how to work out new drug driving law of 550 mcg/l of diazepam into how many mg of tablets!!!
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i am currently prescribed 8mg of diazepam daily and have seen that a new drug drive law (in the uk) says you will be illegally driving under the influence if you have more than 550 micrograms per litre in your bloodstream.
i have been on diazepam for 10 years and i'm on a tapering regime and my doctor is wanting to try me on beta blockers and lamotrigine in 6 weeks time when i reduce down to 7mg.
what i am wanting to know is, is the 8mg i am currently prescribed off my doctor and dvla say (at the moment) im okay to drive on actualy illeagal under the new drug driving law?
I wish i could wave a magic wand to come off these evil tablet but as you will all know it is not so easy.
any help will be great.
thanks in advance and merry xmas
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sphrah95270 lukep78
h0w can th1s be safe?
s1de effects Lam0rgne-
Blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin
dark-colored urine
flu-like symptoms
memory loss
muscle cramps, pain, or weakness
red or irritated eyes
small red or purple spots on the skin
sore throat
sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
swelling of the face, mouth, hands, or feet
swollen lymph nodes
trouble with breathing
unusual bleeding or bruising
unusual tiredness or weakness
yellow eyes or skin
sphrah95270 lukep78
Hypersensitivity reactions, some of which have been life-threatening or fatal, have been reported. Some of these reactions have included clinical features of multiorgan dysfunction such as hepatic abnormalities and evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation. It is important to note that early manifestations of hypersensitivity (e.g., fever, lymphadenopathy) may be present even though a rash is not. If such signs or symptoms are present, the patient should be evaluated immediately. Lamotrigine should be discontinued if an alternative etiology for the signs or symptoms cannot be established.
And peple sa1d d1azepam was danger0us!!!!
D0nt trust Drs
sphrah95270 lukep78
Immunologic side effects including lupus-like reaction, vasculitis, and progressive immunosuppression have been reported.
personally 1 won't be taking anything but beta blockers 0r be giving up my car. will have t stay on benefits n0w!!
won't be taking anything that gives yu Lupus, which s huge n the usa where they prescrbe ths stuff all the tme.
lukep78 sphrah95270
i think i will try the beta blockers with the diazepam and see how that works out, if it doesnt i may ask for something diffrent, something with less side effects and something that doesnt run in the naughty lust with the dvla....
i think personaly this law will not last long before it will be reviewed (fingers and toes crossed it does get changed) even if they doubled the 550mcg/l to 1500mcg/l taking into account alcohol is sround 800,000 mcg/l in your blood stream..... the 550 seems way to low to work (and the alcohol one has been changed sevral times since coming into law)
pat97152 lukep78
lukep78 pat97152
i found this on the net....
Antipsychotics are a group of medicines that are mainly used to treat mental health illnesses such as schizophrenia, or mania (where you feel high or elated) caused by bipolar disorder.
They can also be used to treat severe depression and severe anxiety. Antipsychotics are sometimes also called major tranquillisers.
Alot of people get addictited to Benzos for there tranquilliser effects which these anti psychotics also have but with less of a dependence on the tolerancy side....
pat97152 lukep78
The legislation provides a statutory “medical defence” for people taking the drugs for medical reasons, if their driving was not impaired. The conditions of the medical defence state that the individual is not guilty of an offence if:
the medicine was prescribed, supplied, or sold to treat a medical or dental problem, and
it was taken according to the instructions given by the prescriber or the information provided with the medicine.
The individual may need to provide written evidence to satisfy the points above (eg, the tear-off section of a prescription or the medicine’s patient information leaflet).
If the individual’s driving is impaired, they can be found guilty of an offence under the current law, which has no statutory medical defence and will not change.
Drugs included in the new offence that might be used for medicinal purposes:
lukep78 pat97152
If you do get done by the police you will get charged if over the limit BUT if you are prescribed you will be able to ask for a "medical defence" off your doctor.... ☺
But it does clearly it will be a criminal offence regardless if prescribed or not.... seems like they need to iron out the flaws before March when this comes into effect....!
sphrah95270 pat97152
until March 2nd we can carry on as we are - taking what we are prescribed, after then our drs, write to the dvla of what we are prescribed. the dvla then will say anything over 550 = revoked licence.
i know due my keyboard i have come across as a bit of a fool - but i am not. i have researched alot about this and made a lot of calls.
my emotions are also very high, this has been one of the years in my life in which my mental health as most improved - which doesnt just effect me, but most importantly my family. i live for my family - nothing else. i do not care for this life. now they make it that much harder, its not just me that will suffer. There are things that people take for granted that I just can not do without these meds. Its like being paralised.
