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Hi Everyone - I can tell you how to cure Anal Fissure's quickly...
Firstly, my experience was horrible just like everyone else. I have read that it can be more painful than childbirth! Mine started from an overly large bowel movement that ripped me in 3 places. The pain was so bad that i passed out on my bathroom floor with blood and feecies hanging out of me when i woke up. The doctor gave me suppositories and anasthetic cream but nothing was working. I have concucted a reigime that has cured it in nearly three days. When i read on forums that it can take a few weeks i said to my self 'There is no way im living with this pain for that long'! EVERYTHING HURTS.... Sneezing, Laughing, Coughing, Walking, Sitting, Lying down... the list goes on... follow these steps and it cleared up 3 days.
1. Your going to need a few things from the shop - The first is Anusol Cream (despite people saying its not as good as preperation H and other stuff its has worked wonders for this reigime and is designed for anal fissures and hemeroids. The second is COCONUT OIL (MAGIC STUFF).... Anchient chinese cultures still use this to heal wounds of all kinds and this really was the turn around stuff for me. Thirdly... Ibuprofen for temporary pain relief and lastly Dulcolax tablets... I will show you how to use all these products for a quick repair in a minute...
2. Psychology ... DO NOT sit at home and wollow in pain and sadness. Go to work, see your friends, live a normal life but be careful. Positive mentality keeps you relaxed and promotes healing. When i was at work i barely felt any pain because i was so distracted, but when i was at home it was constant pain. Make sure you do this, im certain this has really helped. Also do not be affraid to tell people exactly whats wrong with you, i have found great amusment talking to people about it and 6/7 of the people i spoke to had been sufferers too, its nice to know your not the only one and you can see them well and happy!
Here is my reigime that saved me:
1. The night before take 1-2 of the Dulcolax, it doesnt kick in until the morning but you need this so you dont damage yourself further. It is not a laxative it makes it all soft and squidgy and it just falls outta you. Minimal pain.
2. In the morning your gonna need to have a bowel movement, before you do. Run a bath and put a few table spoons of cocnut oil in it. (hot bath), then have your bowel movement. Mine was too painful to wipe so as soon as i finished i hopped in the bath and the water IMMEDIATELY relives the pain (BLISS).. and the coconut oil moisturises and heals. Stay in there for a good 10-20 minutes and then i promise you it wont be hurting as much now so now you can apply the anusol cream.
3. Before you head off to work or start your day, take 2 ibuprofen. After all this, it will sting a little but by day 3 you can barely feel anything.
4. Make sure you take your ibuprofen after breakfast, lunch and dinner. I had high fibre cereal for breakfast, water all day normal lunch and whatever for dinner.
5. Make sure you re-apply cream if you have a bowel movement during the day. I tried to just have one in the morning so i could not aggrovate my anus too much.
6. After dinner, take your ibuprofen, run a bath with coconut oil and just sit and relax for as long as you can (make sure you put NOTHING in your bath except the cocnut oil as soaps and stuff can dry you out and make it worse).
7. Before bed, take your dulcolax again drink plenty of water and get good nights sleep.
This regime has fixed me in 2 1/2 days pretty much which i found amazing (i think it was the cocnut oil, which stings like a bitch but is AMAZING, i doesnt numb pain but it promotes healing). I am so pleased to be living a normal life again so quickly as i thought i would never be the same again. It is really important you dont fester at home doing nothing as it will only make it worse, go out, see the world and forget that its there.
Hope this helps people as it has really helped me and i wanted to share this with others.
Hope you all feel better soon! Keep smiling and never give up!!
Peace & Love
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Catembi morris72638
Timescale - last year I started my laxido/fybogel/various creams regime in April, it sorted itself out pretty well back to normality, and I had a month or two of being normal until Oct, when I went away with work & upset it. It tore nowhere near as badly as it did before, but OMG it was painful. It took up until last month to get to a point where it wasn't upmost in my mind most of the time.
I am absolutely regimented with my laxido/fybogel & also with my daily routine & diet. A very small deviation (going to bed & forgetting night time powders; not eating fruit over the w'end, etc) can trigger a relapse. As can little things that I can't help, like going out to eat. I somehow upset it last week (whatever it was was v minor) & had 20 mins on the train on the way home when I literally had gritted teeth because it hurt so much. BM was in the morning; pain builds throughout the day.
It is like a sword of Damocles - my life is geared around my routine & not aggravating it.
