HRT and sleep

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Hi ladies has anyone experienced improved sleep with HRT? I'm taking the plunge and going on it tomorrow. My three main problems are hot flushes, insomnia and anxiety - but the insomnia is by far the worst symptom

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25 Replies

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    Hi I'm sorry can't answer that because I'm in the same situation I haven't slept more than 2 hours a night for last 6 months and went back to the doctors today and saw a lady doctor and she was wonderful but she sent for a blood test as she is sure I'm going through my change and wants to put me on a low dose of HRT as I'm suffering with bad hot flushes anxiety and I haven't had a proper period for 7months, so I will also be interested to see what these lovely ladies have to say. How old are you? And what are you going on patches or tablets? 


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    How do you descripe your physcial symptoms with the anxiety?
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    Cheryl, I take 200mg compounded oral progesterone at night and it knocks me out!
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    HI I had not slept for more than a couple hours a night for 5/6 month but HRT massively improved that I don't always sleep through the night but most nights I do, it also massively helped with the sweats and anxiety 

    good luck I hope it works for you but be prepared that it maybe trail and error to get the right dose but within 3 weeks my symptoms had improved so much.

  • Posted

    Hi Cheryl, Yes HRT helped me with all 3 symptoms, I found it gave me my life back ! It does take a while for the HRT to work but i never looked bk. Had to come off of them for a while ugh! So glad to be bk on them now. Hope this helps x
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    It worked very well - until I started bleeding again. I really hope you have better luck. I do so miss a good night's sleep, 5 years and counting .....

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    Yes I can't even believe in 1  1/2 wks time that my sleep has improved. I actually fall asleep and stay asleep. The decision to go on HRT wasn't easy but you know there comes a point where I would rather have quality of life vs quanity any day. So after being postmeno for 2 yrs and trying all sorts of ways to alleiviate these awful symptons..gave it my best shot, I started on Estriol and Prometrium. Actually I had taken Prometrium for a bit before and it was helpful but I needed the Estrogen as well.

    It's too soon for me to say 100% how this is going but first thing I can tell you is yes, sleep is greatly improved and it's like someone turned the volume dial down on the anxiety and low moods feeling. I still and getting hot flashes but I hear it takes awhile sometimes as long as 6 months to get full benefits of them. 

    Talk to your doctor and see what they recommend for you. 



    • Posted

      Hi annieschaefer, its good to know some one else being postmeno is taking HRT ! i feel like you qaulity of life is  so much better than quantity any day. The sweats & anxiety are awful, felt like i wasn't able to function as i should? Had to come off them for a while due to aneasthetic, after 6 weeks my symptoms came back. Now been bk on them going in my 5th week. I get an odd day but feeling as i should now prob feel bk to normal in the next two weeks smile

    • Posted

      Hi Mars,

      What was the reason you had to go off of the HRT? I am sleeping well and have notice a subtle decrease in the anxiety and low moods so I hope I won't need to stop them. Also you feel it takes 5-7 weeks to realise full effects of them? Hoping you feel well soon. Thank you for letting me know I am not the only one on this forum that went on HRTs post menopausal. I did try my best to do without but boy...the relief I had so far makes me sad that I waited so long. 


    • Posted

      Hi again annieschaefer 

      I had a Hysteroscopy & a polyp removed under aneasthetic, you have to stop HRT at least four weeks before. All my results came back fine, i was off HRT for around 9 wks! Like you i feel its very subtle the effects of them working again. Hopefully next week will feel bk to Normal as it will be 6 weeks    i have been back on them smile

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      Thanks for letting me know as I am planning on a hysterectomy. I had and still have a fibroid I know estrogen can cause it to start growing again....I should have had this done before but the time frame seemed to be off always then well..past 3 yrs have been what they were. I see my MD on the 13th to discuss when I will have surgery. I didn't realize you have to be off them for that long. Dear Lord...I just started feeling well again. Glad to hear you are on an upswing. If these work they way they do now, I will take them until I leave this planet. I never want to feel that horrible again. wink


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      Hi, me neither can't believe how horrible i felt not taking them. Its 4 weeks till the op you have to come off HRT. The reason i was off of them so long was because i had to get my results back to make sure all was ok ! When you see your MD ask how long you will need to be off them for, as i was ok for 6 weeks then the symptoms started to reapear question


    • Posted

      Hi! I have just had a hysterectomy as I had a huge fibroid - on HRT for years! I had my remaining ovary removed too - so needed to go back on HRT as soon as! It took 3 weeks for the hormones to leave my system - in all I was off HRT for about 4 weeks - 2 weeks before op and 2 weeks after. I did have to be fully mobile before I was allowed to take again - and I was not allowed to take them until I had finished post-op blood thinning injections.
  • Posted

    Hi Cheryl,

    I have been on HRT since I was 30 due to premature menopause. I had all of your symptoms! I had a hysterectomy 6 weeks ago - so had to stop taking prior to my operation - and wasn't allowed to take again until I was mobile enough - it was hellish !!! All the symptoms came back with vengence! I am now back on my HRT - and feel tons better. It takes about 3 weeks to get fully in your system -but you should start feeling better in about 10 days. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries to get the dosage right - and sometimes you will get mild side effects in the first couple of weeks - a bit like adjusting to the pill. I had dizziness a couple of times on this pill - but that has stopped now!

    Good luck - let me know how you got on. I used to be on ellesste duet 2mg - now on elleste solo 2mg due to the hysterectomy.

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      Hi Glennie , so nice to hear someone else gone back on HRT after having to stop them prior to operation! Same thing happened to me all symptoms bk & yes hellish is the word , Back on them now going in 5 weeks almost feeling back to

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      Hi Mars

      My poor hubby was subjected to an unhinged woman whilst I was off HRT. Would cry at nothing. The worst for me was trying to get over the discomfort of an abdominal hysterectomy and having nightsweats so bad I could almost wring my nightdress out! Glad to be feeling more like me now - but still recovering too. I am hoping to stay on HRT as long as possible !!!

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      Hi Glennie 68

      ?Yes i know what you mean, i want to stay on them for as long as i can, just awful symptoms!! Even worse for you getting over a hysterectomy & no HRT . I have been on them 7 years now x


    • Posted

      I have been on HRT for 18 years now - I was told the benefits would far outweigh the risks with going through an early menopause as I would be high risk from heart disease and bone thinning problems. I was originally tried with low-dose HRT which didn't work too well - think they start you on 1mg - but I ended up on 2mg - and have been on that ever since. It has kept me well and at my last well woman check my results were really good. I am very pro-HRT !! cheesygrin

    • Posted

      My Gyneacologist wanted me to stop them but it's not her living with the symtoms!! I feel so well on them, I have 2mg eastrogen plus 5mg progesterone. I was started on a low dose but eventually had to take a higher dose as my symptoms started again. My other gyneacologist said the benefits  far outweighs the risks, Feel so different when on them smile

    • Posted

      I am on estrogen only now as progesterone makes your womb lining thicken - which I don't have anymore! As it is the same brand of HRT I have swapped over quite easily - which is great!

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