Hows everyone doing????
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Not been on here for a while as i have been busy getting myself back on track!
Just wanted to know how everyone is doing.
I am now 10 weeks on sertraline and i am back!! Not 100% but slowly and surely i will get there.
I am back at work and enjoying it. After the nightmare of the past 3/4 months when i finally accepted the help i needed i am starting to really feel like me again and i am feeling happy.
I just wanted everyone to know, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Stick with it and when u feel like ur loosing it.. sit back and remember you will get better.
If you are just starting out on sertraline. I know the side effects are horrendous but i promise they will pass. I had everything from dizzyness, nausea, jaw clenching (which resulted in a broken tooth and now wearing a brace lol) head aches... But they all go away and then u just feel like u have energy and more positive... So stick with it and everyone on here will help.
I really hope we all beat this monster that lives in our head or at least learn to live with it!!
Stay strong!!!!!!
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LBC kerr2017
kerr2017 LBC
I would say yeah... At week 5 i felt great on the 50mg, then week 6 i hit a slump again. But i didn't wait i went straight to the docs ms she increased my dose to 100mg. First couple weeks i had some side effects again but not as bad as when i started on them. Just so he knows this, doesn't happen to everyone but there is a chance so tell him not to loose hope.
Def speak to doc and ask her to increase, 50mg is quite low and they start low and gradually increase until they find the right dose. At the moment the 100mg seems to be working for me but if i feel myself going down again i will be right on the fone to increase.
I hope he gets well soon, i am sure he will and he is so lucky to have u looking out for him. So many ppl on here seem to be on their own with it. My hubby was an absolute rock over the past 4 months (even if he's started to drive me nuts with his over protectiveness lol) and i know i am a lucky girl to have had him in my corner.
Stick with him coz he needs u more than ever!!
Let me know how u guys get on and if i can give u any advise well just drop a line!!
Ps, i have been going to CBT therapy too and it has really helped!! Might be worth asking the gp about this too!
LBC kerr2017
Hi he's been having CBT since January . Feel like he's over talked it if you know what I mean as was working at first but now it's not . His whole life is consumed with it ! I had the day off work yesterday with him and he is just constantly talking about it won't leave him apart from say about in the evenings he feels more settled . Mornings are worse . I'm so tired 😴
kerr2017 LBC
Morning LBC,
That is normal to be honest, at first i felt like it was a waste of time and that it was causing me more stress (this was my new obsession) so i totally get what you say. I spoke to my therapist and said i felt like i wasn't benefiting from it. After really thinking about i discovered that i was looking for a miracle cure. Unfortunately, there is no such thing, but i came to realise that CBT is giving me a tool to deal with life.
It could be that this is not the right therapy for him. Maybe speak to his GP for advise and tell the GP how u are feeling. You need to be looked after too. My hubby was so tired and i didn't even realise. I was so consumed by myself and i felt awful for it. I really feel for you guys. Sometimes the person who is holding it together is the one who needs a little care too. You look after yourself as well and have some you time after all if you arent in a good place then how can you look after him? Be kind to yourself, you can't cure him he needs to do that but you can support him and it sound like you are doing a damn good job of it. Well done luv, i know its hard.
U take care of yourself and keep intouch. If u need a chat, as i said, drop a line!!
Be strong there are brighter days ahead!!