hrt patches how have they helped you
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hi iv only been on them three days and iv already noticed that im not so dry down below. and today i felt a bit less tierd in the afternoon like i usualy do. i want to know how its helped you and does it imrove sex life as mines in the gutter no orgasms and just went compleatly off it and dont like my husband anymore. so will that part of my life improve. also when will sweating stop and. tierdness im on the patches were i change them every three days and then after two weeks put on a conti patch for two weeks the one i have on now says 50 on it.
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juanita93228 d19606
HRT wasn't for me. Made me have a light period(every day for three months). It made me feel like I had been run over by a truck, and made my hair so dry and brittle it fell out.
On the other hand, other women have had great success with it. It's just not for me.
maisie05 d19606
Relax, have cuddles, remember the good times and you should soon be back on track. Good luck x
gailannie d19606
I also was given patches. And like Juanita, I had some very unpleasant reactions to say the least. So I'm very interested in this discussion.
Your doctors prescription is very interesting. Giving you two weeks of estradiol only, followed by two weeks of estradiol with a progestin. Obviously the only way to know if this will work for you, it to try a full month and see how you feel. Or if you have any bleeding using a cyclical pattern of these hormones. I was also given a cyclical routine, and my doctors goal was to have regular cycles again. I didn't mind the periods, it was the two weeks of estradiol only I had a problem with.
I'm curious about a few things. Are you menopausal? How long without a period? And do you still have a uterus?
I hope you continue to feel better, and you'll come back to share your experience.
maisie05 d19606
maisie05 d19606
Hi D. The patches you are using are to produce a monthly bleed/period. I'm not sure if this would be during the oestrogen only or the combined patch you are using now. It's good the sensitive nipples have settled. I guess it's the progesterone in the patch now making you feel nauseous and headache. Hope it settles as your hormones level out. Have you any ginger tea you could drink. Stay hydrated. Keep a dairy of all your feelings, good and bad, then it will help when you go back to doctor for checkup. Stay positive.
Ask for vagifem pessaries if you still feel dry in your vagina.
gailannie d19606
Thanks for the updates! I'm interested to see how this goes for you. If you don't mind, could you tell us where you are in your menopause status? Your age, and when your periods stopped? And also why you decided to try HRT? I'm guessing it was because of hot flashes.
d19606 gailannie
so now im going back to see the dr on thursday. so i do t know if this is normal for the first few months or what but i dont want to be bleedi g no e stop i had this last year with out hrt bleeding none stop for several months, id not bled for three months befor i started on the patches so i do t know if patches set it off or wether its just somthi g that was going to happen anyways. so now im worried, im also suffering with a bad back.
the only good point about the hrt is i havnt had any sweating and im sleeping and not tierd theough day. but otherwise iv had bad headach a few times bloated ibs a bit worse and this bleeding and period pains.
jude84900 d19606
hi d19606,
I'm not on patches but I am on hormone treatment. Bio Identical vaginal creams. ( estrodial, estriol, testosteorne)
I use OTC progesterone cream as I still have my uterus. I started my hormone replacement when I was 7 months into having no periods. I too started to bleed after a couple weeks which is typical if you haven't had a period in awhile. Waking up those estrogen receptors is what my doctor told me. Of course anytime a woman bleeds after you have not bled for a period of time is very alarming and the first thing you want to do is quit your hormone treatment. I had that initial bleed which was like a regular period and that was the end of it. Too much progesterone can cause more bleeding. I took a larger dose of progesterone one time, 200mg and it caused the worse fatique and headache. I felt like I had the flu in bed all day. I'm wondering if this may be some of your issue here. In regards to your lack of interest in sex and ability to have an orgasm I would suggest talking to your dr. about testosterone supplementation too. Women need it too, especially at this stage in life if they want to keep their intimacy alive. We get less sensitive downstairs and it becomes harder to reach that climax too. You will find your whole attitude is better with testosterone and will enjoy a much happier sex life. You can get compounded bio identical testosterone cream for women through a compounding pharmacy, with a prescription. Good luck.
i started to bleed everyday with no stop to it so went to see dr who told me to go straight on to fem seven instead, well when i started on that two patches came off with in a few days so rubish at staying on and that put me off straight off then when i did manage to keep them on i didnt stop bleeding and then i started to feel my heart punding real hard and feeling tierd and not sleeping with the heart pounding, so i rang drs asking to change prescription back gosh then since changi g back which il say i was only on the fem seven a few weeks but felt rubish plus didnt see point if still bleeding and extra symptoms and just tryi g to keep them from falling off gosh what a carry on waist of money. anyways when i went back on to conti patch the one with the estrongen and prodgesterone in i started to bleed heavy iv no been bleedi g real heavy with clots for two weeks so bad none stop with days were i cant leave the house gosh i dont know what to do i change from this patch on wenesday to the estrogen only patch i dont know wether to wait see how that goes or flipin just stop puti g the dam patch on altogether. go see the dr and see what to do i hate the sweats and feeling so tierd and the dryness but whats the pount if im bleeding none stop and havi g to be dry anyways with the tampax and pad both at same time cos its so bad.feel worn out now just from this altime so since january started on thses patches and was ok to start with but since the bleeding started it just wont stop.i dont even know if im suposed to start bleeding when the patch with both is on or the patch with one in is on as i. just bleeding on fed up again just thought this would be ok. i read on line that women give up cos of this bleeding but that after several months it starts to get to normal but how can i wait to see for that long to just bleed none stop gosh
juanita93228 d19606
HRT isn't for everyone. It made me feel like I'd been run over by a truck, my hair became brittle and started falling out, and I bled the entire three months I was on it. I got off and never looked back.
but no im flooding still i was up all night going toilet and iv had enough.
i read im only suposed to bleed on this patch i have on but im bleeding throughout all the patches with no cease. i cant fuction like this i even got up monday night soaked wet through with sweat only the once but still.
iv been onthses patches since january and so its not like i havnt given them time to settle in i may just have to stop having the patch and just take the hot sweaty flashes and not sleeping dryness god knows what else i dint know which is worse constant bleeding or just everything.i will prob bleed now if i stop havnt patch till my body readjusts i just want to get rid of two things thats the sweats and dryness the most if i can stop bleeding as on the patch im only bleeding.
so anyways im going with the norethisterone first for a week see how that goes they going to ring me on tuesday i think tell me what to do next after the dr today has seen the other dr on tuesday cos shes off. i feel so stressed as no one knows what ballance i need just need to see hospital gynaecologist cos sick of gps its to stressfull i need to stop bleeding and also have the rest sorted the normal meno rubish.fed up