HSV-2 only: Who else, and how often do you have outbreaks?
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Thought it would be good to have a discussion thread just for those with IgG/swab-confirmed HSV-2 (so not presumed cases).
For personal "research" purposes, lol, I'm also very interested to know:
1. How long you've had it.
2. How often do you have outbreaks.
3. Did you have a history of cold sores (even if only as a child) before you acquired HSV-2.
Other personal experiences regarding HSV-2 welcome. Cheers!
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1. Only 1.5 months
2. Just my initial outbreak so far
3. Never before (tested negative for HSV-1)
These past few weeks have been surreal and I have read so much about genital herpes that there's little left to find out, lol.
Except for first-hand experiences. Curious to see how these match the average stats and other info quoted for HSV-2.
sweethheart5703 FelizCastus
mark14873 sweethheart5703
ouch109 FelizCastus
You know from my other thread that i have no idea how long
Probably 20 years
Diagnosed 1week ago
Outbreaks.... Any time i have intercourse. If i go 2 years without, it lies dormant. As soon as i start, i get an outbreak
I think thats how its working
Never had a cold sore
Spent 20 years trying to treat mysterious vaginal bacterial infection that was most likely internal herpes.
No external lesions
I started suppression therapy and i think i will continue daily.
FelizCastus ouch109
Chick100 ouch109
ouch109 FelizCastus
elizabeth283 FelizCastus
2. I have up 3 outbreaks a year.
3. No. My mother has hsv-1 but I have no history, nor have I had a cold sore.
How I deal. Typically after getting two- three outbreaks you know when its about to flare. Everyone is different. Its insane we can be diagnosed with the same thing but some never suffer like my husband for example, positive, never had any problems. Me however gets lower abdomen pressure tingling itching and eventually blisters that become lesions.. That was before I was diagnosed and had no clue what I was dealing with(kept being told I had BV and that was what was causing the irritation) now when I feel the tingle or pressure I know its coming, usually after my menstrual cycle or when I am really stressed, I'll take my prescription medication. If I happen to already begin to get the blisters.. oh what a tricky monster hsv2 is... After scouring the internet for relief, someone suggested liquid orajel to numb the area. Desperate I would try anything! And it worked, numbs you right up and stops that itchy sensation that makes you feel youre going mad. Then I slip some tissue where the irritation is to keep the area as dry as possible. Promotes healing faster. For me at least.
It made me really sad at first and felt I would never ever be good enough for anyone, or find love, or have children. Like I had the black plague or something. But no once you find out what works for your body(yes takes some experimenting and a lot of research) then you can control it and not be the one in the vice waiting to be squeezed. To all who read this and has sufferered with genital herpes, of course youre not alone, and you will get through this!
FelizCastus elizabeth283
Have you always had three outbreaks per year, even in your first year, because I thought they were supposed to diminish in both frequency and severity over time.
I'm really hoping I am one of the lucky ones who has minimal outbreaks with HSV-2, versus one of the unlucky ones who has 6 or even 10+ outbreaks per year!
The longer I'm outbreak-free, the greater the odds that I'm one of the luckier ones, so I'm dreading my next outbreak, not so much because of the symptoms (if like my first, or milder), but because of what that may indicate in terms of frequency. :s
elizabeth283 FelizCastus
FelizCastus elizabeth283
ouch109 FelizCastus
You arent doing daily suppression correct?
I have been reading alot about olive leaf to decrease frequency and severity.
Who knows, there seems to be alot of things to try.
FelizCastus ouch109
ouch109 FelizCastus
I hope its smooth
FelizCastus ouch109