HRT help at all? Sending so much love and hugs. xx
NothinforNothin jane66356
Your post made me laugh and put a smile on my face! Don't lose your sense of humor! Hugs..