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I have had enough and yesterday I went to the Docs and wailed like an idiot that I just could not cope anymore!!!  Knee problems, pain in hip bone, sleepless nights due to peeing so much, sore bladder, leaking, anxiety, rages....memory gone to sh*t, confusion, I could go on!!!  I am now on HRT!!!  I am praying it works becuase TBH I think if it doesn't I will go mad!!!!! Just not prepared to suffer anymore!!!!  I will let you know how I go.XX

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56 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh poor you Margaret really hope the HRT works did the doc say how long before you noticed a difference and how long are you prepared to keep on it? I feel for you right now all this Easter rubbish drives you nuts. Keep in touch and us know how you get on.😊
    • Posted

      I should notice a difference in about 2 weeks and the plan is to review me in 3 months and stay on it for 2/3/years then wean myself off.  I really hope it works.XXXX
    • Posted

      Yes you really need to stick on it for a while just to see if it makes a difference. I wish you all the luck in the world. Bless you and take care.xx
  • Posted

    I so sympathise with you. Sleepless nights, aches and pains, and worst of all the terrible anxiety, and the fear of the anxiety - a vicious circle.

    I am going to the Dr as soon as possible - i.e. when Easter is over to also beg to be put o HRT.

    • Posted

      Hi Carole

      Is it anxiety with you too? I'm just floored by it!! I'm off work and jittery the whole time, every day!!

      I'm beginning to think there is a serious issue in my life that I'm not facing up to, but told it's JUST the menopause!!!

      Good luck and hugs x

    • Posted

      Thanks Margaret,

      I am sooo grateful for this forum.  Posting on here and reading other ladies experiences makes me feel alot more normal. If I didnt have this I really think I'd be locked up for my own good by now!!!!!..........


  • Posted

    Oh Margaret I know how you feel. I am mad I think I'm on hrt too just started. It's the anxiety and depression with me.

    My whole life is in turmoil!!

    I hope your Hrt helps, good luck and hugs x

  • Posted


    Happy Easter?

    I know what you mean.  I also gave in and started HRT again.  I could not live the way my body was dictating.  Give yourself a few days and you will feel better.


    • Posted


      Let me know how you get on with Hrt just don't know whether to give it a try but I have had so trouble with hormones over the years just worried it might make things worse...having said that they can't be any worse really. Enjoy your Easter if you can.x

  • Posted

    Sweet Margaret!

    I do hope this works for you and if first round doesn't work, there are others they can give you to help you feel better. Sure know how frustrated you feel. This morning I woke up feeling ugh.......I've seen 90-100 yrs olds walk straighter than me for Pete's sakes, I'm so stiff and moods flying all over map. Memory?? haha-I sure miss that one!

    Do keep us informed and I am hoping you're feeling better in no time flat!

    Annie xx

  • Posted

    Margaret, I feel so bad for you, I know exactly how you feel, I am in pain almost every day, I dont take Ibuprofen unless its severe because I literally would be on pain meds all day. My collarbone is so sore I think its because thats where the nodule developed but I have back pain too, going to the bathroom all the time. I am to the point where you are with the HRTS, I started Evening Primrose on Saturday, so I am going to try doing the natural products with soy and black cohosh for a month or so if that does not work I am going to see about HRTS. Please let us know. I forgot to mention that the heat flahes are happening at least 5 times a day too.
    • Posted

      Hi lenie

      I'd love to know how things are going for you too, because you and I sound like the mirror image of each other!

      I don't like taking any meds, and have to be right up against it to even do the ibuprofen. Had to resort to a couple this month as my back was aching while I was bleeding (yeah, 54 and still bleeding as regular as clockworkfrown!!). 

      Worse still was the pain in my aching L shoulder/ L elbow, collarbone, clicking jaw (and now R elbow!) returned and I feel like I've lost a foot in height as I stoop over until I feel brave enough to straighten myself up!

      I'd love to know if you feel any benefit with the EP and BC.  I'd definintely give them a go as I'm not currently taking HRT but will I'm sure as I think it'll help my long-term bone health.

      Oh, ain't it great being an old hag - or is this just me?!!!!!


    • Posted

      Yes, we do sound exactly alike, except I no longer have any periods, I had a hysterectomy back in 2001 and from hearing the horror stories with bleeding at least I am lucky there, yes, I am definetely one that does not like the pharamcuteical medications, I honestly think they are more like bandaids instead of permanent fixes, however, I realize they and doctors have a place. I woke up this morning feeling really good and I am doing the P.R. and I am going to take more of my homeopathic menopause herbs too. I wish I did not ache as much, I have all of the same spots as you, even developed a cyst or some sort of bump/lump on the collarbone.  My dr. is against me doing the HRT because I am overweight, I am 55 pounds overweight. And, I think he is concerned about cancer risks, but I dont have a family history but still clearly it can happen even if you dont have family risks.  Do you get pain in your shoulders like you have been punched in the arms/.
    • Posted

      Blimey, I hope I don't get any grief from my GP regarding weight if ever I want to try HRT!  Thinking of it, I suppose realistically if I weighted 28lbs less, I'd feel and look so much better.  But at the moment and the way I feel, I'd settle for 7lbs off!!

      My husband is 6'3", a big frame, fit, doesn't smoke, occasionally drinks and weight trains at the gym 4 days a week.  He's BP and cholesterol are both fine.  However........he weights about 19st, and although he's very muscular (and you can see this: he looks pretty good for 53!) this weight makes him obese on all the Doctor's charts!  The last Nurse who weighed him had just finished asking him where he trains, what training he does, etc etc then said, almost apologetically "Oh. This chart tells me you're 'Obese'"!! 

      Honestly, if he - and I for that matter - were anything near our our ideal weights, we'd look like we had a really bad illness!! 

      I'm trying to get some weight off to ease the demands put on my joints.  However, although I'm not a vain person in the slightest, I'm a bit worried about having an bigger 'apron'(lol!) and not looking forward to developing a bigger 'turkey neck'!!

      Any suggestions ladies how to lose weight and not look like a deflated balloon in the process??!!!smileX

      I'd say, if you really felt HRT might help you, do a bit of research, see if the weight issue really is a big an issue as your Doc's making it out to be, and see if you can try if for a specific time.  I'm given the impression that Doc's only like you on it for a max of 5yrs (ladies, correct me if I'm wrong here!), but if you're fit and healthy and Docs keep an eye on you, I can't see any problem with staying on it longer.  There are many, many women who have had long, happy lives thanks to this stuff:  I don't think one Doc's opinion should put you off looking into it!!

      Have a pain-free day......if that's at all possible, please let me know, so I can have one toolol!


    • Posted

      The Dr was concerned about me losing some weight before I try HRT, but he did say that he'd be more worried if I was a smoker as that was a higher risk factor. He did say plenty of overweight ladies use HRT and as I didn't have any history of blood clots in the family the risk was lower. I'm seriously considering it as an option xx

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