huge discomfort blow left rib

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31/2 yrs ago I had a mild stroke. The morning after I felt a small discomfort on my left side just below my rib. The dr looked and felt but could see or feel nothing. Said it may just go away. Gradually the discomfort got worse and now is sometimes unbearable. It is always present and has indeed reduced my quality of life to a great degree.

I have had CT scan, virtual colonoscopy, endoscopy, chest xray and ultrasound. All negative. I have seen a neurologist and 2 x gut consultants, again nothing.

After all that NOBODY has the slightest idea what is wrong. (this is a time when everybody seems to give up on a patient!)

The discomfort is just like as if someone is pushing their first firmy into the area immediately beneath my left lower rib and I tend to be automatically holding my hand, with some pressure on it, all day for somekind of relief.

Is this a nerve or a gut problem, or anything else and perhaps npthing to do with my stroke after all?

I now have to 'get out of my pram' to get any further tests done. Doctors switch off. Have you tried to push treacle through dry sand?!

I am 67. Has anyone else suffered this problem please?


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    I have the exact pain went to docs they done every thing to me that u had done ct mri.  Ultrasound scoped me both ends and every thing negative. I go to ER bout every 60 days for it the give me sot of morphine for the pain be leave me it is real painful it starts slow then gets to the point I can't stand up the shot helps for bout 2 days and it goes away. I've been admitted for it and they still haven't figured it out in the beginning they tried saying I was constipated. After my last episode I waited for it to start again so I took 10 dulcolax and mixed up a 4.1oz of  polyethylene glycol 3350 with 32 oz of gator aid  made sure I was cleaned out the pain was still there so I know it's not constipation they still can't figure it out. So now the doctor is saying exploratory  surgery uh im 55i don't think I could handle that. They tried blameing my ulcers but nope they are bout healed they tried blameing my gastric bypas but nope that's not it either I'd love to find out why this happens so often it's been going on for a solid 2 years so if anyone can give me a clue as to what it is I will talk to my doc about it 

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    I too have been suffering from the same type of pain in the same area over a number of years now. You describe the pain very well. I've seen various doctors within the same local practice and after being sent for an ultrasound (during which the technician arrogantly refused to explore the site of the pain, but instead searched for gall stones, insisting that there is nothing to go wrong on the left side), nothing showed up on the CT scan, or the colonoscopy. I have given up trying to find out what it is because the doctors aren't bothered by complaint that isn't in their textbooks. Only one was briefly excited at the prospect that I might be one of those rare people with back-to-front organs, but lost interest when the scans proved that wasn't the case. Pain killers don't touch it and it affects my life as I can neither sleep properly nor exercise comfortably because of it. I am 67 years old and otherwise quite healthy and this thing in my side caused me to give up my job and is preventing me from enjoying my retirement. I'm amazed there are people here posting the same symptoms, having the same negative responses from their doctors. One registrar I saw has ventured to call it "rib pain" but hasn't explained the cause or offered any medication or treatment to relieve it.

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    Hi 43 Y/o, I have the same problem here and just begun (comeback) like a week ago,let's said that the pain is at the 10 o'clock (if the belly button is 12,right side 3, the back 6, and left side 9 o'clock) i push my fist sideways and feel a little comfort, I remember that I have the same problem as a child for like a month or so,i didn't attended to school because the pain was so strong that I have to lay on my left side with a pillow making pressure over the pain area, in that occasion and after a several visits to the doctor without results my grandma gave me a couple of "ether pearls" and I have a extreme reaction just after a couple minutes, vomit, diarrhea and a huge/enormous burp that was more like an explosion,following with a pleasurable relief, now the pain comeback in exactly the same way (it's not that bad yet ) but I will run to grab some ether pearls and get back to you with the results. 

  • Posted

    James. I am 67. For 24 months I have experienced the very same. It all started after an exercise class. 2 days later horrible back pain left of spine just under left ribs. 3 weeks after digestive issues. Pain immediately or soon after swallowing. Multiple docs. Gastro send me to ortho who sends me to pain management w others in between. I'm still managing on a limited diet and a tens unit. DID YOU FIND ANY ANSWERS? I hope you did and are well. Please update me as it might help me figure this out. Thank you.

