Hrt age

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Is it ever to late to start hrt?



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27 Replies

  • Posted

    I have heard some physicians who say it's never too late.  However, you might want to consider that if you've had plenty of years without these hormones, the adjustment to having some again isn't always an easy road.  The standard rule is start very low and go very slow, giving your body tie to adjust.  

    Curious?  Why are you considering it now?  Are you just tired of symptoms?  Or has something else/new come into play?  

    • Posted

      Hi Gailannie

      I am 60. My gp says no to  hrt.

      Last November the practice nurse tried vagifem,  and ovestin I reacted to them, so after waiting 7months I seen a gynaecologist, she said I should consider hrt.

      Just wanted to get some advice here.



  • Posted

    Hi, you don't say how old you are. I was over 54 when I went on it if this helps. XXX

    • Posted

      Hi Tina

      Was that your first time on hrt?

      I am 60



    • Posted

      Hi Junie, I was 54 and 4 months old, when my Dr first put me on HRT. I was suffering so many symptoms, and to such a degree, that he had no hesitation in putting me on it, so I don't think age is an issue. XXX

    • Posted

      Hi Tina

      That is encouraging 

      Thanks so much


  • Posted

    Hi junie

    I don't think so. For me, if there are symptoms impacting quality of life which could be improved, it's worth doing xx

  • Posted

    Hi Junie, are you in the UK? I know that a few years ago hrt was kind of frowned on by gp's here in the UK. Now NICE I think it's called, the people who guide the NHS have said it's safe for most women,but alot of gp's haven't caught up and are still saying no. If you look up the NHS policy on hrt and then speak to your gp? There was an article in the daily mail online in the last few weeks (can't remember exactly when) that was saying about gp's still refusing to prescribe it.xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jackie

      Yes I am in the UK.

      I will look up the guidelines,

      Just wish there was somewhere I can go and get advice about all my options.

      I need to be more informed.

      Thanks for your help 


    • Posted

      Hi junie

      You can get advice from the women's health concern which is the patient arm for the British menopause society. They have trained specialist nurses who can provide advice, I've used it and it was really helpful and reassuring. There is a charge of about £10 to the organisation, but the nurses have a wealth of knowledge and are really supportive xx

    • Posted

      Hi Sassyr

      That’s encouraging, will look for them.

      If you have used it and are happy, then I will try it.

      Thanks so much


    • Posted


      Just had a quick read, they don’t recommend for after 60.

    • Posted

      Hi Sassyr

      Did you fill in a questionnaire?



    • Posted

      Hi junie

      I don't remember the questionnaire tbh but did fill in an online form which gets emailed along with the preferred appointment time. Any probs, come back to me and I'll have a rummage through some information for you xx

    • Posted

      Just checked the page junie, and if you scroll to the bottom and click the link for telephone advisory service, it takes you through to a few questions e. g contact details etc. If you complete that, then continue to scroll down and select your preferred appointment you can submit the request, and a nurse will email you to confirm the time to suit. You are asked to make the payment upfront to secure, but I've done it and all was fine. I heard back from Kathy, and she has also answered email questions without charge. Good luck and let me know if you need anything else.

      Sara x

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