Now I'm at a stage where 'going' is 1/10 on the pain scale & there is no 'afterburn'. Last week I was up to a 4/10, & then it jolly well hurt until about 1 pm. (I think it was eating too much cr*p & not enough fruit over Easter, & not running my 4 miles a day as I had a v slightly tricky BM.) It's the dread that's worse - worrying about what it's going to be like at the next BM.
Anyway, to stop rambling, at the moment I feel normal. I've only had about 5 mins' discomfort today. I can sit down without having the 'can't sit still' feeling. I can ride my horse. But I am absolutely 100% NOT taking it for granted. I treasure every pain-free moment & am always aware that any slight inattention could have me back to sq 1. So it IS possible - but you need to find what works for you...and then stick to it. E.g. what laxatives/stool softeners, when to take them, how much fruit to eat, what creams to use etc.
Hang in there!
fanhas morris72638
Any thoughts of using psyllium husk on daily basis for natural stool softner. Also can I use coconut oil as spostories I mean freezing it first for sure and then using it As a quick healer.
PenceJan fanhas
Someone on this threead said they used Coconut Oil suppositories and had great result. I have not tris it but have on occassion put a spoonful into the hot water in my Sitz bath. Some mentioned it stings - I had no stinging sensations.
What is the gist of your diet - can you please elaborate? That is what I am trying to do but get overwhelmed with all the suggestions on the internet - would be good to hear from one who has done it and gotten a good result.
All the best to you.
paul21510 morris72638
Thank you very much for your insight and glad to hear your feeling better.
I am 5 weeks after a hemorroidectomy and have gone through all the pain and problems with that only to be told by my doctor i now have an Anal fissure and am desperatly depressed, i feel i am never going to be over this.
So you give hope.
My doctor has put me on Rectogesic which gives me headaches.
I think i will try the coconut oil you recommend but am wary of the dulcolax as i do not want to get Diahorria.
My diet is weetabix/musli for breakfast, wholemeal roll and soup, tuna or chicken for lunch then a normal meal in evening. Yet i find myself going about 4 times in the morning, a lot of this is wind but also some large are you just managing to go once in the morning.
Any help any one can give would be appreciated and good luck to all of us.
Catembi morris72638
paul21510 Catembi
Thanks for advice i'll give it a go and try some different ones.
Many thanks
nell61509 morris72638
So where to start. Diet. I , prior to my fissure, had developed an intolerance to gluten. I have since found out that this can, as they delicately say, comprimise your mrmbrane.. So this is the first thing I stopped, Then I cut out all acid making food. Anything in the deadly night shade family, tomatoes mainly. Also anything in the onion family, garlic and leeks. Also any spices. All these things aggrivate and prevent healing. I am eating loads of avacado and courgette. Porridge, well cooked. Yoghurt, all the soft stuff. Nothing with any particals like seeds, oats etc. This is all rigerous stuff but I think this really helped. It is such a fine balance not getting constipated, almost a full time job!
I use Senakot before I go to bed , this helps with the peristalsis that is so essential. Codene, puts the gut into statis and makes it hard to poo. So I use a mixture of senakot and cosmo col to stay soft. The most important thing seems to be not to push. Reather graffic but I put pressure around the area when on the loo with my hands. This is preferable to pushing as I find it does not open the tare again.
To help the healing I have been taking strong Vit C and a herbal tincture from Neals Yard called Gotu kola. This is to help capillaries mend. And sleep ofcourse.
Dear friends, I feel your pain. Be strong and I hope you find comfort and healing.
I walked my little girl to school today for the first time in two months. It meant the world to me. Nothing like illness to put things in perspective.
PenceJan nell61509
I have been eating a lot of tomato - not a super amount, but fairly regularly and I hadn;t thought about the acid production. I do note that sometimes just as I start to pass something at times it BURNS like battery acid - could that be caused by the acidic foods then?
I understand about applying pressure from the outside - sometimes it is effective and less painful.
And I totally get your joy f walking your girl to work. I have been off work since December - not just for THIS but following removal of half my bowel - which led to this - and I got on the train - and when I looked around at all the life around me I got so emoitonal I welled up with tears!! Its wonderful to get back out in the world with the living.
I just long for normality to return - and some days am dubious as to whether or not it ever will. This does feel like a life sentence - which would be hell on earth.
