HRT for joint pain only
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Is it worth taking HRT for joint pain only - I kind of cope with the other symptoms but have continuous joint pain- when lying down, getting up, sitting ,walking etc..
all rhemathoid factors are fine, tried to take prednisone and it helped, not sure what has less side effects - HRT or low dose oral steroiids
Has anybody tried maca root for joint pain?
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Indifferent polly111
Unflavoured beef gelatin powder...2 LEVEL tsp in any hot beverage will have the joint pain taken care of in a week or two at most. It also takes care of breast pain and most other pains in the body. Take it every day for three months then stop for a while. After that you should only have to take it for a few days at a time when things get troublesome. It has been a lifesaver for me. Google is a very important thing for the body that people don't use so much anymore. The old fashioned way of doing it is making yourself bone broth and taking a cup of it everyday. I find the gelatin powder much
didi0613 polly111
polly111 didi0613
lynda20916 polly111
In addition to what the others have said, you could also try taking fish oil. I think that HRT and steriods could do you more harm than good. Best to try to make sure you're getting the correct nutrition. xx
didi0613 lynda20916
Sochima822 polly111
I was the same at one point. Mine was severe too, but rather than go on hrt I took glucosamine chondroitin. I also took calcium and bathed in Epsom salt. I could barely move and the pain horrendous but it took about 2 weeks for it to finally subside. This is transitory phase. It will pass eventually but taking something for it will help to stop it sooner. Hrt on the other hand is not the only solution imo unless you're determined to take synthetic hormones to help quell the your symptoms.
Thank you for all your replies
Ive had these joint pains ( back, feet, legs, arms, hands) for about 10 months, since my last period,
I tried magnesium tablets and oil, vitamin D, turmeric, calcium, Omega 3, different supplements for joints - devils root claw etc.., menopace, epsom salts baths every day
Also went to physio, tried to do pilates, bought expensive custom made insoles - nothing seems to help!
I know that one of side effects for HRT is joint pains , so it can potentially make it worse and also if HRT helps , the joint pains will probably come back when I stop taking HRT.
I wonder how long menopausal joint pains usually last .
Another issue is that I cannot do any exercise as my legs are much more painful after exercise so I am really unfit now, have breathing issues ( which could probably be one of menopausal symptoms as well) .
lynda20916 polly111
Hi, Polly,
I am wondering if you've ever been tested for mono-nucleosis, gullain-barre syndrome or fibromialgia? Are you under a doctor's care?
polly111 lynda20916
Hi, I went to rheumatologist , had all blood tests , vitamin d deficiency , MRI- all seem to be normal .
I've been feeling short of breath for almost 3 years and now have joint pains for almost a year - couldn't walk for 50 m yesterday !
lynda20916 polly111
lynda20916 polly111
polly111 lynda20916
No, I haven't been tested for Lyme disease but I don't recollect any bites etc..
How can I check my house for mold - there are no visible signs
i had some allergy prick tests at some point but they didn't show anything
lynda20916 polly111
You could have been bitten and not know it, long ago. Lyme disease can be dormant and emerge. The rheumatologist should have performed that test, just in case. Also, I've heard that there are 2 tests. One is inexpensive, but it also can be inaccurate. You can research lyme disease on line....
As for mold, there are companies that perform those tests. It's really too hazardous for you to do it.
polly111 lynda20916
lynda20916 polly111
The two most-used antibody tests are the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the Western blot. The CDC recommends that doctors first order an ELISA to screen for the disease and then confirm the disease with a Western blot.
Please let me know how you get on! xx
didi0613 polly111
I'm pretty sure you dont have lyme disease. Dont read too much into your symtoms or let others on here scare you into thinking you have something you don't . Muscle and joint pains are a very common symptom with Peri-menopause. Pretty certain that's all it is.
lynda20916 polly111
Please rest assured that my intentions were not to scare you to death! I was trying to think of diseases that could leave you in the debilitated, painful state that you describe. So sorry if I did.
maisie05 polly111
Hi Polly. I had the shortness of breath and aching limbs when I was severely low on ferritin/iron. I was unaware till had blood tests. I guess you've had test for this?
It is very confusing, a lot of symptoms are similar. Perimeno, anaemia. And Lyme. I was treated for suspected Lyme last year, I did have the typical rash tho. Not confirmed Lyme. Took high dose antibiotics as a precaution.
I take a rosehip supplement, among others, this is reported to help joints.
Hope you find something to help you soon xx
Sochima822 lynda20916
Having worked in a medical clinic, it's almost literally impossible to not Know if you've been bitten. The tick lodges into your skin that causes a huge red circle around the area once it's sucking your blood and spewing it's venom. Those sucker's leech on to you until you either burn them out or pluck them out when they're not deep yet.
So I would venture to say that since she has no recollection of being bitten that she probably doesn't have Lyme.
lynda20916 Sochima822
Hi Sochima,
Good to hear from you. I have recently read articles that described people who had no idea they were bitten and didn't form the characteristic rash. The ticks are very small, and can go unnoticed. That's why I suggested it. xx