The odd thing is, is that I take diazepam once a week, i make sure never to take it two days in a row or often to not build up tolerance or become addicted - i have a good three week break every couple of months aswell.
if i were to get behind the wheel after a cup of coffee that would be dangerous -
my amygdyla (sorry for spelling) part of the limbic system of the brain that deals with adrenaline//fear/stress is highly sensitive - so what may slightly frighten other people causes huge anxiety in me. Diazepam simply balances me out.
A friend just told me to simply choose between meds or car
but that would mean I would have to use public transport and would need to take diazepam everyday which would no doubt lead to dependence and tollerence. I have been royally screwed by this ill thought out legislation.
I honestly have not felt this - ****ed ver by life for a long time. This government seems intent on hounding people with mental health problems into an early grave.
sphrah95270 lukep78
lukep78 sphrah95270
I also beleave new stickers will be added onto the medication when being picked up from the pharmacy as from March 2nd.
my doctor has never rushed me to come off these tablets but seems very keen for me to get down to 4-5mg before this new law comes into action,
Like yourself you have heard it from the horses mouth and now know what to expect, im totaly gutted about this but it is what it is and the 2 choices are learn to live without them and drive or keep using them to make you better and not drive, i think that pretty much sums it up
sphrah95270 lukep78
sphrah95270 lukep78
Well 1 have just seen my regular Gp, Wh0 1s head 0f pract1se and wh0 als0 w0rks pr1vately and 1t 1s g00d news {1 th1nk because she 1s str0ng and exper1enced} {the pr1vate Dr 1 ment10ned prev10usly d0es n0t kn0w me aswell}
My regular Gp and she sa1d t0 carry 0n as 1 am. She says 1ts all scare st0r1es and that she has the ult1mate d1scret10n. She says the newspapers and 1neternet cause far t00 much anx1ety. She has seen my 1mpr0vement 0ver the past 3 years she has been my Gp (s1nce 1 m0ved fr0m Brghtn} and can see my t0llerance has n0t g0ne up and that 1 d0nt take 1t everyday - 1 pretty much was t0ld 1f 1 t00k 1t everyday 1t w0uld st0p w0rk1ng and 1 needed 1t s0 much 1 c0uldnt r1sk that happen1ng.
My Gp 1s a very str0ng w0man and a very exper1enced Dr - Head 0f her pract1se. She has n0t heard anyth1ng frm the DVLA ne1ther 1n her pr1vate pract1se.
She als0 kn0ws me a l0t better than the Dr 1 pay pr1vately n0w and then.
F0rtunately wh1lst th1s law gets rev1ewed wh1ch 1t surely w1ll 1 can st0p d1azepam as 1 am n0t phys1cally dependent. She has prescr1bed me beta bl0ckers f0r the beg1nn1ng 0f March wh1ch sh0uld suff1ce unt1ll the law gets 1mpr0ved (even Austra1l1a says 1ts way t00 str1ct }
1 am beg1nnng t0 agree w1th th0se 1 have sp0ken t0. that th1s new law 1s untenable - even 1nclud1ng 1n the 0p1n10ns 0f Drs. Even Austra1la sa1d 0ur new laws are t00 pu1n1t1ve and they were the f1rst t0 1ntr0duce s0meth1ng s1m1lar.
Unt1l March we can carry 0n as we are. There are a m1ll10n peple 0n benz0s 1n the UK 0f wh1ch 150,000 have an add1ct10n.
1 w0nt be tak1ng d1azepam by March, But as 1 Suspect the law has t0 be changed and w1ll be changed 1m n0t g01ng t0 g1ve up h0pe yet.
As n0ne 0f us ever sh0uld. s0rry ab0ut th1s keyb0ard 1s bey0nd a j0ke. Sh0uld have 1t repa1red s00n
Bless1ngs x
lukep78 sphrah95270
fingers crossed these beta blockers work and if not they review the limit aloud in the system as soon as possible.
sphrah95270 lukep78
Yes I was on propanonl before and it didnt do much, it seemed to do something but not enough to help me -
My friend took them as well and said they lasted a month. There is nothing that beats benzos for anxiety apart from something called buspar which is worth looking into. Its prescribed everywhere but here - hopefully the UK will catch on soon - buspar sounds just right for me.