How to beat Tramadol withdrawal so very easily.
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Ok...I have been taking 50mg pills x2 4 x a day. 8 being the maximum dosage for months. When I decided to try go without them I had (zero) side effects. Ouside of the expected bowel loosening. This is natural and wholly expected when ceasing a narcotic. I take Cymbalta for nerve pain, it is an SSRI(Anti-Depressant) that has been been found to help nuropothy. The withdrawls you are feeling when you stop Tramadol is SSRI withdrawl. A short run of these meds will greatly assist, if not completely abate the symptoms. I have not taken any tramadol for 8 days and have had no symptoms beside the frequent run to the latrine. A simple over the counter anti-diarheal will control this well. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. I will help you if I can. Good luck and ALWAYS talk to your physician about any med changes. SSRI withdrawl is uncomfortable, yet rarely dangerous. ally helped me, I was wounded in Iraq during an ambush and will likely be treatd for my remaining years. It is a much safer route over other meds ike oxycodone. Trust me when I say withdrawl from those is every level of Dante's hell.
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steve_1 TallSarge
I've recomended Tramadol as being better than agony especially if taken in conjunction with an SSRI because a lot of the side effects like mood swings and anxiety (and withdrawal) are lessened this way
TallSarge steve_1
marie33 steve_1
steve_1 marie33
The gripping pain is lessened with Tramadol but the others are eradicated for up to 12 hours. During the day time, when I can get up and move around the I only dope for pain if I'm suffering, the tinglies and restlessness I can sort of put up with until I try to relax in the evening, then if I'm suffering I take Tramadol.
lin06321 TallSarge
TallSarge lin06321
lin06321 TallSarge
Cymbalta is newer isn't it? I think maybe one of the older anti depressants could work, something like Well butrin. I can absolutely see how a SSRI would improve this and I'm exceited by this idea since going off Tramadol is HORRIBLE. Especially for those who are on the XR in the UK (no tablet option) because I think they probably have it WAY worse than those of us with the tablets who can control how much we are taking/cut pills.
Thank you for posting yoru experience and good luck!
ynotrhyme lin06321
Hi Lin! I hope you read this and are able to reply as I'm a bit worried about the serotonin Syndrome your doctor spoke to you about. What did he advise you of? I'm currently off tramadol for about 13 days and I'm using Paxil to battle withdrawls but am interested in the serotonin syndrome your doctor spoke to you of as I have some symptoms that worry me. Thanks !
Zio10 TallSarge
TallSarge Zio10
marie33 TallSarge
deb45743 TallSarge
Nebula deb45743
Nebula deb45743
Nebula TallSarge
lin06321 Nebula
Nebula lin06321
lin06321 Nebula
I think depending on certain circumstances it's worth considering. I saw one girl post who failed trying to get off it a few times because she couldn't handle the withdrawls...for someone like her this might be a blessing but definitely nothing to be done lightly.