huge discomfort blow left rib

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31/2 yrs ago I had a mild stroke. The morning after I felt a small discomfort on my left side just below my rib. The dr looked and felt but could see or feel nothing. Said it may just go away. Gradually the discomfort got worse and now is sometimes unbearable. It is always present and has indeed reduced my quality of life to a great degree.

I have had CT scan, virtual colonoscopy, endoscopy, chest xray and ultrasound. All negative. I have seen a neurologist and 2 x gut consultants, again nothing.

After all that NOBODY has the slightest idea what is wrong. (this is a time when everybody seems to give up on a patient!)

The discomfort is just like as if someone is pushing their first firmy into the area immediately beneath my left lower rib and I tend to be automatically holding my hand, with some pressure on it, all day for somekind of relief.

Is this a nerve or a gut problem, or anything else and perhaps npthing to do with my stroke after all?

I now have to 'get out of my pram' to get any further tests done. Doctors switch off. Have you tried to push treacle through dry sand?!

I am 67. Has anyone else suffered this problem please?


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  • Posted

    my dear mr. JAMES i live in karachi PAKISTAN AND facing the same problem i m 44 years of age and in a very discomfort position because of this pain i m a non-vegetarian and when the pain is severe it controls me and i on that time want to go to a place where no body can disturb me untill the pain is gone but one thing which works and that is sleep dear i have almost all tests of the cardiac doctor  ETT , ECO , ECG every thing is ok the test which is left is an angio graphy i have controlled my digestion problems by eating more vegetables exept of the meat and meat related items ,  here in our country we have a lot of variety of deep fried items  .
  • Posted

    Hi james 

              your symptoms are a carbon copy of mine .. im 50 years old and had this for a year ... however i also get a pressure feeling by my gallbladder .... which makes me think have they considered gallstones 

               after much research ive discovered gallstones can cause many symptoms and not just that pain below the right rib ... and as the gallbladder is connected to the pancreas ( which is on the left side ) this could be whats causing it 

              however when it started i had pin and needles down completely down the left side .... and allthough this dissapeared after a few minutes the pressure feeling has remained 

              personally i think some of the muscle under the rib can be damaged and doctors are simply looking too deep for a cause when it could simply be the stomach/rib muscle is simply paralysed thus causing the feeling 

              did you have problems eating such as the pressure got worse after a meal ... i had this and im taking mild laxatives and buscopan to stop this 



  • Posted

    Hello. The pain I have had on my left side (similar to other descriptions given here) appears to be nerve pain. It seem to come out of the blue a few weeks back and became more painful in the second week. The gp had decided to check for gall stones but it was clear. He then checked the kidney & the possibility of secondary cancer. These were cleared just last week and nerve pain seemed to then be the likely cause. After hearing this I then went to my chiro and his adjustment gave me huge relief and the opportunity for a goodnight's sleep. The pain returned the following night so I went back to the chiro for more treatment and a similar result but after the pain retreated, it returned along a different area closer to the pelvis area. Tomorrow I will be getting a bone scan in an effort to find what is causing the pain. I am also continuing with the chiro treatment which I think can go a long way towards my recovery.

    Reading through some of the replies here, it seems different factors might be in play but for some of you, trying a chiro might assist. I will advise on my progress in the coming days/weeks. My prayers go to those who have been long-time sufferers of this condition.

  • Posted


    I have been recently having the same issue.  I have actually had it for about two years, but just recently the pain has gotten pretty bad.  Have you talked to your doctor about it possibly being costochondritis? If no other tests show anything, you may want to ask your doctor about costochondritis.  

  • Posted

    Well I have the pain in the rib cage and chest always feels like it's burning inside and what I have is sarcoidosis of the lungs which causes my chest and neck lypth nodes to be active don't no if that's what's causing it but thought I would throw that out there

  • Posted

    UPDATE ..... i finally got answers to the pressure on my left side ... after a MRI scan it appears i have a herniated disc at T6 which is whats causing the discomfort .. T6 causes problem under the nipple line which is exactly were i was having problems 

              T5 and S5 are also affected but not as bad ..... 

               ive been prescribed "pregablin" nerve painkillers which are working great and the anti-anxiety properties of this med help with relaxing me and not worrying about the symptoms ....ive also been told to continue using buscopan which relaxes the stomach ( which was affected by the disc )

                 the strange thing is as soon as i was told the cause the physical symptoms seemed to get better straight away .... it that "not knowing" that in turn makes you anxious which agravates the symptoms making you worse ..

                also ( i forgot to mention ) the pins and needles i described in my original post were caused when the disc slipped(herniated ) and this pressed against my spinal cord causing the pins and needles 

                and thats it .. a happy man now but i wanted to share my diagnosis incase it helps others 

                  peace out 

  • Posted

    I had a small stoke 2 years ago and started to experience the same symptoms a few months after, like you slight at first but have increased to cause me real discomfort under my left rib cage which is now pretty constant.i often press on it to get some relief too.

    I have had all the test you have had which unfortunately all failed to identify a root cause.

    My doctor and consultants are out of ideas, i now feel that i will have to live with the discomfort along with the residual issues of the stroke for the rest of my life..

    • Posted

      Hi gary 

                  the pain can be due to the intercostal nerve which is the nerves between your ribs... however in my case a herniated disc at T6 was pressing against the nerve and radiating to the left side .....

                  allthough you have had a stroke the left side discomfort may be another issue totally seperate to the stroke 

                  have you had a MRI scan of the lumbar/throasic area ....this would at least rule another cause out ....

                  having to live with something shouldnt be a option ... it took 14 months to diagnose my problem and ive heard people waiting for 10 years ....

                 personally i think any discomfort/pain and generally skeletal,nerve or muscular and a MRI scan can generally pick these up ....

                at first i thought my symptoms were coming from my internal organs .... infact one doctor diagnosed gallstones ( which i do have ) ... but it was my main doctor who sent me for the MRI and got the diagnosis 

                push for the MRI ... also intercostal neuralgia could be another cause .... simply unrelated nerve pain allthough the stroke could of triggered this 

                keep me posted gary and best wishes mate 

    • Posted

      Many thanks for your reply, i will discuss the mri scan with my doctor as you suggest.

      Much appreciated.



  • Posted

    Hi All,

    Did anyone find the cause for this? I am having same symptoms since few weeks.


  • Posted

    I am 48 , i have been experiencing pain on left side , just under rib cage for about 6 months. I always have my left arm applying pressure to it , it has just become second nature now.However in the last week it has gotten much worse. It is to painful to lay on my left side and wakes me up throughout the night. Have not found a medicine that works. Taken omeprazole , ppantraprazole.have been told gastritis. I really am not convinced. It zapps my energy and loss of appetite.I have s Dr appt next week.If i learn anything , i will post. In meantime you are not alone. Hope you get better soon.
  • Posted

    Hii James ,

    Yes I am experiencing the same exact tthing and I dont understand why any of the test didnt show the you have an update now?

  • Posted

    Please tell me you found a cure. I'm going through the same thing,took all the rest you did and I got nothing. .drink nothing but green tea and water ..I eat different now,but pain comes and goes..please tell me you found a cure,my life is pure he'll with this pain.

    • Posted

      i had exactly the same symptoms .. it turned out to be a throasic disc herniaton ( slipped disc ) .. the discomfort radiates from the disc via the nerve and this is what gives you the discomfort .. 

                           it took a year and a half to diagnose my symptoms .. ask for a MRI scan to see if this is the probs .. anythings worth a try ..

                           best wishes 

    • Posted

      maybe a silly question, but was the mri of your back or abdomen? can an abdominal mri show disc herniation?

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