How to stop worrying about health so much???
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I’ve been staying with family during the holidays. Today, my 12-year-old nephew asked me seriously if I am depressed. We had been on an outing this morning to eat breakfast and go ice skating, which I enjoyed. But I feel like everything is an effort now. I can’t enjoy anything as much as I’d like for worrying about my health. I’m completely sick of doctors, of being overweight, of feeling down all the time. Exercising and improving diet help, but I have a long way to go. My BMI is in the obese range now and I worry all the time about getting back to a normal weight. Everything scares me, even though my A1C tested as normal (not even prediabetic), I am paranoid about what I eat. I am preoccupied by it all the time. My gyn and her staff completely botched up reporting some lab results after having made several other mistakes (long story) and now I don’t trust them. I feel as though it is all on me to get a grip on this health and peri anxiety while at the same time improving my health, I am always afraid of being diagnosed with something terrible, even though I am doing a lot to make my life better and have lost 5 pounds already.
I am thinking seriously about going to a doctor who can recommend whether an anti-anxiety or antidepressant drug might help me.
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elaine65665 Guest
Hi Liz ,
I sympathise with you! I try hard to enjoy things but almost impossible some times! Anxiety is high at the moment cannot make up my mind if it is just because of the holiday season?
I watch my tiredness level as it makes it worse and also exercise when I can .
I don't know either to get medication for my anxiety I hate it . But please you are not alone and it actally helps me to read how you are feeling as it sometimes feels a very lonely place . Please take care of yourself ! A lot of selfcompassion . This is not our fault . I would appreciate any tips from anyone too please ! Hugs Elaine
Guest elaine65665
Maybe the holiday season makes it worse. I also appreciate hearing from you as it helps me feel less alone. This is so hard. I don’t know how to worry less or be less hard on myself. It is good that you are careful about not getting too tired. I am a lot more careful about that now as well. Glad we can help each other.
Take care,
amy341731 Guest
Ugh..same same same here! Ever since this garbage called perimenopause started exactly a year ago, it has sucked a lot of joy and fun out of my life. I also spend way too much time worrying about my heals. Hate hearing about diseases, treatment centers (on tv) etc..i feel better when i get a half hour walk in but it’s been way too cold and the holidays have been too overwhelming to do anything! I can say i also feel better if i eat better but that’s tough too.. In tried an antidepressant and it made me feel way ill i could not get off couch..i am not against taking something to help but so many have awful side effects. Just knowing I’m not alone with this forum has helped a lot. Stay in touch and know we are here. And don’t hesitate to switch doctors if you feel they are not listening or helping you. 😘
Guest amy341731
amy341731 Guest
Oh yes I 100% think there is too much information out there for NO reason. I think people like us, who get too anxious about health stuff should honestly avoid that type of stuff as much as possible. If we ever did have a “real” or serious problem, we’d know where to go and how to get what is needed. I need to STOP googling random aches and pains and try to relax. Even this horrible, lingering cold I have now is driving me insane and I have googled a ton..but I need to stop! We are fine but it’s the crazy hormones telling us otherwise. Do your best to avoid any of that health/disease stuff and pick a mantra you can tell yourself every day..I say “ I am healthy, I am strong, I am beautiful “. Keep saying it! It’s true!! 💕
Guest amy341731
Sorry about the cold. If I get a cold now, it’s always during a period. I love the mantra idea. The problems I have now are mainly due to being overweight, so I am working very hard on improving diet and am working out daily. The workouts make me feel at least that I am doing something good for myself and I feel stronger. Like you, I need to stop the Googling! Thanks again for the mantra - I am going to use it! 💕
2chr2015 amy341731
amy341731 2chr2015
It really makes me crazy! Ok, crazier than usual!’s just so overwhelming. I cannot stop googling things and it’s awful. At least I found this site that lets me know I’m not alone, because it is honestly scary, the whole perimenopause issue. It’s hard to believe that SO many women go through this and there’s nothing that really helps. I just have to go day by day now, it’s all I can do. Please take care and stay in touch! 😊
2chr2015 amy341731
amy341731 2chr2015
Guest 2chr2015
maria_03422 amy341731
Thank you Amy!!! I couldn't say it better...
i have a cold for over a week that won't go away! its new years eve and im seating here worrying about everything, my cold , this burning muscle sencation on my neck and chest. my kids, and EVERYTHING else!! I'm dealing with this craziness for 8 years and everytime i feel a bit better here it comes again! Hope this year will be a better one for all of us!! xoxo
DaisyDaze amy341731
Hi Amy & Liz,
I think you made a good point. The TV and radio commercials are horrific. If you listen to them, you suddenly become worried. I'm to the point where I will NOT watch or listen. They do have a way of pulling you in with a basic question. For example: "Do you have a spot on your skin.." and next thing you know they are telling you it could be cancer.
Same with medications you take. Listening to the possible side effects tend to make you look for side effects. It's awful.
I do agree that writing, reading, and listening to people on this site has helped me though.
DaisyDaze maria_03422
You just made me feel better about the burning muscle sensation. I have that and have been worried sick. It comes and goes so I'm trying not to overreact.
Guest Guest
Lately I'm obsessed with looking up old movie stars and reading about how they died. I think this is a new level of health anxiety I've reached. So pathetic.
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