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I have had enough and yesterday I went to the Docs and wailed like an idiot that I just could not cope anymore!!! Knee problems, pain in hip bone, sleepless nights due to peeing so much, sore bladder, leaking, anxiety, rages....memory gone to sh*t, confusion, I could go on!!! I am now on HRT!!! I am praying it works becuase TBH I think if it doesn't I will go mad!!!!! Just not prepared to suffer anymore!!!! I will let you know how I go.XX
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susan21149 margaret04348
Just hang in there things will get better they always do
anita31460 margaret04348
I so feel for you. I was in a very similar place a couple of months ago. I too sat in the surgery in floods of tears begging my GP to tell me I was going to get better. I've been on HRT for 6 weeks now and have a Mirena coil fitted. My biggest problem was the anxiety and panic attacks. I am so much better than I was. I still have the roller coaster of emotions, days when anxiety bubbles all day and days when I feel a little nauseous and have heartburn but nowhere near as bad as it was. I had my reservations about taking HRT but I think it's starting to give me my life back. I map my moods in a diary and I can see a definite pattern emerging which is quite reassuring. At least when I feel a bit desperate now I know it's only because my hormones are out of kilter and I will feel better in a few days. I'm now starting to go back to work and am feeling a lot more able. Don't get me wrong, some days are still really hard but I'm so much better than I was.
I really hope it works for you. Don't be put off by the scaremongers. If you do your research you'll see a lot of the scare stories were based around flawed research. Experts in the field are happy that prescribed properly the benefits far outweigh the risks.
Good luck and let me know how you get on
Anita xx
mel64317 margaret04348
You may have to try a couple to get the right combinations.....I noticed the effects within 10 days !!! Told my doctor I'd kill the person trying to take me off it and plead temporary insanity !!!!! Lol 😄
Good luck honey xx
Scampi18 margaret04348
4 years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidisum put on thyroxine 25 mg also put on hrt, to cut a long story short I have never been good on either never felt any better in fact, I have thought about suicide numerous times, the constant sobbing panic anxiety racing heart every symptom of meno and every symptom of hashimotos, hormone hell for me 2 good weeks out of the month, had to come off hrt and gone onto sertraline 100mg daily, the last five ads didn't work and I told my gp this, but she said it would work, I am no gp so going along with it and starting CBT ? I have no stresses nothing to be depressed about, it's all hormonal that's caused all this ever since I had my first menstral cycle many moons ago, suffered for years now 51, got BPPV benign positional vertigo, 5 fibroids prolapse of womb, herpes zoster virus, lost 2 stone in 3 month teeth rotting, sweating, insomnia, palpatations, allergys, I am taking every vitamin under the sun, i will have to wait to see what helps, I keep asking my gp for hysterectomy I think it would solve some of the problems, but they keep saying no even though I have the five fibroids.
so frustrating, good luck at the GPS I hope you get what you want.
Sandy07 margaret04348
margaret04348 Sandy07
annieschaefer margaret04348
It's funny you mention the muscle pain. I used to practice Yoga religously and about a year ago or little more, slowly but surely, I found I wasn't able to even keep up with Gentle Yoga. My muscles hurt afterwards and I ached all over. Something wasn't right, still isn't. I was told it could be the dropping estrogen level or now issues with hypothyroidism and way too much caffiene intake. Haha- I am a hot mess some days. I hope you update on how the HRTs may improve this factor, as I'll skip right down to the GYN and find which HRT works for me. This feeling like 100 yrs old, no matter what vitamin/supplement I do so far-(save for new meds for thyroid-that won't happen until end of month) has not helped this and I miss exercising as well. I have a brand new recumbent bike and Teeter Hang-Up machine waiting for me. I can't even go for long walks like I used to thanks to the constant bilateral plantar faciitis.
It's no wonder the moods go so low some days. Hoping this all works out for you and can't wait to hear an update from you!
shaznay96184 Sandy07
joint/muscle pains "down to anxiety".......Excuse me, but I'd say your Dr is talking......oh, I'd better not say that , as they won't post this(!) .......rubbish!
If that was the case, most women would be walking around in agony for most of their adult lives! By nature, we're a bunch of worry guts, so really what the Doc's saying is: the pains are all psychosomatic, and we're all imagining it?!
Mooma, when you go back to talk bout HRT, maybe go and see a different Doc. as margaret04348 says below: "you deserve better than that"
Let us know how things go for you. Until then, remember we all feel just like you, we ache, and some of us have bad anxiety, but not all of us. And Mooma, please don't tell my your Doc was female too?!!!
Wishing you a pain-free day Kiddo
Sandy07 margaret04348
Sandy07 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 Sandy07
In a a way, I do see what your Consultant's saying. I've always been a terrible 'grinder' - I ground my teeth from a young age. Also, do notice myself 'holding' my jaw at an angle and have to correct it: maybe thats a stress 'thing'.
My jaw really clicks, only on R. side. Improved for 3mths but seems to have come back - at the same time as my aching L. shoulder & elbow.
Oh well, if you're feeling a bit fed up, just try and picture us on that tandum.........I'm already smiling
caroleUJ62 shaznay96184
I used to grind my teeth really badly at night for years, - my husband used to tell me in the morning, or sometimes wake me up if it was really bad, and I had absolutely no idea I was doing it.
Seems to have got worse in the past couple of months, oe maybe I'm just noticing it more. I get the muscle aches on my right side - shoulder and back. I did have a fall, but was hoping it might have calmed down by now. My husband thinks most of my symptons are down to the peri/menopause, and that I should be on HRT. Amazingly, this is something we totally agree on. Sorry about the italics - pressed the wrong button, and I should really be in bed!!
Sandy07 shaznay96184
Sandy07 caroleUJ62
shaznay96184 Sandy07
I read an article this week that was aimed at 'normal' people (
what are they??!!).
It had 7 Signs that You are of them was Teeth Grinding!!!
OK, I'll concede and give in a bit that your GP might have a point......but not that he completely chose to ignore the fact that you're Perimenopausal!!
Dya know what Mooma - I think I should stop reading all these 'health' articles: they're not good for my health
Hope you're feeling a bit better. Hate to tempt fate, but I'm back to feeling OK again (finished yet another Period), joint ache-wise. But I'm still being a 'miserable/ argumentative cow'......apparently!! Hey, you get what you get in my book!
Sun's shining and we've got a couple of good days ahead this week. Should I dare tempt fate and do a bit of gardening - last time I ended up feeling like I'd put my hip out for weeks!!!! Decisions, Decisions.......