Huge bump in buttocks... need advice please
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Hello all, I'm glad to have found a place where I can find people like me.
I'm in my 20's, pregnant, and am in so much pain I have a bump on my lower buttcheek and could barely move. It hurts to walk, sit, and even try to use the bathroom.
I don't want to go to the ER. I've had these lanced on my bum area too many times and cannot handle the excruciating pain. Surgery is not an option either as my local surgeon doesn't accept my insurance.
My bump is a little odd. I have a picture (it's gross but not extremely) it's just a small bump with puss but idk what to do and how to heal this naturally. Nothing is draining, it's just there. I'm so confused on how to help myself without ER assistance please someone give me advice
I'm at my wits end and really need help as I don't know what to do. It's not covered by the skin anymore you can clearly see it but I don't know how to fix it
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hypercat joan_42735
Hi this sounds very painful. Maybe ab's would help? They do me. I don't know if you can buy them over the counter there, but if not you need to see your doctor. Please take action coz if this bursts it can cause sepsis. Let us know how you get on. x
joan_42735 hypercat
I really hope that doesn't happen
I've had them hurst on their own before but in other areas and never got it, I pray that isn't the case this time either.
As for antibiotics, I'm sure that would help. I need a new prescription though and will have to go to the ER as I don't have a dr that has treated my HS
tj268 joan_42735
Hello Joan and I am so so sorry for how you're feeling now. I have 2 there right now but can't even imagine being pregnant and trying to deal with this. If you are not going to have this lanced (which I understand because it's a nightmare having it done) I would recommend a sits bath full of hot water as often as you can take it that way you don't have to take a full bath several times a day and it has to be much easier getting up and down for you. I have never been pregnant but maybe call your dr and ask about tumeric tee tree oil zinc??? Also cut out nightshades like tomatoes and potatoes and see if it helps though you wouldn't fully know for months but worth a try. Wishing everything food for you !!!!J
joan_42735 tj268
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this also
I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. How are you getting on? Do you plan to have it lanced?
I've been soaking it in hot water 3 times a day and it honestly has made me feel a little better, but I don't want to jinx myself... I'm definitely cutting out night shades but I think I know what it was.
Peppers. I stopped eating that and then a couple of days ago, I ate dinner and they told me they added loads of pepper in their seasoning. I wish I would have never ate it now because that is one of my triggers.
I was thinking of buying tumeric myself as I've seen many on here talk about it and will deff ask a dr if it's ok with my pregnancy
tj268 joan_42735
Hi again Joan, no my hospital here is horrid and refuse to see me for HS anymore. I did find one close by but the plastic surgeon I deal with doesn't want to touch any abscesses "down there". Says it can make it worse. I take sitz baths so I don't have to get all wet and use hot compresses and take pain pills only when needed but I am sure you can't right now. I wear huge pants and just do the best I can. Zinc tumeric doesn't work for me but it does for many. I have heard of boil eaze but haven't tried it yet. Oh so frustrating. Just remeber to get plenty of rest if possible and not to scratch or pick at it. Hoping you feel better soon!
Valerie19955 joan_42735
Joan, I am so sorry to hear of your stress. it seems the hospital you have attended is not familiar with HS, it is not good to lance these "boils" . you can only ease the pain until they go down and different things work for different people. You really need to go to your GP and ask for a referral to a dematologist that deals with HS, there are still some that dont know much about it, you can check on google for some names.. x
joan_42735 Valerie19955
Do you really think this boil will go down? I really hope so
I had one under my breast that popped on it's own and I pray to god this one does too.
The ER I go to isn't the best. They are good doctors I suppose but they aren't gentle and don't care when I literally scream in pain and beg them to stop, they just keep going
I'm in the midst of changing hospitals and will for sure look for a new dermatologist
Valerie19955 joan_42735
MB1969 Valerie19955
Valerie19955 MB1969
Sadly she hasn't, there is no cure, caught early enough there is some help, surgery is one option, because it was not well known when hers started it was a bit late, they said it could make it come up somewhere else, sio she decided against it, I contacted a clinic in Jacksonville, USA , they specialise in it, but to be honest, we went to so many "doctors" and they were so unhelpful she always ended up in tears I dont think she could handle another rejection. We were lucky in as much as we had a good GP that she was able to confide in, she has tried all sorts of "treatments" she is now on roacatan, we rejected this for a few years because of the side effects, suicide being one, her husband now works from home so keeps an eye on her, so far, so good. She rarely talks about it, even now, but when it is really bad she might say " I am in a lot of pain" so we dont ask to much of her. Sorry I cannot give you better news, other than get specialist treatment as soon as, and do not squeaze.
Muskoka_Canada joan_42735
Joan i am sorry to hear of your pain combined with being pregnant.
I have always heard of people suggesting "Vicks Vapor Rub" and i always cringed at the thought thinking it would be so painful... Well i tried it for the first time the other day while i was in a lot of pain... I put it on some gauze and bandaged it over, it eased the pain a bit because of the cooling effect and some how draws it to a head to break on its own.
I left it in place for about 16 hours and made sure it was well padded.
Good Luck!
PS when I asked the doctor about using Vicks he gasped and his eyes about rolled across the floor, he thought it would would hurt like a SOB too! (But it didn't)
joan_42735 Muskoka_Canada
Oh wow! I never thought of that. I have some Vicks so may give it a try. I'm so glad yours came to a head!! That's amazing news.
My mom reccomended I try putting apple vinegar on it and I have but it burns so bad. I did that with the combination of hot soak showers and I am feeling better but it hasn't come to a head yet.
I will try that.
After yours came to a head, how do you reccomend goinf about things so it doesn't spread anywhere else?
Muskoka_Canada joan_42735
I just put polysporne (spelling?) and fresh gauze over it to keep it clean.
I have switch all my soaps/bodywash to all natural, and my dermatologist recommended acne wash for troubled areas.
My daughter (27) gets them on her bum frequently and has had them lanced.
After your pregnancy it could settle down and it "could" be caused because your hormones are out of alignment with the pregnancy.
Maybe depending on how close the sore is to your rectum/genitals consider getting some baby wipes for added cleanliness after you go to the bathroom, to prevent an infection.
joan_42735 Muskoka_Canada
I have a question if you don't mind.
I have a flare up in a different area that has come to a head, but I still can't get everything out. I keep trying but it won't. I have put some stuff over it and closed it up with gauze and am in pain, but I know I'll get through it. I just don't know how come it has come to a head, as the eye is there, and all the pus has come out... So it's flat but you can still see the eye and skin still there if you know what I mean
Muskoka_Canada joan_42735
I have also seen where there are other pocket a little deeper that still need to come up.
Valerie19955 joan_42735