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    The thalamus is a structure in the brain.  A thalamic infarct can cause phantom pains elsewhere in the body. 
  • Posted

    Yes have same problem with pressure under my last rib and they don't know why

  • Posted

    I am a 26-year-old female and just woke up with this pain under left rib. It makes me short of breath and it becomes sharp if I have to lift anything.

    After some digging around, I believe my back might be out somewhat or a rib might be slightly out of place. (probably from improperly lifting my kid in his car seat. I have had a rib dislocated, but not enough to see on an x-ray, but when it was put back in, I felt good as new. This feels similar, but the pain in more intense.

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      Hi, did you get to the bottom of it? did you find out what it was?

  • Posted

    Hi, my mum has been having the same pain for a few years now.

    She was first diagnosed with an ulser virus and a hernia in her esophigus. She has recently been told that she has some sort of isue with a Spasmodic esopogus and this is coursing the pain in her ribs!

    They have changed her medication and increased her high blood pressure meds which gave her a small window of relief. Mum is 80 and is in terrible pain all the time. No one seems to be able to diagnose her problem.

  • Posted

    How to start, I have had the same feeling for maybe 20 years now Doctor told me it must be my hiatus hernia that causes it. I have had the hernia since 1985 I also have a fatty lump just below the rip about 2 to 3 cm big. I'm a Lorry driver and have always found the discomfort very annoying I'm 5ft10ins tall weigh around 80kg I have always tried to stay in shape but when driving this pressure under the left rip cage drives me insane you would think I had a huge stomach which was pushing up under there but that's not the case. I'm now 55 years old and it's getting worse I had another gastroscopy? last year I have one around every 3 years to keep a check on my hernia. Doctor told me no increase in size I explained to him this feeling of pressure I have had for years he said it might be something pressing on the vagus nerve he told me this nerve can cause all sorts of problems. Do you get a feeling of fullness after eating very little I can have hunger pains but have this pressure under left rib cage as I said I drive for a living and sitting for so long is now just about unbearable. I will give you some of my medical history to see if we have anything in common.

    1982  Psoriasis

    1985  Hiatus Hernia

    1992  Psoriatic Arthritis

    ?2008  Hospitalized after losing the feeling in right side of face now very sensitive to cold and drafts

    2010  Shingles

    ?I don't know if you take any antacids I have been on omeprazole for 25 years now because of my Hernia I have only just learned that these can cause nerve damage when being taken over a long period of time.

    ?I have had so many tests over the years but the most plausible answer I got was the Vagus Nerve

    ?I will leave it there for now and hope you have found some sort of answer yourself

    2011  Diagnosed with Tinnitis in both ears


  • Posted

    How to start, I have had the same feeling for maybe 20 years now Doctor told me it must be my hiatus hernia that causes it. I have had the hernia since 1985 I also have a fatty lump just below the rip about 2 to 3 cm big. I'm a Lorry driver and have always found the discomfort very annoying I'm 5ft10ins tall weigh around 80kg I have always tried to stay in shape but when driving this pressure under the left rip cage drives me insane you would think I had a huge stomach which was pushing up under there but that's not the case. I'm now 55 years old and it's getting worse I had another gastroscopy last year I have one around every 3 years to keep a check on my hernia. Doctor told me no increase in size I explained to him this feeling of pressure I have had for years he said it might be something pressing on the vagus nerve he told me this nerve can cause all sorts of problems. Do you get a feeling of fullness after eating very little I can have hunger pains but have this pressure under left rib cage as I said I drive for a living and sitting for so long is now just about unbearable. I will give you some of my medical history to see if we have anything in common.

    1982  Psoriasis

    1985  Hiatus Hernia

    1992  Psoriatic Arthritis

    2008  Hospitalized after losing the feeling in right side of face now very sensitive to cold and drafts

    2010  Shingles

    I don't know if you take any antacids I have been on omeprazole for 25 years now because of my Hernia I have only just learned that these can cause nerve damage when being taken over a long period of time.

    I have had so many tests over the years but the most plausible answer I got was the Vagus Nerve

    I will leave it there for now and hope you have found some sort of answer yourself


  • Posted

    I just noticed this was 4 years ago and probably found out already what was wrong.  You did all those tests for nothing because they would not show anything because it has something to do with your muscles. A pulled stomach muscle or it could be your skeletal part of your frame. Like your spine. 

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