Illness puts EVERYTHING in to perspective. All those older folks, when I was growing up who said "At least I have my health"...I SO get it now.
alan81192 morris72638
I myself seem to have flare ups every 2-3 weeks, and they last for about 3 days. Mine started when I developed a severe "explosive" allergy to coffee (something that took a long time to figure out, because I had been drinking it for half my life). I have found that I'm also allergic to SOME chocolates, not all, so I'm struggling to figure that out. Plus, just out of the blue, I have reactions to SOME foods when I go out to eat at restaurants. Again, no idea what... I have found that adding a lot of fiber to my diet, and drinking lots of water, really helps me so far. I feel blessed that I can go a few weeks at a time between episodes, as I see some people deal with it every day. I know when I have torn, I almost consider death as better than the pain.
Thank you for all the posts, everybody, and especially to Morris72638 for starting this discussion. It is a sadly isolating thing we are all dealing with. This forum makes it a little less lonely.
PenceJan alan81192
I must admit though - I am often disheartened - as this seems to reoocur for almost everyone.....I thought this was just a one-off? The idea of haiving to face this over and over again is pretty soul destroying.
In the peak of the misery, when the pain was so unbearable, day after day, 24/7 - I really did understand how pain could drive people to end it. I was glad I do not live in a tall building as there were moments..... It was a very scary feeling - but this pain is so intense and unescapeable.
Thats why I get so upset to see it happens over and over for some..... can it ever jst be a one off??
paul21510 PenceJan
I know how you feel as i too had some really really dark days thinking i don't won't to go on if this is what life is going to be like.
In the evening i was watching Spatacus..the TV Show and everytime i saw someone get their head chopped off i used to think i would prefer that at the momment....but i have some good news for you and all of us......I have been trying Morris72638's regime for a couple of days and it seems to be working, where as i was having about 6 BM a day so not giving the tear time to heal, i am now having 2. I think the Coconut oil baths and applying it inside anus is helping to heal tear as well...the only difference to Morris's regime is my doctor perscribed for me Rectogesic cream, which again you apply internally and is supposed to help heal and block any pain specially the terrible burning.
I have been able to risk going out and at the momment can see a future.. i just hope this continue's to keep getting better.
PenceJ stay in there mate, all the best to you and keep talking to as many people as you can, and try the Morris regime i hope it helps for you.
nell61509 morris72638
My pain reduced significantly when i stopped eating acidy food. Garlic is a killer, was eating lots as is so good for the immune, but not in this case. Also Psylium husk twice a day to stay soft. Being very aware of when you need to go and not leaving it any longer, i've been determined to go twice a day whatever the pain.
Am going to see a consultant in two weeks. Not sure Ill get the answers I am looking for there but it will keep my family happy! Interesting Alan that yours is so linked to food. have you seen a nutritionalist, I am thinking of it, expensive so holding off but they say good health is priceless!
Thak you for your posts. If anyone has a good source of info about anal fissures other than this thread please share. Am going to order myself some coconut oil capsules now! xx
PenceJan nell61509
I am beginning to think all the stool softeners, in my case are making it worse - seems like they are effective for a day or two, but then send my bowels into over drive and I end up having about 6 or 7 small painfull movements - nothing close to normal - and so many I dread when I get the feeling and think "oh we go again". I have to follow each event with a sitz bath as I am so sore with burning and stinging. I started off with Movicol - and Fibergel - but it just seemed too much - even on very small doses (1/2 Movicol and 1 Fibergel). So I tried over the counter Dulcoease which seemed great for a day or two - and as above - then seems to run away with me.
Just now I too was thinking of seeing a nutritinist as it all seems overwhelming. I just want to be doing the right thing as I seem to make some pregress and then go 2 steps back I am not taking any softeneres today to see how I react tomorrow.
I pray this is a one off - not sure I could take a lifetime of this.
I am generally pretty strng with a high tolerance for pain - but this has indeed broken me and my spirit - its very depressing to me. Very.
nell61509 morris72638
nell61509 morris72638
paul21510 nell61509
Great to hear from you and really pleased things are improving.
You certainly would not be boring me or anyone i shouldn't think with any usefull or good advice.
If you don't mind me asking why did you stop the Rectogesic cream and how long did you use it for...i have been using for just over a week now.
Also if of interest to anyone out there, my daughter has just recommended an App for iphone or android called myfitnesspal, which is an excellent way of keeping track of fibre eaten.
many thanks xx