hrt patches how have they helped you

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hi iv only been on them three days and iv already noticed that im not so dry down below. and today i felt a bit less tierd in the afternoon like i usualy do. i want to know how its helped you and does it imrove sex life as mines in the gutter no orgasms and just went compleatly off it and dont like my husband anymore. so will that part of my life improve. also when will sweating stop and. tierdness im on the patches were i change them every three days and then after two weeks put on a conti patch for two weeks the one i have on now says 50 on it.


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    hi is there anyone whos suffered on hrt like me? i went back to see a different dr 11 days ago he said take norethisterone pill three times a day so i did  and it stoped my bleeding then five days later he rang me said hed had a word with my other dr and they decided i have to stop everything i said well iv stoped bleeding and it helps with everything else so he said well carey on with the patch but if you start to bleed again stop it no tailing it off just stop. well today im bleedi g again i do t want to stop taking it cos of my other symptoms im fedup should i cut the patch i. half and do that for a few weeks then stop or just stop as iv read suddenly stoping is real suposed to be getting an apointment to see a gynacologist but i havnt got one through yet i dont know what to do im dredi g if i come off the constant tierdness and dryness and no sleep at night and sweating.on top of all that i started with thrush otherday.
    • Posted

      Hi d. I've been using combined patches, then now a patch and progesterone pill. I get spotting and small bleeds every two weeks. I have to have scans and then hysteroscopy every six months to check on my womb lining. I have small fibroids too. This has been going on for nearly two years. Every time all is ok and they tell me it's the hrt causing the bleeds. I'm happy to carry on with hrt and being checked out every six months. I can cope with the small bleeds. I couldn't cope without hrt. 

      Are you on any other meds, like anti inflammatory tablets or blood thinners. Sometimes when I take anti inflammatory pills  I feel I bleed more.

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      hi not on other pills. i just started to bleed on my fifth patch and havnt stoped since then so its been going on for over four to five months realy anyways i did stop last week for a wile when i started taking noretnisterone but since bei g told to stop that im bleedi g again after i stoped it about five days ago i was told to stop everything and wait to see a gynacologist but its like i duno when that is could be months away waiti g for an apointment il be a total wreck by then. i need the hrt patch i just dont need the bleeding grrrrr. i have a prescription i didnt pick up for an extra estrogen patch i was goi g to put on thith my existi g patch but was told by diif dr not to bother and just take norethisterone untill he rang me said stop taki g it its not long term id only took it for five days. he said hed been havi g a chat with the dr who gave me the hrt patch and had told me i needed extra esrtongen and thats why im bleeding and theyd agreed i should stop everything and wait to see gynacologist. but i said no need the patch and he just said well if you bleed again stop havi g the patch on. but i do t want to. i. fed up i. sure im not suposed to just stop instantly and i should be weened off

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